President Obama!


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself


Staff member
How about this. Pass the House bill allowing folks to keep their healthcare but with the provision that the current system of "just showing up at the emergency room" is going away. In our other words, you can keep your crappy, sub par insurance, but don't come crying back to the ACA when you find out just how crappy it is.


nowhere special
Selective Enforcement of the Law - Adam Goldfein

Presidential rewriting of the text of laws was found to be unconstitutional in 1998. In the U.S. Supreme Court case Clinton v. New York, the court found that the Line Item Veto Act of 1996 was unconstitutional. The court said,"If this Act were valid, it would authorize the President to create a law whose text was not voted on by either House or presented to the President for signature." Basically, it violates the basic separation of powers afforded under the constitution. The president cannot create a law. That is exclusively the power of congress.Presidential rewriting of the text of laws was found to be unconstitutional in 1998. In the U.S. Supreme Court case Clinton v. New York, the court found that the Line Item Veto Act of 1996 was unconstitutional. The court said, “If this Act were valid, it would authorize the President to create a law whose text was not voted on by either House or presented to the President for signature.” Basically, it violates the basic separation of powers afforded under the constitution. The president cannot create a law. That is exclusively the power of congress.


Staff member
With all due respect, that is an incredible reach. Selective enforcement is far.different than a line item veto. The law is not changed. In fact, selective enforcement is the fact of the constitutional system we live in. Whether it is drug policy, foreign policy, tax policy, economic policy, our elections elect the people we entrust to write and enforce those laws. Who thinks a Republican president would fiercely enforce environmental law? Or that a Democratic president would close down legalized marijuana? Nobody strictly enforced laws governing Wall Street. Go figure.


nowhere special
Read the rest of that link. And how about you showing where selective enforcement is granted to the Executive branch in the Constitution?


Staff member
I still don't see how selective enforcement = line item veto. I see how the author is trying to link the two in order to say that selective enforcement is illegal but that's not what the court decision said.