President Obama!


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself


The Right wing had one year of blockage and mis-information and yet, in less than 3 hours, the Dems in congress will pass the new health care legislation without a single member of the right wing's help.

All the blowhards who spoke today on the right wing had nothing to offer but the same old garbage of "unconsitutional", "un-american", "too expensive", "big goverment", "takeovers"...blah blah blah...

They spoke of "sick" americans without health insurance as "sob-stories", then repeated it on air on FAUX NOISE all day. The republicans got called out by the president when they had a meeting a couple of weeks ago, republicans had a "chance" to bring forward their ideas and solutions, yet, only a handful took the time to actually ofer some.

This bill and issue, which has been debated for decades, will pass with a majority beyond the 216 votes minimum.

Maybe if any of you actually took the time to read this bill, you will see that the Republicans in the house are full of hot air.

As for us at UPS, do any of you believe that under this new health care bill, they would then ask us to pay a portion of the costs? If you do, then you dont know DIDDLY about negotiations.

UPS has tried to get its hourlies to pay for part of health care for years! This bill will change nothing. UPS will ask again in 2013 with or without this bill, so lets not jump on the republican bandwagon and make a claim that will happen no matter what happens to this bill.

Example: the republicans claim this bill will make health premiums higher, unfortunately, health premiums would have risen without this bill to the tune of 50% higher. Now, this bill will prevent the insurance companies from EVER raising premiums to a 50% level.

Let's get it straight, the republicans dragged this out for a year, thought they had it stalled, organized teaparty buffoons to raid town hall meetings only to come up short, and this bill LAW.

Sorry right wingers, YOU LOSE.

The party of NO, will watch as health care reform passes easily.

ha ha^^


Staff member
Give it time, it WILL cost $13 trillion over the next few decades. Which government programs have stayed on original budget forecasts? None. ACA's budget forecast has tripled since the passage of the law and it has barely started yet.
And? I guess in the decades to come we will have that conversation. For now, how about just trying to scare people with current numbers.


golden ticket member
If you only look at one aspect.....youth being able to stay on parent's coverage..............that knocks out the number of youth needed to sign up and fund the others. Flawed concept, even to the standard dummies!! :felloforit1:


Well-Known Member
If you only look at one aspect.....youth being able to stay on parent's coverage..............that knocks out the number of youth needed to sign up and fund the others. Flawed concept, even to the standard dummies!! :felloforit1:

The youth that you speak of are generally underemployed and would end up having their healthcare premiums subsidized.