President Obama!


golden ticket member
You read my post and yet STILL can't help but get your granny panties in a wad and make it all about Obama. By your logic about Obama's ums, ers, and ahs, you consider George Bush pathetic too right? I'm thinking this might be something we can agree on, they are both pathetic.
Bush came off more folksey.
It is all about Obama because he is the PRESENT president.....and I think he's the worst in every category except fund raising and he can fund raise better than anybody even to the point of not governing.


Your chart is outdated (August 2012) as gas is closer to $3/gallon and the national debt does not exclude the carry-over debt from Bush's unfunded wars.

your ur right it's not accurate. Go ahead and add the 13 trillion for Obamacare. Or is that bush's too?


But I would love tell that indigent person I don't want to fit their bill. Everyone has choices in life. If you don't want to be poor do something about it besides holding your hand out.


The Nim
But I would love tell that indigent person I don't want to fit their bill. Everyone has choices in life. If you don't want to be poor do something about it besides holding your hand out.

Eh, I kinda agree and it doesn't sit well with me since I always try to ensure I can afford and pay everything I incur, but there are times where say your car suddenly breaks down or you get a drastic cut in work hours you never expected and as a result you can't pay the medical bill in full.

I do know however that even if you can't pay in full the ER will still help you and even attempt to work out a payment plan. There's just too many people out there, and I know a few, that will do everything they can not to pay a bill from an ER. It does suck to pay these bills, but really if you make an effort most medical institutions will work with you. I just can't fathom taking free medical care without at least attempting to pay it back. It's a service, even if I collapse in the street tomorrow I'd like to pay something towards the people who potentially saved my life. If I can't afford it I'd look into doing something like volunteering to help cover things.


Staff member
She is a he and most wouldn't volunteer and if they did, how realistic is it to pay off $12000 by volunteering? Or $120000 for that matter.


Strength through joy
World News Bureau

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
where did you get $13 trillion for the ACA?

Give it time, it WILL cost $13 trillion over the next few decades. Which government programs have stayed on original budget forecasts? None. ACA's budget forecast has tripled since the passage of the law and it has barely started yet.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member

Anyone think $12.5 billion in profit for all insurance companies combined is a lot? LOL Health insurance companies have among the smallest profit margins of all industries. It's a tiny percentage. People see "billions" and think they are screwing us. You do realize they deal with 1/6th of the entire economy, right?

I know it's "apples and oranges", but Apple (pun intended) alone makes $12 billion in profit in 1-2 QUARTERS!

Apple profit margin - about 20%

Health insurance company profit margin - 2%

Coca-Cola company profit margin - 60%!!!! No one's upset with that!