President Obama!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Paid ???

They have no coverage if they haven't paid.

It amazes me how the gov't came up with this number today, but in days prior had no idea about any numbers.....

You will repeat anything you hear on FOX. What is to be amazed about? The health care law is here to stay. move on.



golden ticket member
Obama's "mission accomplished" speech was laughable yesterday.

They don't know how many sign ups have paid. They don't know who is actually "newly insured" or if they are part of the displaced 6 million who lost their insurance.....or do they know and are just playing with the numbers ? If Obama was UPS management....he'd be fired.
(not puked up Fox words, but my own).


golden ticket member
New York signed up just under 1M.
How many have paid?
How many are newly insured?
How many have lost their ins. and are signing up?

Fully informed is better than just believing what the man says.

He lied in his speech saying no one has presented him with fixes or alternatives.........they have, but Reid has them in his garage I guess....Reid is "Newman" in his job as majority leader.


golden ticket member
When one of the non-payers goes to the doctor and isn't covered, they'll let you know what matters then!

Your statement is with full blinders on.....obamabot-style .

If your mgr. said that sporh is the only number that counts, I wonder if you'd be so compliant.


Well-Known Member
And what is the average subsidy? There is a problem with the program when someone making as much as I do would have gotten a small subsidy because the coverage has to be so inclusive that the premiums are that high.

I would have no problem with ACA if there were different levels of coverage, not mandatory(that is not working anyway), and anything after basic coverage is 100% paid for by the covered.


golden ticket member
How many of the "youth" signed up ?? They are the ones who are planned on to pay for the elderly.

Breakdown......we need breakdown. What kind of "fuggedaboutit" system is this ? They have no numbers (except one) ...... they have no breakdown of that number. I wouldn't hire them to wash my dishes!!!


Strength through joy
Funny they claim to know just how many " signed up " , but can not determine how many paid up .

In my state they claim to have added more then planned for , but the web site does not work .
All requests are being done using paper forms . Since they never hired any extra help , the backlog is several months long .


nowhere special
I expect the real numbers to remain hidden until after the 2014 elections. Maybe they are hoping people will forget by then and what difference does it make anyway?


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself