President Obama!


golden ticket member


Well-Known Troll

Spot the high-ranking Obama officials at General Greene’s funeral.

Legal Insurrection asks, Guess who was missing at the funeral of the highest ranking officer killed in combat since the Vietnam War?

Here’s a clue: it was directly due to this person’s grossly irresponsible policies that Army Major General Harold Greene was killed.

That’s right: the Vacationer in Chief couldn’t make it. He’s too busy playing golf on Martha’s Vineyard.

Vice presidents exist mainly to attend funerals not deemed important enough to warrant the POTUS himself. But Joe Biden must have gotten too absorbed in his favorite cartoons to tear himself away. It seems the tasteless joke serving as Secretary of Defense couldn’t be bothered either.

If you repeat lies, you too, are a liar.


Well-Known Member
Artificially low interest rates. Stock market record highs. And Obama did nothing to help....just riding the coat tails of hyper trickle down.

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
Artificially low interest rates. Stock market record highs. And Obama did nothing to help....just riding the coat tails of hyper trickle down.
If the republicans really wanted to tax the investment banks,taxing the ultra rich,they could have easily that would have passed congress but the back down.


Strength through joy
I can't understand why B.E. is so upset .
The democrats stole the last presidential election ; everywhere voter id was required romney won but everywhere voter id was not required bhos won .
The dumber the voter = more votes for bhos .
These low information voters only followed what the evenings news stations told them to do .
Now these same voters are seeing their gov't checks being smaller since there are more future low information voters being added to the gov't rolls everyday .

This can not be blamed on Bush .
All the blame rests only the current administration .
To state otherwise is to acknowledge that they themselves have no idea how the screwed up world of DC really works .