President Obama!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I only saw the news conference. It was on msnbc. Why do you add things that don't exist?

things that dont exist?

Are you trying to tell us there are NOT thousands of militant muslims in England? Are you trying to tell us that there are not MUSLIM ghettos in ENGLAND?

Are you trying to tell us that the rapper beheader didnt come out of ENGLAND?

Why is it, that you people cant think outside of the box? How does the right wing capture your minds and seal them up like a tupperware container?



Well-Known Member
This didn't exist:

of course, you and moreluck dont have ANY clue as to why cameron raised the threat level in his country, not like FOX news was going to tell you anyways...

Read more:

Of course, you fox news junkies will reject this because you heard it first on TOS Television and not fox news.

Read more:

And everything in between is just your opinion, which is fine, but the PM explained it quit well.


Well-Known Member
According to a 2011' census in the UK, Britain and Wales muslim population stands at 2.7 million making up barely 5% of the total population. Most of those are from outside the traditional Middle East branch from which Wahhabism comes and if one looked at the history of Wahhabism, one would find St. John Bridger Philby with his own British military and intelligence connections. If England is to suffer, it may be at it's own hands for the sins of it's fathers but I suspect the actual level of real threat is about the same as the fictional Goldstein used to keep the followers of Big Brother in permanent mental stir.


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
I'm lazy........wrong! He's so damn lazy, there's nothing to say about him that doesn't include golf.
Anything substantive is soon dismissed as not his idea, or a plan of his that didn't work, or a lie (like your medical costs will reduce by $2500).......Mr. Pinnochio award of the century belongs to him alone!! Oh, and you can keep your plan if you like it.

'Shallow' is a good word for him and his ways.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
I'm lazy........wrong! He's so damn lazy, there's nothing to say about him that doesn't include golf.
Anything substantive is soon dismissed as not his idea, or a plan of his that didn't work, or a lie (like your medical costs will reduce by $2500).......Mr. Pinnochio award of the century belongs to him alone!! Oh, and you can keep your plan if you like it.

'Shallow' is a good word for him and his ways.
Since I can't tell which of your multiple personalities I'm dealing with and that makes a rational discussion with you impossible, I take my leave of you...and you...and you...and...


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Given the known fact that our potus regularly skips intelligence meetings { too boring } and he being a good moderate muslim why would he have a planned defense for the mess that he helped to create .
I like to second guess President Obama as much as the next guy, but I try to make my opinions correlate to some known facts.
And I know that there are facts and considerations that I,as not president, am not privy to. And I have never known of a brown cafe poster that was privy to intelligence reports that a president gets.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Come on wkmac, this is not about the tan in the suit and it never has been. The tan on the man is the issue to lucky,brownie and the other creatures uttering faux outrage.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
He was talking about the fact that he doesn't have a plan to stop ISIS, and admitting it.

Re-read your posts again.
How about we destroy the ISIS air force and navy. Then make sure we cripple their industrial complex which is producing the munitions and weapons being used against the Iraq forces in the democratic state that we created during the nine years of U.S. assistance. Of course the Turks, Iranians, Syrians, and Iraqis will welcome us with open arms. After we destroy ISIS? Next up, the Russians in the Ukraine.Meanwhile our loyal ally , Israel can continue to acquire land after their successful war against the Palestinians -- with the blessing of Cruz , McCain etc. President Obama should ,of course go to Congress for a declaration of war, draft, and an increase in taxes to support our war effort.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
What's your plan?

Like I said, his 'gaffe' was speaking honestly.

What would you do differently, Dragon?
First, it is not my job to come up with a plan to destroy ISIS.

Second, if it was my job as president to come up with the plan to destroy ISIS, with all the military might and military intelligence our great nation has, the plan would already be implemented by now.

And last, your defence of that jerk in the White house is, "WHAT'S YOU'RE PLAN? Are you serious?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
How about we destroy the ISIS air force and navy. Then make sure we cripple their industrial complex which is producing the munitions and weapons being used against the Iraq forces in the democratic state that we created during the nine years of U.S. assistance. Of course the Turks, Iranians, Syrians, and Iraqis will welcome us with open arms. After we destroy ISIS? Next up, the Russians in the Ukraine.Meanwhile our loyal ally , Israel can continue to acquire land after their successful war against the Palestinians -- with the blessing of Cruz , McCain etc. President Obama should ,of course go to Congress for a declaration of war, draft, and an increase in taxes to support our war effort.
I'd start out with, if it is in their territory, and it is moving, with hit it with an air strike. That's how a I would start. Make it really scary to make any move.