President Obama!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
And TOS will declare that Bush was the one .

You got that right.

Worst president since herbert hoover, another republican failure.

To you BUSH is a hero. Let's see, what were his accomplishments??

1) rose deficit to 11 trillion dollars
2) allow our country to be attacked while he read "my pet goat"
3) allowed a sham investigation for 9/11 to be concluded without any hard proof.
4) allowed crude oil to rise to near 155 dollars a barrel, crushing the economy.
5) crashed the stock market from 14000 to 6800
6) had corporated thieves in his administration while they stole millions from employees..
: Ken Lay, Jeffrey Skilling , worldcom, tyco etc etc..
7) allowed male prosititutes to visit Karl Rove at the white house over 100 times
8) started the afghanistan war for no apparent reason
9) started the Iraq war for no apparent reason
10) cost the country trillions for both wars
11) over 10000 of our finest military personnel killed in both wars.
12) allowed haliburton to rip off the government in NO BID contracts
13) allowed near 20 BILLION dollars in shrink wrapped cash to be stolen from our military in iraq.
14) created a housing bubble that crushed middle class americans
15) took the unemployment rate from 4% to 8% in 8 years
16) allowed 55000 factories to close and reopen overseas
17) increased the trade deficit
18) allowed the dollar to shrink to near nothing.
19) almost allowed the banks to all fail causing the biggest recession in history.
20) took away benefits from returning veterans, leaving them to live in their cars, if they still had one.
21) allowed walter reed medical center to fall into disaray, shaming our veterans care.

Hundreds more...

But yet, you think Obama is a bad president???



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Anyone care to comment on this ;

First sentence out of his mouth:

"I WILL RELY ON GENERAL PATREAUS to determine the troop levels to remain in iraq"

Patreaus made the recommendation to leave and helped to sign the troop withdrawal.

"if we leave too early, it means surrendering the future of Iraq to AL QAEDA"...


You republican airheads want to change what he said into some kind of ery forecasting. BUSH was still pushing the "AL QAEDA" threat (even though it didnt exist)

He wasnt talking about "NEW" threats yet to be created. He was still trying to convince americans that iraq needed trillions more dollars spent there or this infamous nonexisted terror group would take refuge in Iraq.

Obviously, this concept FAILED.

Al Qaeda never was in IRAQ or Afghanistan, and they never went "back" to IRAQ to seek refuge, despite this "Prediction" BY BUSH.

But of course, selective editing by fox news and associates attempts to make it out like he was forecasting the ISIS threat, but anyone with a brain knows this is not the case.

Similiar to fox news taking what nancy pelosi said and changing ONE word (from YOU to WE), they simply convince you people that BUSH is saying something he isnt.

Pretty easy stuff.

If you listen to this whole press conference, other than the selective edited portion linked to this thread, BUSH goes on to further his claim that AL QAEDA would come back to Iraq.

Obviously, none of you people will do that. YOU are merely puppets to propaganda.

BUSH no more had a vision, than he did a plan.

Remember "mission accomplished"?? How many years after this did we stay in Iraq?

Dont give the man credit wherre credit isnt due.




golden ticket member
21. and Obama has fixed it all up in the 6 years he's been in charge....NOT !!!

Your list is just that.....your list.

Those veterans might have housing if Obama would quit putting up illegals.
I don't have the time to address your mad rantings and your list....meatloaf doesn't make itself!!
It's all trollese !!
[quote"Brown echo, post: 1405443, member: 52932"]Just that under Obama,the country has done a lot better that it was doing under Bush and most likely better than it would have done under Romney...just saying.[/quote]
Obama Is only doing,what the lazy people want!

Hand me everything,so I do not have to work.

USA of socialism? dont like him,but cant blame him.

We are a lazy fat society. take care of ME! And make everybody else pay for it.



nowhere special
[quote"Brown echo, post: 1405443, member: 52932"]Just that under Obama,the country has done a lot better that it was doing under Bush and most likely better than it would have done under Romney...just saying.
Obama Is only doing,what the lazy people want!

Hand me everything,so I do not have to work.

USA of socialism? dont like him,but cant blame him.

We are a lazy fat society. take care of ME! And make everybody else pay for it.


The welfare people ARE happier under Obama. Its all other people's money anyway.
Obama Is only doing,what the lazy people want!

Hand me everything,so I do not have to work.

USA of socialism? dont like him,but cant blame him.

We are a lazy fat society. take care of ME! And make everybody else pay for it.


The welfare people ARE happier under Obama. Its all other people's money anyway.[/quote]
Guess what? the lazy people vote!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Obama Is only doing,what the lazy people want!

Hand me everything,so I do not have to work.

USA of socialism? dont like him,but cant blame him.

We are a lazy fat society. take care of ME! And make everybody else pay for it.


The welfare people ARE happier under Obama. Its all other people's money anyway.[/quote]

The welfare people? You mean like the wives of our troops?? or the soldiers themselves?

one of the largest group recieving federal assistance...

You should be forced to stand a post and fight for your dinner in the desert someplace rather than complain about our troops needing help to eat.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Again, not one of the things in this link can be proven, and all are exaggerations of the truth.

For instance , the record is very clear and memorialized, the gun running operations to mexican cartels began with BUSH

There have been allegations of "gunwalking" in at least 10 cities in five states.[30] The most widely known and controversial operations took place in Arizona under the ATF's Phoenix, Arizona field division.

2006–2008: Operation Wide Receiver and other probes[edit]
Operation Wide Receiver[edit]

The suspicious sale of AR-15s led to Operation Wide Receiver.[31]
The first known ATF "gunwalking" operation to Mexican drug cartels, named Operation Wide Receiver, began in early 2006 and ran into late 2007. Licensed dealer Mike Detty of Mad Dawg Global informed the ATF of a suspicious gun purchase that took place in February 2006 in Tucson, Arizona. In March he was hired as a confidential informant working with the ATF's Tucson office, part of their Phoenix, Arizona field division.[31]

With the use of surveillance equipment, ATF agents monitored additional sales by Detty to straw purchasers. With assurance from ATF "that Mexican officials would be conducting surveillance or interdictions when guns got to the other side of the border",[12] Detty would sell a total of about 450 guns during the operation.[30] These included AR-15s, semi-automatic AK-pattern rifles, and Colt .38s. The majority of the guns were eventually lost as they moved into Mexico.[6][31][32][33]

As the later DOJ OIG Report documented, under Wide Receiver coordination of ATF Tucson with the ATF Mexico City Office (MCO) and with Mexican law enforcement had been haphazard. Discussions of getting tracking devices from Raytheon were not followed up. ATF field agents and the cooperating gun dealer had been told by ATF supervisors that the guns were being interdicted before they could reach Mexico, but only 64 of the 474 guns had actually been seized. The kingpin sought by walking the guns, Israel Egurrola-Leon, turned out to be the target of a larger drug case Operation Iron River run by OCDETF. After Operation Wide Receiver was ended, several attorneys at the Phoenix USAO who reviewed the Wide Receiver cases for prosecution found the cases had been so poorly managed that they were reluctant to bring any of them to trial.[1]

At the time, under the Bush administration Department of Justice (DOJ), no arrests or indictments were made. After President Barack Obama took office in 2009, the DOJ reviewed Wide Receiver and found that guns had been allowed into the hands of suspected gun traffickers. Indictments began in 2010, over three years after Wide Receiver concluded. As of October 4, 2011[update], nine people had been charged with making false statements in acquisition of firearms and illicit transfer, shipment or delivery of firearms.[23] As of November, charges against one defendant had been dropped; five of them had pled guilty, and one had been sentenced to one year and one day in prison. Two of them remained fugitives.[31]


The welfare people ARE happier under Obama. Its all other people's money anyway.

The welfare people? You mean like the wives of our troops?? or the soldiers themselves?

one of the largest group recieving federal assistance...

You should be forced to stand a post and fight for your dinner in the desert someplace rather than complain about our troops needing help to eat.



Strength through joy
That was for crimes prior to late 2007 .
Where are the charges for after late 2007 ?
Oh, I know the DOJ hasn't released those files yet .
So sometime after 2016 , a new batch of criminals will be found .
I wonder how many will claim that " they were only following orders Holder's orders " ?


Well-Known Member
You should be forced to stand a post and fight for your dinner in the desert someplace rather than complain about our troops needing help to eat.

Have you ever served?

I served just under 8 years in the Air Force. During that time I worked my way up to a supervisory position as an E-5. I was shocked to learn that some of our lower enlisted personnel who were married and had kids actually qualified for Food Stamps and WIC. Granted, most of these kids didn't know the first thing about managing their money, but the mere fact that their meager salaries did not cover their basic needs shocked me.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Have you ever served?

I served just under 8 years in the Air Force. During that time I worked my way up to a supervisory position as an E-5. I was shocked to learn that some of our lower enlisted personnel who were married and had kids actually qualified for Food Stamps and WIC. Granted, most of these kids didn't know the first thing about managing their money, but the mere fact that their meager salaries did not cover their basic needs shocked me.
No, the Troll never served. None if the TROLL PATROL ever served. Go figure.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever served?

I served just under 8 years in the Air Force. During that time I worked my way up to a supervisory position as an E-5. I was shocked to learn that some of our lower enlisted personnel who were married and had kids actually qualified for Food Stamps and WIC. Granted, most of these kids didn't know the first thing about managing their money, but the mere fact that their meager salaries did not cover their basic needs shocked me.
A large percentage of military families below E5 do qualify for wic/food stamps. But isn't that because their housing isn't included as income? For example an E3 makes about $1800 in basic pay and $1400 in housing allowance. But only reports $1800 as income not $3200. So, for a family of 4, their gross yearly income will only be $21,600 instead of $38,400.


Well-Known Member
A large percentage of military families below E5 do qualify for wic/food stamps. But isn't that because their housing isn't included as income? For example an E3 makes about $1800 in basic pay and $1400 in housing allowance. But only reports $1800 as income not $3200. So, for a family of 4, their gross yearly income will only be $21,600 instead of $38,400.

You are right in that housing and other allowances are not included in their income.

It just seems sadly ironic that those who have chosen to defend our country need help feeding their kids.

I never grossed above $20K, even as an E-5. I was fortunate in that my ex is an RN who was grossing in the $50K's back then so money was not a concern for us.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You are right in that housing and other allowances are not included in their income.

It just seems sadly ironic that those who have chosen to defend our country need help feeding their kids.

I never grossed above $20K, even as an E-5. I was fortunate in that my ex is an RN who was grossing in the $50K's back then so money was not a concern for us.

Yes, I served years ago. But the point is, OLDGRAY and brownstuff & the like minded people argue that people on welfare are somewhat scumbags who are lazy and dependent on the government.

What they dont realize, is that one of the largest segment of people on welfare/foodstamps are military families.

Its a disgrace to hear them say such.

But, when they dont know any better, and its all they hear everyday, its the kind of blind hate they repeat.
