President Obama!


golden ticket member
Probably 70% of the welfare receivers don't deserve the help......they are able bodied and just too lazy to get a job.
That's my estimate, not Fox New's. There are people that deserve the hand up, but too many are just getting the 'hand out'.


nowhere special
Yes, I served years ago. But the point is, OLDGRAY and brownstuff & the like minded people argue that people on welfare are somewhat scumbags who are lazy and dependent on the government.

What they dont realize, is that one of the largest segment of people on welfare/foodstamps are military families.

Its a disgrace to hear them say such.

But, when they dont know any better, and its all they hear everyday, its the kind of blind hate they repeat.


Largest segment on welfare are military families? Care to provide some proof for that statement? While it is sadly true that some members of military get government assistance overall they are still a small number compared to those who don't even work and may not even try to work.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Anyone care to comment on this ;
It appears that Bush was a lot smarter than the TROLL PATROL gives him credit for.
Not only was he right about THAT SITUATION, he hit the nail on the head when he talked about what WOULD HAPPEN if we pulled our troops out before it was time.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
It appears that Bush was a lot smarter than the TROLL PATROL gives him credit for.
Not only was he right about THAT SITUATION, he hit the nail on the head when he talked about what WOULD HAPPEN if we pulled our troops out before it was time.

PSSt, this has already been debunked in the isis thread... Try to keep up.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
You got that right.

Worst president since herbert hoover, another republican failure.

To you BUSH is a hero. Let's see, what were his accomplishments??

1) rose deficit to 11 trillion dollars
2) allow our country to be attacked while he read "my pet goat"
3) allowed a sham investigation for 9/11 to be concluded without any hard proof.
4) allowed crude oil to rise to near 155 dollars a barrel, crushing the economy.
5) crashed the stock market from 14000 to 6800
6) had corporated thieves in his administration while they stole millions from employees..
: Ken Lay, Jeffrey Skilling , worldcom, tyco etc etc..
7) allowed male prosititutes to visit Karl Rove at the white house over 100 times
8) started the afghanistan war for no apparent reason
9) started the Iraq war for no apparent reason
10) cost the country trillions for both wars
11) over 10000 of our finest military personnel killed in both wars.
12) allowed haliburton to rip off the government in NO BID contracts
13) allowed near 20 BILLION dollars in shrink wrapped cash to be stolen from our military in iraq.
14) created a housing bubble that crushed middle class americans
15) took the unemployment rate from 4% to 8% in 8 years
16) allowed 55000 factories to close and reopen overseas
17) increased the trade deficit
18) allowed the dollar to shrink to near nothing.
19) almost allowed the banks to all fail causing the biggest recession in history.
20) took away benefits from returning veterans, leaving them to live in their cars, if they still had one.
21) allowed walter reed medical center to fall into disaray, shaming our veterans care.

Hundreds more...

But yet, you think Obama is a bad president???


You are not only crazy, delusional, and a troll, you have a massive hate-on for Bush and conservatives.
You posts are so slanted in that hatred, it's not even amusing to read your crappola any more.


Well-Known Member
You are not only crazy, delusional, and a troll, you have a massive hate-on for Bush and conservatives.
You posts are so slanted in that hatred, it's not even amusing to read your crappola any more.

I once said that TOS is nothing but a mirror in this forum and I've seen nothing yet to make me change my assessment.


nowhere special


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Yes, I served years ago. But the point is, OLDGRAY and brownstuff & the like minded people argue that people on welfare are somewhat scumbags who are lazy and dependent on the government.

What they dont realize, is that one of the largest segment of people on welfare/foodstamps are military families.

Its a disgrace to hear them say such.

But, when they dont know any better, and its all they hear everyday, its the kind of blind hate they repeat.

The only thing you ever "SERVED" was yourself. No way in God's green earth would you ever make it through basic with your attitude.