President Obama!


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
The "A" typical brainwashing that seems to captivate the GOP followers minds, because they only know falsehood.

Oh you are right about the brainwashing part.
Democrats have brainwashed all types of weak minded fools into following the party of the KKK.
After all, those were not Republicans under those white hoods.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Oh you are right about the brainwashing part.
Democrats have brainwashed all types of weak minded fools into following the party of the KKK.
After all, those were not Republicans under those white hoods.
It was, in fact, a democrat that said "I'll have those <N words> voting democrat for the next 200 years."

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Well-Known Troll
So....90% sure it was said? What's 100% crystal clear was how he felt about blacks.

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How did LBJ feel about Blacks?

You may be very young, and can't remember. You may be too lazy to actually look up some facts. You may be too blinded to actually see.

from the article I linked:

But given the tone and tenor of LBJ's conversations on these issues, I think the best we can say is that the quote cited by OP is not inconsistent with LBJ's style. But it seems unlikely that we will ever know if those exact words were uttered. From my own studies, I personally think the quote is either genuine or a fair paraphrase. It's the kind of thing LBJ might say to a Dixiecrat to convince them not to oppose the CRA. Thus, if anyone got "tricked" over the CRA, it wasn't black America -- it was Southern conservative democrats. In other words, as u/Thurgood_Marshall and others note below, while the quote might be genuine, the sentiment was not.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Oh you are right about the brainwashing part.
Democrats have brainwashed all types of weak minded fools into following the party of the KKK.
After all, those were not Republicans under those white hoods.
I guess when I nail the TROLL PATROL (allies of T.O.S.) with a fact they can't challenge, they go silent.
Any of you Trolls want to say those weren't Democrats wearing white robes, hoods, burning crosses, and hanging black folk?



Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
How did LBJ feel about Blacks?

You may be very young, and can't remember. You may be too lazy to actually look up some facts. You may be too blinded to actually see.

from the article I linked:
But given the tone and tenor of LBJ's conversations on these issues, I think the best we can say is that the quote cited by OP is not inconsistent with LBJ's style. But it seems unlikely that we will ever know if those exact words were uttered. From my own studies, I personally think the quote is either genuine or a fair paraphrase. It's the kind of thing LBJ might say to a Dixiecrat to convince them not to oppose the CRA. Thus, if anyone got "tricked" over the CRA, it wasn't black America -- it was Southern conservative democrats. In other words, as u/Thurgood_Marshall and others note below, while the quote might be genuine, the sentiment was not.

I will use a liberal source as a response.

LBJ was a racist and clearly tried to "help" blacks with the intention of winning their votes. I feel sorry for their, and anyone else that fell for it, naivety.

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Republicans are the greatest threat to America in its history.
They want to undo centuries of progress, install the very policies that the Founding Fathers rejected in writing our constitution and rule the world through American exceptionalism.
Scratch what I said.
Republicans are the greatest threat the world has ever seen..