President Obama!


golden ticket member
Yep, he'd have done a better job than Odumbo !


golden ticket member
Oh, the one that isn't Islam ???

You'll never find out because your stuck with a community organizer with no military experience and wearing mom jeans..


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Yep, he'd have done a better job than Odumbo !
Please run Mitt and have Senator Cruz run as you Vice-Presidential Candidate as well. Then we will have a GOP/Republican/Tea Party that will make us soproud to be Americans.They will be the Dumb/Dumber/Dumberest Party of choice for 2016.Run Mittens Run...
I want to see the 'amended tax return' you filed to claim all of the deductions you could have had but had your accountant not claim so you could say you paid a 10% federal income tax rate.
Run Mittens Run...Ah, Mitt The Liar. His Mormon magic underwear didn't work last time and even his 6'2" blond god who lives near his Mormon planet Kolob couldn't help.
Seriously, adults believe this crap.Sure, Mitt, go ahead and run. We've forgotten all about those tax returns and your 47% comment. No, really.Run ,Willard Run.....

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
Oh, the one that isn't Islam ???

You'll never find out because your stuck with a community organizer with no military experience and wearing mom jeans..
I ask you a simple question since you said he'd done a better job than obama in the military strike to ISIS you didn't answer.In your personal opinion.


Well-Known Member
He probably would have listened to his generals. There were serious problems in Iraq in august of 2010.
The problems started when we invaded. Bush provided the conditions for ISIS. A group like ISIS would have started even if we left 5 years from now because building nations from the outside simply doesn't work. Bush failed in Iraq and now the world is paying the price.


Well-Known Member
The problems started when we invaded. Bush provided the conditions for ISIS. A group like ISIS would have started even if we left 5 years from now because building nations from the outside simply doesn't work. Bush failed in Iraq and now the world is paying the price.
We haven't left Germany or Japan yet.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Are you really trying to compare Iraq with WWII?
Sure looks that way.....
(cough) Reagan. Afghanistan. Mujaheddin.

(cough) Ollie. Arms. Iran.

(cough) Rumsfeld. Saddam. Arms again.

Funny how the Right takes every true thing we pointed out about them in the past, and uses it years later to lie their asses off about their opponents


Strength through joy
So now he violates Syria's airspace .
Anyone have a count on just how many countries bhos has violated to date ?
And how many times Congress approved of these violations ?


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
I am saying that Iraq is a greater threat to the world today than Germany or Japan.
It would not surprise me a bit if the people we are training today turn out to be our enemies in one or two decades. A quick look at our history will show a long series of flip-flops between friends and enemies.