President Obama!


Strength through joy
The way barry has structured the military today , all yes men . It's more likely everyone will throw their arms into the air and run away rather than take a bullet for barry .


Well-Known Member
Have you read some of Sober's novels or sat through any of K-marts videos?

In your case I think that is the perfect attitude to have and I fully support you. Being nothing but a nose ring looking for a finger to pull and lead it, I doubt very seriously that you have the intellectual or emotional skills to appreciate either in the first place. I know 12 year olds that show better critical thinking skills than you've ever displayed that I've seen. In our modern world I can truly say, you are the perfect model citizen that the powers that be (State and Corp.) would love for the rest of us to emulate!

In that sense, you truly are Mr. Perfect!

BTW: By you own previous admissions, you and I both know you don't watch any videos therefore you are arguing from ignorance. Thus again.........

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The way barry has structured the military today , all yes men . It's more likely everyone will throw their arms into the air and run away rather than take a bullet for barry .

Umm, baba, under the BUSH administration, DESERTIONS and SUICIDES were at all time highs!

Both catagories exceeded those of vietnam and korea combined.

Yet, you want to propose that OBAMA has created DESERTERS?

Please. Grow up.



nowhere special


Strength through joy
Umm, baba, under the BUSH administration, DESERTIONS and SUICIDES were at all time highs!

Both catagories exceeded those of vietnam and korea combined.

Yet, you want to propose that OBAMA has created DESERTERS?

Please. Grow up.

Changing the topic again .
I never mentioned desertions and suicides .
What I said was that since bhos has forced any member of the military who isn't kissing his (_!_) out . That only leaves a majority of members who imho would rather save themselves then take a bullet to protect him .


Well-Known Troll
Wrong? So let me get this are, despite the treasure trove of historical evidence to the contrary, denying that LBJ was a racist that used the N word regularly? I am guessing that your reference to where I live and what color I am was some feeble attempt to portray that I am not qualified to have an opinion on racial matters? Well, your "assessment" has just back fired on you much like that of an IED blowing up in a terrorists's face because you have been schooled and your narrow-minded views on southern whites is very revealing. Now try and research some history on the subject next time before your consistent hot air sets off another IED.
Did LBJ use the n word regularly? Yes he did. He was born in the early part of the 20th century in rural Texas. A lot of people used that word back then. He may have even had racists opinions as a young man.
By the time he became president he was not a racist. To suggest he was is revisionist history, and a flawed interpretation of the historical record.

You may want to read some fact based history instead of questionable agenda driven tripe.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
You would be in for a shock if you knew the reality of life on a military installation.

I had many cushy jobs in my 8 years in the Air Force.
Come on it was the Air Force for crying out loud.

I got lucky enough to be able to eat at a few Air Force chow halls in my time in the army.

OMG. You guys were living the life in the AF.


Well-Known Troll
You didn't dispute the accuracy of that link. Just a comment on the source. That story was on many new sites. Despite you apparently wishing it wasn't.
I think you mean many right wing hatchet sites.

More small and petty complaints about someone who the right is apparently fearful of.