President Obama!


Well-Known Member

In conclusion, my policies have led to more part-time jobs, more people collecting government benefits, a flat median household income (adjusted for inflation), and rewards and freebies for those who do little or nothing while productive and high-achieving people are punished with higher taxes. While campaigning, I openly stated that I favored income redistribution even if it hurt economic growth. Consider that one campaign promise kept.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member

See post #13384 :biggrin:
Late to the discussion, wk, the thug used that as his 'proof' ages ago, and Mr Thug, your interpretations are not based on historical fact. The nonsense is on your end.

The historical record speaks for itself. A man is judged on his accomplishments, and LBJ, in spite of his weaknesses, has been judged in history, and that judgement does not agree with your biased opinion.

The historical record proves without a doubt that he was a racist. You are just too hard headed to see it. Anyone with a half functioning brain, and that has taken the time to research the guy, can see that his supposed "flip flop" on civil rights was nothing more an opportunist jumping at a golden opportunity to stay politically relevant. And it was republicans that were primarily responsible for passing the CRA. Not LBJ and the democrats. And to think his racism didn't continue well into his presidency, or all the way to his death for that matter, just shows how ignorant you are on the subject.


nowhere special
LBJ was definitely a bigot but he was a man of his times. He usually didn't let his prejudice affect his actions as much as it did his words. He was fairly tolerant for a Southern liberal Democrat of that time.


Well-Known Troll
See post #13384 :biggrin:

The historical record proves without a doubt that he was a racist. You are just too hard headed to see it. Anyone with a half functioning brain, and that has taken the time to research the guy, can see that his supposed "flip flop" on civil rights was nothing more an opportunist jumping at a golden opportunity to stay politically relevant. And it was republicans that were primarily responsible for passing the CRA. Not LBJ and the democrats. And to think his racism didn't continue well into his presidency, or all the way to his death for that matter, just shows how ignorant you are on the subject.
Revisionist history. Read yor history from an actual historical source, not a blog.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Hadn't seen it. Thanks.

The irony is IMO the article proved in some sense LBJ was a mixed bag. But I do believe some of that was just political opportunism as you point out in some degree.

Exactly! "Mixed bag" is perfect. He was still a racist into his presidency and his comments about blacks before and after his presidency started prove without a doubt that he was a racist that later posed as a civil rights advocate and leader to stay politically relevant.
LBJ was definitely a bigot but he was a man of his times. He usually didn't let his prejudice affect his actions as much as it did his words. He was fairly tolerant for a Southern liberal Democrat of that time.

Yeah tolerant....if tolerant is looking down on the black man in such a way a UPS driver looks at the bottom of his shoe after stepping in a mushy pile of brown goo. :biggrin:And he gets credit that he didn't deserve. Republicans were the true pioneers of the civil rights movement. Sure....some opportunist democrats were on board and there were even a few that really believed in the cause. But the fact is that one only needs to look at voting records and dig a little deeper into the personal histories of those that consistently opposed the civil rights movement to get a vivid picture of what really happened. An awful lot of them had a "d' next to their names. LBJ was a fraud pure and simple just like the democrats' ongoing portrayal of republicans being the racists.


Well-Known Troll
Exactly! "Mixed bag" is perfect. He was still a racist into his presidency and his comments about blacks before and after his presidency started prove without a doubt that he was a racist that later posed as a civil rights advocate and leader to stay politically relevant.

Yeah tolerant....if tolerant is looking down on the black man in such a way a UPS driver looks at the bottom of his shoe after stepping in a mushy pile of brown goo. :biggrin:And he gets credit that he didn't deserve. Republicans were the true pioneers of the civil rights movement. Sure....some opportunist democrats were on board and there were even a few that really believed in the cause. But the fact is that one only needs to look at voting records and dig a little deeper into the personal histories of those that consistently opposed the civil rights movement to get a vivid picture of what really happened. An awful lot of them had a "d' next to their names. LBJ was a fraud pure and simple just like the democrats' ongoing portrayal of republicans being the racists.
I have had this conversation before. The voting record says that the Democrats were the supporters, apart from the 'Dixiecrat' wing. LBJ also said the Dems lost the South because of the CRA. The Republicans had the infamous 'Southern Strategy ' that tried to disenfranchise the Black vote, and continues today. I am assuming you are to young to remember Segragation, but I'm not. I remember it up through the 60's as being matter of fact.

Was LBJ a product of his time and upbringing? Of course. Did he use what today would be considered a racial slur, most. Definitely. He was a master of knowing his audience, and getting them to on board with his agenda. To say he was a racist is to ignore his accomplishments. He was like nearly all white people raised in the Deep South at the time, and became more enlightened in the 1960's, as did a lot of us.
Your hatred of 'liberals' is so blinding that you cannot see the forest for the trees.

The Republican Party of Lincoln and T Roosevelt was forever gone. That is not to say that all Dems are civil rights champions, or all Republicans are racists, but frankly, the tone and demeanor of the right could lead a reasoning person to think that. Lok at the posters here. The Right is angry and fearful, and it shows in the vitriol of the posts even in this small microcosm.


Well-Known Member
Exactly! "Mixed bag" is perfect. He was still a racist into his presidency and his comments about blacks before and after his presidency started prove without a doubt that he was a racist that later posed as a civil rights advocate and leader to stay politically relevant.

In regards to the CRA of 64', it's more the work and result of JFK. LBJ benefits as the final signatory but without JFK, I question if history would have played out as it did.

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
In regards to the CRA of 64', it's more the work and result of JFK. LBJ benefits as the final signatory but without JFK, I question if history would have played out as it did.

Not quite. The work and result should be contributed mostly to republicans. They started the process long before LBJ or Kennedy could sign anything. Notably with the 1875 Civil Rights Act. Kennedy had opposed the 1957 CRA (like most democrats) but suddenly flipped flopped during his presidential campaign. It's rather hard not to think that the switch was due to political aspirations and not on an moral grounds. History suggests that Kennedy was politically motivated on the issue and still had to be pushed along at times. Neither Kennedy or LBJ (Especially not LBJ) should be given credit for the CRA. Did they sign anything? Sure. Did they genuinely support the cause with a heartfelt compassion for the plight of blacks? Nope. Did they, or the majority of their party, fight as hard for civil rights as the majority of their republican counterparts? Definitely not.


Well-Known Troll
Not quite. The work and result should be contributed mostly to republicans. They started the process long before LBJ or Kennedy could sign anything. Notably with the 1875 Civil Rights Act. Kennedy had opposed the 1957 CRA (like most democrats) but suddenly flipped flopped during his presidential campaign. It's rather hard not to think that the switch was due to political aspirations and not on an moral grounds. History suggests that Kennedy was politically motivated on the issue and still had to be pushed along at times. Neither Kennedy or LBJ (Especially not LBJ) should be given credit for the CRA. Did they sign anything? Sure. Did they genuinely support the cause with a heartfelt compassion for the plight of blacks? Nope. Did they, or the majority of their party, fight as hard for civil rights as the majority of their republican counterparts? Definitely not.

Selective interpretations, disregarding the nuances involved. Anything from the Blaze is immediately suspect. The UK site is unbiased, but a Cliff notes version.

I would suggest you read this book:
Race and Racism in the United States: An Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic

It has a fairly comprehensive and unbiased look at the entire subject.

For a view of LBJ's role, I found this to be most illuminating:

The problem with your interpretation is you seem to think the Democratic Party is still the party of Southern, White racists, and the Republican Party is still the party of Lincoln and Eisenhower, when nothing could be further from the truth.

By the way, if you want to the origins of the CRA of 1957, you would have to acknowledge Harry Truman and the liberal Democratic Senators who pushed for it. Both Kennedy and Johnson had Presidential aspirations, and thjose certainly played a large part in their lack of support for the 1957 CRA. The 1957 CRA was ineffective, and by 1960, fewer Blacks were voting in the South than before it's passage.

Your hate blinds you.


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Selective interpretations, disregarding the nuances involved. Anything from the Blaze is immediately suspect. The UK site is unbiased, but a Cliff notes version.

I would suggest you read this book:
Race and Racism in the United States: An Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic

It has a fairly comprehensive and unbiased look at the entire subject.

For a view of LBJ's role, I found this to be most illuminating:
You are obsessed with websites when you should be focussing on the content. You will quickly dismiss content for that reason while my first source a while back was from a liberal outlet. So, It's obvious who is more open here.
The problem with your interpretation is you seem to think the Democratic Party is still the party of Southern, White racists, and the Republican Party is still the party of Lincoln and Eisenhower, when nothing could be further from the truth.
You just validated one of my points! LOL! Yes, the Democrat Party were racists. Now....they are just pretending not to be.
By the way, if you want to the origins of the CRA of 1957, you would have to acknowledge Harry Truman and the liberal Democratic Senators who pushed for it. Both Kennedy and Johnson had Presidential aspirations, and thjose certainly played a large part in their lack of support for the 1957 CRA. The 1957 CRA was ineffective, and by 1960, fewer Blacks were voting in the South than before it's passage.
Your hate blinds you.

Yes, acknowledge. But give them credit for it? NOPE. Sorry. The fact is that republicans were primarily responsible. Democrats in general were the problem. Its a fact. How is that hate?


Well-Known Troll
You are obsessed with websites when you should be focussing on the content. You will quickly dismiss content for that reason while my first source a while back was from a liberal outlet. So, It's obvious who is more open here.
You provided an editorial that was published on MSNBC. I would not consider that to be a factual source for anything.
You just validated one of my points! LOL! Yes, the Democrat Party were racists. Now....they are just pretending not to be.
At one time, the Democrats were controlled by the Southern block who were racists, the Northern wing, not so much. If anything, you acknowledge that Southern Whites were, and still are racists, the old Dems are the new Republicans...see the 'Southern Strategy for proof of that. Twisting words is not validating anything, other than desperation.

Yes, acknowledge. But give them credit for it? NOPE. Sorry. The fact is that republicans were primarily responsible. Democrats in general were the problem. Its a fact. How is that hate?
Your hatred of Democrats blinds you. Republican's were not primarily responsible, it was the liberal policies of the left wing of the Democratic Party, led by Truman, that came to fruition in the CRA of 1957. That law was ineffective, but provided a base for the CRA of 1964, which was passed and signed into law by Democrats. The vote was mostly along geographical lines, not party lines, except more Northern Republicans opposed it than Northern Democrats. Southern Republicans were almost non-existent at the time, and all of them opposed, every last one of them. A few Southern Democrats actually supported the CRA. The only 'Northern' Dem Senator in opposition was Robert Byrd (KKK-WV), the man the right likes to use to typify all Dems. If anything, LBJ lost the South to the Republicans after the 1964 CRA, and that still holds today. It might lead one to believe the South is still pretty darn racist.

I've used actual historical record to support my conclusion, you've used bloggers. That's a fact.

Read "Race and Racism in the United States: An Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic", think about what you've read for awhile, try to formulate an opinion based on fact rather than ideology, and get back to us. Bering a self described 'thug' I doubt that will happen.

Good day.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
You provided an editorial that was published on MSNBC. I would not consider that to be a factual source for anything.
At one time, the Democrats were controlled by the Southern block who were racists, the Northern wing, not so much. If anything, you acknowledge that Southern Whites were, and still are racists, the old Dems are the new Republicans...see the 'Southern Strategy for proof of that. Twisting words is not validating anything, other than desperation.

If I had provided an editorial from MSNBC that's content was counter to what I actually did post you'd take it and run with it. You know you would have.

I didn't acknowledge that Southern whites were racists nor will I now. Be careful about which foul words you put into other people's mouths.

Your hatred of Democrats blinds you. Republican's were not primarily responsible, it was the liberal policies of the left wing of the Democratic Party, led by Truman, that came to fruition in the CRA of 1957. That law was ineffective, but provided a base for the CRA of 1964, which was passed and signed into law by Democrats. The vote was mostly along geographical lines, not party lines, except more Northern Republicans opposed it than Northern Democrats. Southern Republicans were almost non-existent at the time, and all of them opposed, every last one of them. A few Southern Democrats actually supported the CRA. The only 'Northern' Dem Senator in opposition was Robert Byrd (KKK-WV), the man the right likes to use to typify all Dems. If anything, LBJ lost the South to the Republicans after the 1964 CRA, and that still holds today. It might lead one to believe the South is still pretty darn racist.

Wrong again on both highlighted lies. Your argument is not sound hence the accusation of hatred towards democrats. And your statement about liberal policies of the Democrat party being primarily responsible for the CRA (any of them) is either a lie or an innocent mistake due to ignorance. I'll let you medicate on that one.

I've used actual historical record to support my conclusion, you've used bloggers. That's a fact.

Read "Race and Racism in the United States: An Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic", think about what you've read for awhile, try to formulate an opinion based on fact rather than ideology, and get back to us. Bering a self described 'thug' I doubt that will happen.

Good day.

You say you are using historic record but you apparently skipped the part where you should have looked at the voting recordings pertaining to CRA. Otherwise you wouldn't still be embarrassing yourself and your fellow democrats by continuing to make these ridiculous statements. It is a fact that democrats where the primary roadblock in every attempt by our government to end racism. This whole thing started with you defending LBJ, which history shows was, in fact, a racist but you have nothing to offer to ATTEMPT to prove otherwise other than claiming that blogs and editorials written on other websites aren't good enough and that I hate democrats (which isn't true either). Well, then why don't you go out there and dig up what supposedly claims proves that LBJ and the democrats collectively weren't staunch racists and opponents of the CRA? Because you can't.

And this nonsense about republicans and democrats flipping roles on racism is just another pathetic ruse by democrats that has no historical basis and should never be taken seriously by anyone. The only flip flop was the democrats politically driven decision to support fair treatment of blacks for their voting power. There hasn't been even one piece of legislation by republicans, nor is there any political belief or platform that they go by, that advocates racism towards blacks. Nothing. Nada. In fact, every since the democrats started pretending to be champions of the civil rights movement their policies have done more harm than good for blacks. So, to me it looks like their racism never ended after all. It's just hidden in their policies and subsequent legislation.

LBJ was a racist. Deal with it.


Well-Known Troll
And this nonsense about republicans and democrats flipping roles on racism is just another pathetic ruse by democrats that has no historical basis and should never be taken seriously by anyone. The only flip flop was the democrats politically driven decision to support fair treatment of blacks for their voting power. There hasn't been even one piece of legislation by republicans, nor is there any political belief or platform that they go by, that advocates racism towards blacks. Nothing. Nada. In fact, every sense the democrats started pretending to be champions of the civil rights movement their policies have done more harm than good for blacks. So, to me it looks like their racism never ended after all. It's just hidden in their policies and subsequent legislation.
Possibly the most ignorant statement I've seen on BC.