President Obama!


nowhere special
I think you mean many right wing hatchet sites.

More small and petty complaints about someone who the right is apparently fearful of.

You also couldn't come up with anything to support any of your arguments so just revert to hate and personal attacks. As usual.


Well-Known Troll
You also couldn't come up with anything to support any of your arguments so just revert to hate and personal attacks. As usual.
What arguments? What personal attacks?

The right is constantly nitpicking meaningless minutea and trying to pretend it means something. It tells me they must fear the man.


nowhere special

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Did LBJ use the n word regularly? Yes he did. He was born in the early part of the 20th century in rural Texas. A lot of people used that word back then. He may have even had racists opinions as a young man.
By the time he became president he was not a racist. To suggest he was is revisionist history, and a flawed interpretation of the historical record.

You may want to read some fact based history instead of questionable agenda driven tripe.

That whole response is full of so much nonsense and is the silliest I've heard in a long time. Thanks for that. WOW!


Well-Known Troll
That whole response is full of so much nonsense and is the silliest I've heard in a long time. Thanks for that. WOW!

Late to the discussion, wk, the thug used that as his 'proof' ages ago, and Mr Thug, your interpretations are not based on historical fact. The nonsense is on your end.

The historical record speaks for itself. A man is judged on his accomplishments, and LBJ, in spite of his weaknesses, has been judged in history, and that judgement does not agree with your biased opinion.

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
Back to'' Republicans' they want to make the president look like a fool and make sure they will be elected next term...