President Obama!


Well-Known Member
More, your chain e-mail and the link offer conflicting information. Your chain e-mail states the amount reported on your W-2 will be taxable yet your link clearly states that this amount will not be considered as taxable income.

3. A requirement that businesses include the value of the health care benefits they provide to employees on W-2s, beginning with W-2s for 2011. The amount reported is not considered taxable income.

Perhaps you should do a little research of your own before blindly passing on chain e-mails.


Für Meno :)
Moreluck, I hope you do know that was what happening for years, actually generations wasn't fair.
Why did employees with no healthcare insurance paid it with thier net pay. And, those with, paid it with gross wages ?

That never made any sense to me !

I know, it's some old outdated union law.
But, the government should have gave it to all or none.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Since just about every one of you seem to come to this thread just about every day. I was just wondering if you think Obama has ever done anything you like.


golden ticket member
Hey, I found the Kiplinger piece after posting what I received in an e-mail. Besides, I like to keep you guys busy double checking!!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Tooner......did your little town survive the visit by the great one ??
Yes and no one got shot that day. And 150 cheerleaders got to attend his visit. And the whole town and nearby areas got shut down for all that time for what?

Since just about every one of you seem to come to this thread just about every day. I was just wondering if you think Obama has ever done anything you like.
No cant think of one.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

That is what I thought. You people are not normal. most of you are stubborn haters that will hate Obama till the day you die and he hasn't done anything to you. I agreed with some things Bush did but everybody knows all the crap he did that put him in that worst president ever status..


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

That is what I thought. You people are not normal. most of you are stubborn haters that will hate Obama till the day you die and he hasn't done anything to you. I agreed with some things Bush did but everybody knows all the crap he did that put him in that worst president ever status..

Then thing about setting a record is that someone else will soon try to break it.
and bho has.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Believe me, when you schedule taking money from me, you have DONE something to me!!

That is like saying I hate you because you look like you might hit me. It doesn't matter if Obama takes some of your money or not, you will still hate him because your miserable with your own life.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

My miserableness is in direct proportion to the faux pas committed by the loonies in DC. Makes me wonder if any of them ever read the bills. Both Holder and Janet (babe) looked like the kid that was in the cookie jar, chocolate all over their faces and saying, "No, not me!"

No, I didn't read it....did you read it?.....No, I've not been briefed.........I've not had time to review it.......Well, *** DO you do ??????:biting:


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington's "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians" for 2009

bho is listed as #7
before Pelosi, Murtha, and Rangel


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

That is like saying I hate you because you look like you might hit me. It doesn't matter if Obama takes some of your money or not, you will still hate him because your miserable with your own life.

But if you think someone is going to hit you. You have choices, defend yourself, or stay away from the bastard. If you stay away from them, they won't affect your life at all. It's about time obama cared about jobs now, don't you think?


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

But if you think someone is going to hit you. You have choices, defend yourself, or stay away from the bastard. If you stay away from them, they won't affect your life at all. It's about time obama cared about jobs now, don't you think?

You are just like UPS management, you thought that this Bush induced disaster would last for four years but the economy is amazingly turning up. Volumes are up and UPS continues with there doomsday plans of laying off more than is needed and dropping the ball on revenue that could be had easily if they thought differently. There are other companies doing the same thing because corporate America is broken. There is something really wrong with a corporate agenda that has only one goal, get the biggest pay check at everybody Else's expense.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

And then suddenly, a lapse of honesty broke out on the floor of the Senate. Durbin replied: "I will concede that this, what you pointed to as a fundamental flaw, a mistake that was made, there was a presumption made, that owning a home was such a valuable American ideal… but, we went too far, we extended the opportunity for home ownership to people who weren't ready. And we believed that if you pushed them to the limit of how much they could pay, that the home would appreciate in value, their incomes would go up and everything would work out. And it turned out that gamble was wrong… on some people. And certainly, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as the ultimate guarantors of mortgages were part of that. So, there is a governmental element here, I don't question that for a moment. So, certainly some blame lies there…"

Durbin continued, "I will concede to the gentleman from Georgia his premise. Do we need to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Yes we do. And if we don't we're going to pay dearly for it. I don't know that we can accomplish it in this bill, accomplish it at this moment, but it literally has to be done… [T]o argue that it doesn't include Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and therefore we can't support it, I think that perhaps we just have a different point of view… [But] I think you're right in what you said."

Durbin even repeated himself, "I'm with you in terms of the reformation [of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac], I just don't believe it is reasonable to require this bill to do everything that needs to be done."

Isakson thanked Durbin, and then Senator Chris Dodd jumped in. He too was apparently feeling rather honest yesterday: "I acknowledge that we in Congress have failed at this responsibility actually going back to 2003… there were various attempts… and we didn't get the job done." Because he blocked them. He left that part out.

Dodd continued, "We in Congress collectively did not get job done with Fannie and Freddie… I acknowledge that." Dodd objected to eliminating Fannie and Freddie without replacing it with another "housing finance system," presumably some other type of government-sponsored entity, although he claimed to be ignorant of knowing what the best option of replacing them were.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

You are just like UPS management, you thought that this Bush induced disaster would last for four years but the economy is amazingly turning up. Volumes are up and UPS continues with there doomsday plans of laying off more than is needed and dropping the ball on revenue that could be had easily if they thought differently. There are other companies doing the same thing because corporate America is broken. There is something really wrong with a corporate agenda that has only one goal, get the biggest pay check at everybody Else's expense.

Obama is getting crapped on every time a company says they are making investments overseas because of a better business climate. Obama could care less about jobs. Many economists say the recession ended last June, what is so amazing about that? You must think of bush as some kind of God. I have never seen one person with so much power


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama is getting crapped on every time a company says they are making investments overseas because of a better business climate. Obama could care less about jobs. Many economists say the recession ended last June, what is so amazing about that? You must think of bush as some kind of God. I have never seen one person with so much power

What better business climate are you referring to, the protesters in Greece ,England or France? You must be talking about the cheap labor in China.
Amazing is an understatement considering the climate in January of that year.
Bush spending 9 trillion during good times will be are true demise, watch and see.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

What better business climate are you referring to, the protesters in Greece ,England or France? You must be talking about the cheap labor in China.
Amazing is an understatement considering the climate in January of that year.
Bush spending 9 trillion during good times will be are true demise, watch and see.

Cisco ceo said he would like to bring profits from overseas back into the US but an unfriendly business climate forces him to put that capital to work elsewhere. It is estimated that there is a trillion $ that could be invested in the US from overseas profits. What changed between January 2009 and June 2009? Many say that stimulus money haven't been spent yet. Only thing I can think of is TARP and stress test results. apology tour? Let me guess bush caused the EU crisis.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

Cisco ceo said he would like to bring profits from overseas back into the US but an unfriendly business climate forces him to put that capital to work elsewhere. It is estimated that there is a trillion $ that could be invested in the US from overseas profits. What changed between January 2009 and June 2009? Many say that stimulus money haven't been spent yet. Only thing I can think of is TARP and stress test results. apology tour? Let me guess bush caused the EU crisis.

Bush is causing the current market meltdown...also i had a flat tire yesterday and i know Bush caused that too. Just remember when things go bad the Liberal mantra is "its Bush's fault., and when things are good its "because of the Messiah". :wink2: