President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Bush is causing the current market meltdown...also i had a flat tire yesterday and i know Bush caused that too. Just remember when things go bad the Liberal mantra is "its Bush's fault., and when things are good its "because of the Messiah". :wink2:

I think Unionman has that printed on a T-shirt.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Cisco ceo said he would like to bring profits from overseas back into the US but an unfriendly business climate forces him to put that capital to work elsewhere. It is estimated that there is a trillion $ that could be invested in the US from overseas profits. What changed between January 2009 and June 2009? Many say that stimulus money haven't been spent yet. Only thing I can think of is TARP and stress test results. apology tour? Let me guess bush caused the EU crisis.

The crisis began with the housing bubble that everybody knew was coming. It was asseverated by the banks not loaning a nickel to anybody and finally the economy came to a screeching Holt in November of that year. I remember a pilot telling me that a guy that loads the planes in China ask him, "who turned off the faucet in the U.S.A. He said it was like somebody had turned off a switch.
No Bush will not take the blame for the EU crisis but the buck will stop on his name in history when that chapter is written.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Cisco ceo said he would like to bring profits from overseas back into the US but an unfriendly business climate forces him to put that capital to work elsewhere. It is estimated that there is a trillion $ that could be invested in the US from overseas profits. What changed between January 2009 and June 2009? Many say that stimulus money haven't been spent yet. Only thing I can think of is TARP and stress test results. apology tour? Let me guess bush caused the EU crisis.

No, the Greece politicians did. Because they focus on re-election rather then on the deficit.
Same social governments the US has, since atleast the past 10 years.
Give the people what they want, tax cuts, medicare, and let the deficit rise.
Now it's to a point it's out of control. Even if the debt was totally paid off, the budget deficit would continue, because of the liabilties towards those social programs are larger then the Governments income.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

That is like saying I hate you because you look like you might hit me. It doesn't matter if Obama takes some of your money or not, you will still hate him because your miserable with your own life.
I am not miserable with my own life, nor is anyone who opposes Obama necessarily. We do not like one thing he has done, that does not make us haters.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

The crisis began with the housing bubble that everybody knew was coming. It was asseverated by the banks not loaning a nickel to anybody and finally the economy came to a screeching Holt in November of that year. I remember a pilot telling me that a guy that loads the planes in China ask him, "who turned off the faucet in the U.S.A. He said it was like somebody had turned off a switch.
No Bush will not take the blame for the EU crisis but the buck will stop on his name in history when that chapter is written.

Make up your mind, you said it was wall street before. But I agree, housing. And who was the biggest buyer of mortgages? If it was ok for freddie and fannie, why was it wrong for others? So will obama take credit for this market fall? I doubt it. Where do you think the bottom of the S&P will fall to this time, 1000, 950, 900, or even lower? 950 is about par for this administration. Again what happened between January 2009 and June 2009? Economies are cyclical, they will bottom on their own and bounce back without intervention. I think obama intervention was too late, we had already bottomed. With piss poor stimulus planning we are getting a piss poor bang for our buck. With a possible trillion $ coming in from overseas that would be like 3 or 4 govt. stimulus packages (no, better yet, priceless) because they would be targeted, produce sustainable jobs. And the kicker, bring in revenue instead of being a drain on into the future.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

No all of the stimulus money has been spent, so why not use whats left to hire youths for the summer ?
Think about it.
It would be the easiest way to jump start any local economy.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

No all of the stimulus money has been spent, so why not use whats left to hire youths for the summer ?
Think about it.
It would be the easiest way to jump start any local economy.

There are plenty of low paying jobs out there. You have to want to work first.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Well, I met a family in Florida.
They can't pay their mortage, and basically it's going to lead into forclosure.

Ok, hubby is laid off, that happens wife is still working full time for the school district.
But, they have 3 teenage daughters , ages 19, 17, and 17 (one from him - second marriage), but all live within the same house (that they are going to lose).

These daughters have almost everything. own TV, laptops, cell phones, etc. However, don't work. Not, even part-time.

I don't know about you guys/gals. But, if I was in a situation, where the family home is at stake, wouldn't you ask your teenagers to perhaps get a p/t job and help out, before we lose everything ?

Or is that the american way now ? Let kids be kids ?
In my opinion they can't blame Bush nor Obama for his layoff and not being able to make mortgage payments.
But, if the family stuck together, it could result in another home being saved from foreclosure, and bring the family back on it's feet.

I guess, I'm old fashion, and not used to this new generation !

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

Well, I met a family in Florida.
They can't pay their mortage, and basically it's going to lead into forclosure.

Ok, hubby is laid off, that happens wife is still working full time for the school district.
But, they have 3 teenage daughters , ages 19, 17, and 17 (one from him - second marriage), but all live within the same house (that they are going to lose).

These daughters have almost everything. own TV, laptops, cell phones, etc. However, don't work. Not, even part-time.

I don't know about you guys/gals. But, if I was in a situation, where the family home is at stake, wouldn't you ask your teenagers to perhaps get a p/t job and help out, before we lose everything ?

Or is that the american way now ? Let kids be kids ?
In my opinion they can't blame Bush nor Obama for his layoff and not being able to make mortgage payments.
But, if the family stuck together, it could result in another home being saved from foreclosure, and bring the family back on it's feet.

I guess, I'm old fashion, and not used to this new generation !

I agree, the new generation is lazy and blames everything on someone else...kinda like Obama does.

When I was driving thru Regina, Saskatoon,and Edmonton awhile back i saw so many teenage kids hanging out at stores and gas stations but none were working at any of the places...i guess they have nothing better to do. Whatever happened to getting a job to make some cash to spend on booze and weed. LOL


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

I agree, the new generation is lazy and blames everything on someone else...kinda like Obama does.

When I was driving thru Regina, Saskatoon,and Edmonton awhile back i saw so many teenage kids hanging out at stores and gas stations but none were working at any of the places...i guess they have nothing better to do. Whatever happened to getting a job to make some cash to spend on booze and weed. LOL

Oh yeah, same crap up north. And if they do work, they get to keep all of thier money (mostly spend it foolishy), and still ask for more from home (for clothes, food, toys , even cars).
Spoiled rotten.

When I was working as a teen part time (still going to school), I actually had to give my dad a portion of my income. Really pi..sed me off at the time.
But, later , it just made sense to me (that I should constribute to the household).


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

I agree, the new generation is lazy and blames everything on someone else...kinda like Obama does.

When I was driving thru Regina, Saskatoon,and Edmonton awhile back i saw so many teenage kids hanging out at stores and gas stations but none were working at any of the places...i guess they have nothing better to do. Whatever happened to getting a job to make some cash to spend on booze and weed. LOL

Oh, almost forgot, all 3 daughters have a car, too ! They have a total of 5 vehicles in the household.
They are basically doing the mortgage forgiveness act thing.

Now they are having a very hard time finding a place (rental) that has room for 5 vehicles !!!!


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

There are plenty of low paying jobs out there. You have to want to work first.

What's the motivation to want to work when this keeps happening??

Obama wants everyone to become dependant on government it's all part of his agenda!:sick:

If he were creating jobs instead of losing them, then, maybe we would actually see the economy turn around legitimately...The jobs are taking way too long to come back since they say the recession was over last June?

Lower taxes, and quit all the spending.:peaceful: As the saying goes "it's the economy/jobs stupid!

Where is the fire under the Whitehouse's rear end regarding the jobs issue, it's not there, more power to a bigger government, spreading the wealth and getting checks from Obama!:wink2:

Can anyone say double dip?
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Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

What's the motivation to want to work when this keeps happening??

Obama wants everyone to become dependant on government it's all part of his agenda!:sick:

If he were creating jobs instead of losing them, then, maybe we would actually see the economy turn around legitimately...The jobs are taking way too long to come back since they say the recession was over last June?

Lower taxes, and quit all the spending.:peaceful: As the saying goes "it's the economy/jobs stupid!

Where is the fire under the Whitehouse's rear end regarding the jobs issue, it's not there, more power to a bigger government, spreading the wealth and getting checks from Obama!:wink2:

Can anyone say double dip?

+1 Exactly...what he said!!!!:thumbup::thumbup:
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golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama is on T.V. every single flippin' day, but he hasn't held a presidential news conference since July '09 !! Coward !!! What's he afraid of ?? LOSER !!:knockedout:

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama is on T.V. every single flippin' day, but he hasn't held a presidential news conference since July '09 !! Coward !!! What's he afraid of ?? LOSER !!:knockedout:

He is afraid to have a news conference because unlike all his staged speaches where he has teleprompters, he knows the questions ahead of time, and the crowd is all liberals he would have to answer tough questions. You know its that "Transparency" thing he campaigned on...not that he has been liar or anything...


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

That’s not all they never wrote

By Cornelius Chapman
Monday, May 24, 2010
So who wrote Barack Obama’s 1995 “Dreams From My Father?”
A literary prosecutor would build the following case: While in college Obama published nothing but poems (Sample: “Under water grottos/Caverns filled with apes/That eat figs.”) and a student newspaper article. As a member of the Harvard Law Review he published only one unsigned article, an indication that while recognized as a leader, his writing didn’t impress editors.
At the University of Chicago Law School, Obama wrote nothing in 12 years - a firing offense in “publish or perish” academia. Obama had a $125,000 publishing contract to write his life story, however - he was, after all, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. Obama burned through his advance without producing a manuscript. New Yorker editor David Remnick reports in his recent biography of the president that Obama told a fellow community organizer he “had trouble writing.”
Jack Cashill, author of a study of bogus biographies such that of Nobel Prize winner Rigoberta Menchu, and Christopher Andersen, author of “Barack and Michelle: Portrait of a Marriage,” believe that “Dreams” is Ayers’ work, not Obama’s.
To write, one needs a quality known by a Yiddish term Obama probably heard during his years in Chicago’s predominantly Jewish Hyde Park neighborhood - “sitzfleisch.” The ability to sit one’s flesh down is essential to the writer’s trade, but incompatible with the glad-handing nature of politics.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

A year after Obama pledged to end the practice of funding the wars in Afghanistan

and Iraq with "emergency" spending bills, the Senate is taking up a $60 billion request that would do exactly that.

Liar, liar pants on fire !!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Yep, O-bomb-a's economic plan is really terrific. Check out the stock market....presently below 10,000. Yep, all his followers see improvement. Are they blind?? :dissapointed:


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Yep, O-bomb-a's economic plan is really terrific. Check out the stock market....presently below 10,000. Yep, all his followers see improvement. Are they blind?? :dissapointed:
Remember the middle class maroon thread? You should have pulled out when the market crashed 1000 points in 20 minutes.