President Obama!

bill blutnach

Well-Known Member
Communications director for Rep. Stephen Fincher of Tennessee:

Predictably, Lauten's bizarre rant about how the president's 13 and 16-year-old children looked like bar slags was poorly received, drawing fire after a screenshot was shared on Twitter by The Root's Yesha Callahan. As somenoted, the comments seemed particularly ironic given the numerous alcohol-related charges racked up by Bush's daughters during the last Republican presidency.

die short dress mit die combat boots ist gut ja?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
It's sad that Bush is ranked so low. I admit he wasn't even close to being a great pres but to say he is the worst is just as bone headed as blaming him for the current economic mess we are in. Hell, liberals (including Obama) blame him for just about everything that happens. Democrats controlled Congress during much of his presidency. They are the ones that jacked things up and still are to this day. Bush was a much better president than Carter. And, so far, way better than Obama.
Not to mention that we were attacked 8 months into his presidency, and the economic turmoil that ensued.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Not to mention that we were attacked 8 months into his presidency, and the economic turmoil that ensued.

PSST, the WORST terror attack in HISTORY on our country happened on his watch. That alone makes him the worst president of all time.

From that point on, BUSH screwed up america second only to Herbert Hoover.

NO OTHER President has that record of achievement.
