President Obama!


golden ticket member


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Hey, how about how Odumba traded one military deserter for 4 (or was it 5) dangerous detainees from Guantanamo without telling the Congress about it before hand.

This president is the most divisive president we've ever had. You'd better work with him, or he'll veto the bills that are put in front of him, regardless of who supports it. If it wasn't HIS choice, then he'll veto. He's going to be doing a big disservice to whatever dem gets the nomination. This is going to shatter dems favorite comment that Republicans are the "party of no".

It's difficult to continue saying that while the pos...err, I mean potus is shooting down bills which make it through both chambers of congress with bipartisan support. Man, it would have been nice if harry reid was still Senate majority it never reached pres' desk
Super -- are you for real? Mitch McTurtle said his primary goal was to obstruct the President at every turn.

Is your memory THAT HAZY?


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
I am, and it is not.

Just because you're in love with this administration and it's moral bankrupt leader and can't see how he's a total piece of crap is your problem, not mine.
You and the rest are more interested in lore than what is fact...
facts are confusing and laden with caveats... while lore is a nice story and easy to remember... and if you don't remember it exactly... well that's okay..You have Conservative selective memory and double standards. Business as usual.


Well-Known Troll
Whatever makes you feel better about yourself bro.;)

First TOS refused to argue that point, and now you join him. If this word is so offensive, then NOBODY should say it.

Yet, these morons run around singing it and greeting each other with it in a positive manner, well that means it's not THAT offensive.

I really couldn't care less about what some people who don't know me think about me, it's never mattered one bit to me. I'll sleep just fine tonight.

If someone is worthy of being described with that word, then they will be. If someone deserves to be called White Trash, then they should be. I don't pigeon hole people like some of the "people" here


Well-Known Member
First TOS refused to argue that point, and now you join him. If this word is so offensive, then NOBODY should say it.

Yet, these morons run around singing it and greeting each other with it in a positive manner, well that means it's not THAT offensive.

I really couldn't care less about what some people who don't know me think about me, it's never mattered one bit to me. I'll sleep just fine tonight.

If someone is worthy of being described with that word, then they will be. If someone deserves to be called White Trash, then they should be. I don't pigeon hole people like some of the "people" here
Didn't your parents teach you two wrongs don't make a right? Must have forgotten that lesson among many others.


Well-Known Member
Then again it's pretty easy to hide behind a keyboard and say it. Somehow I just don't think you have the superballs to say it one's face.;)


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
A friend? The leader of a county.....our ally, that Obama disrespects.
Gee. you didn't ask who's paying when Bergdahl's parents or the Spurs came to the White House.
And if there was a Democratic Congress and a Republican President, and Democrats invited a head of government to address Congress, morelock would yell from the mountain tops that it's TREASON not to back the President's foreign policy. And she'd do it without a hint of irony or self-awareness.Republicans starting with Reagan are the only ones I have known to buddy up with terrorists!
Or should I have said Pal around with?Ha.....