President Obama!


golden ticket member
And if there was a Democratic Congress and a Republican President, and Democrats invited a head of government to address Congress, morelock would yell from the mountain tops that it's TREASON not to back the President's foreign policy. And she'd do it without a hint of irony or self-awareness.Republicans starting with Reagan are the only ones I have known to buddy up with terrorists!
Or should I have said Pal around with?Ha.....
People can invite who they want to their party!!


Well-Known Troll
If Bush was so good in the first place, why were the makings of ISIS even there to begin with?

Bush left office in '09, Isis came about in '14.

Obama's handling of Syria is to blame for them, Bush didn't draw a BS red line for dealing with Syria. Let the past die there, pull out all the troops of all parts of the middle east and let those morons just kill each other.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
If Bush was so good in the first place, why were the makings of ISIS even there to begin with?
The fact that you even post such a question proves that you and brownarmy are know-nothing trolls.
Go back and find the very first news story of ISIS, then figure out how much time passed from Jan. 2009. Then maybe you and brownarmy will realize just what a bunch of dumbies you really are.
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Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
The real winter storm.


Well-Known Member
The fact that you even post such a question proves that you and brownarmy are know-nothing trolls.
Go back and find the very first news story of ISIS, then figure out how much time passed from Jan. 2009. Then maybe you and brownarmy will realize just what a bunch of dumbies you really are.

I may be a know-nothing troll but at least I'm not so blinded by a one sided political hate that I'm fixated with everything bad starting after January 2009'.

Thus I'll pose the question again, if Bush was so good, why were the makings friendor ISIS still there?

History of ISIS

The insurgent group was launched by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, an Arab of Jordanian descent, and flourished in the sectarian tensions that followed the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. Zarqawi had commanded volunteers in Herat, Afghanistan, before fleeing to northern Iraq in 2001. There he joined with Ansar al-Islam (Partisans of Islam), a militant Kurdish separatist movement, for whom he led the group's Arab contingent. Analysts say this group, not al-Qaeda, was the precursor to AQI.

Ahead of the 2003 invasion, U.S. officials made a case before the UN Security Council linking Zarqawi's group with Osama bin Laden, though some experts say it wasn't until October 2004 that Zarqawi vowed obedience to the al-Qaeda leader. The U.S. State Department designated AQI a foreign terrorist organization that same month. "For al-Qaeda, attaching its name to Zarqawi's activities enabled it to maintain relevance even as its core forces were destroyed [in Afghanistan] or on the run," wrote Brian Fishman, a counterterrorism fellow at the New America Foundation.

A U.S. air strike that killed Zarqawi in June 2006 marked a victory for U.S. and Iraqi intelligence and a turning point for AQI. In its aftermath, Abu Ayyub al-Masri, an Egyptian-born explosives expert and former Zawahiri confidant, emerged as AQI's new leader. In October 2006, Masri adopted the alias Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) to increase the group's local appeal, which suffered just as Zawahiri had feared, and embody its territorial ambitions; it later came to be known as ISIS, reflecting its broadened ambitions as instability in neighboring Syria after the 2011 uprising there created new opportunities to exploit.

Islamic State in Iraq and Syria


Well-Known Troll
I may be a know-nothing troll but at least I'm not so blinded by a one sided political hate that I'm fixated with everything bad starting after January 2009'.

Thus I'll pose the question again, if Bush was so good, why were the makings friendor ISIS still there?

History of ISIS

Islamic State in Iraq and Syria

So ISIS has been around since '06, but we just heard about them in '14? Man, these guys are pretty good at flying under the radar
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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.

So ISIS has been around since '06, but we just heard about them in '14? Man, these guys are pretty good at flying under the radar
Just another way these trolls can blame Bush for everything that's going wrong now.
Bush was a mediocre President if you ask me. That's leagues above where Odumbo is at.


Well-Known Member
Just another way these trolls can blame Bush for everything that's going wrong now.
Bush was a mediocre President if you ask me. That's leagues above where Odumbo is at.

Actually, you can trace the beginnings of ISIS back to 1999' and last time I looked, that was before your Beloved, Saintly Bush. The "Blame Bush for everything" reaction is a fallacious argument. IMO it's on the same order of "you criticized Obama so you must be a racist" BS.

So ISIS has been around since '06, but we just heard about them in '14? Man, these guys are pretty good at flying under the radar

2014' was when Al Qaeda and ISIS split from one another. Al Qaeda told ISIS to stop the civilian attacks, ISIS refused so AQ broke off the relationship. Then ISIS stood on it's own so to speak. Before that, the reference was always to Al Qaeda even though it could be an action of any number of region organizations under a regional name. Besides, the American public were conditioned to respond to the name Al Qaeda so there you go.

Al Qaeda has never been a single monolithic organization as most people take for granted that it is. It's a network of various regional non state entities with it's own regional control. I found it better said by Rohan Gunaratna in his 2002' work, "Inside Al Qaeda" pp 95-96.

"Al-Qaeda's global network, as we know it today, was created while it was based in Khartoum, from December 1991 till May 1996. To coordinate its overt and covert operations as al-Qaeda's ambitions and resources increased, it developed a decentralized, regional structure.

As a global multinational, al-Qaeda makes its constituent nationalities and ethnic groups, of which there are several dozen, responsible for a particular geographic region. Although its modus operandi is cellular, familial relationships play a key role."

If you watch the various talking heads on say TV (regardless the network) who mostly are either politically charged or have other self serving agendas, those 2 minute rants tell you almost next to nothing of what you may really need to know. In fact, it's easy to think ISIS popped up out of thin air in 2014'. To find the truth, one has to dig a bit deeper. Learn to question EVERYTHING and then verify for yourself.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Actually, you can trace the beginnings of ISIS back to 1999' and last time I looked, that was before your Beloved, Saintly Bush. The "Blame Bush for everything" reaction is a fallacious argument. IMO it's on the same order of "you criticized Obama so you must be a racist" BS.

2014' was when Al Qaeda and ISIS split from one another. Al Qaeda told ISIS to stop the civilian attacks, ISIS refused so AQ broke off the relationship. Then ISIS stood on it's own so to speak. Before that, the reference was always to Al Qaeda even though it could be an action of any number of region organizations under a regional name. Besides, the American public were conditioned to respond to the name Al Qaeda so there you go.

Al Qaeda has never been a single monolithic organization as most people take for granted that it is. It's a network of various regional non state entities with it's own regional control. I found it better said by Rohan Gunaratna in his 2002' work, "Inside Al Qaeda" pp 95-96.

If you watch the various talking heads on say TV (regardless the network) who mostly are either politically charged or have other self serving agendas, those 2 minute rants tell you almost next to nothing of what you may really need to know. In fact, it's easy to think ISIS popped up out of thin air in 2014'. To find the truth, one has to dig a bit deeper. Learn to question EVERYTHING and then verify for yourself.
I never asked when you can trace the roots of ISIS back to.
I asked when was the first mention of ISIS in the news media was?
Typical of trills not to answer questions they were asked, but answering questions they want to answer.


Well-Known Member
I never asked when you can trace the roots of ISIS back to.
I asked when was the first mention of ISIS in the news media was?
Typical of trills not to answer questions they were asked, but answering questions they want to answer.

And yet, you've addressed nothing in his reply.

So, trolls are anyone who doesn't agree with you?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
And yet, you've addressed nothing in his reply.

So, trolls are anyone who doesn't agree with you?
I did address something in my reply. I pointed out the fact that he ignored my question, but went on to answer a question he made up. To my knowledge, no one on BC asked for his version of the origins of ISIS. Yet that is what he spent his efforts on.