President Obama!


Well-Known Troll
Obama Won’t Speak to Netanyahu… But Visits Indian Leader 10 Days Before Election

He'll speak to some ghetto clown who's afraid her husband will be shot by the Po-Po. I'm not sure who's dumber, the President, or those responsible for him being in that office......It's a toss up

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real


Well-Known Member
I never asked when you can trace the roots of ISIS back to.
I asked when was the first mention of ISIS in the news media was?
Typical of trills not to answer questions they were asked, but answering questions they want to answer.

No, I did answer that question in post #13997. Superballs raised the same point about 2014' and I responded to that.

Maybe you just don't like the answer.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
No, I did answer that question in post #13997. Superballs raised the same point about 2014' and I responded to that.

Maybe you just don't like the answer.
I don't think so. Try answering my question, the one you responded to. In case you forgot, go back and read my original post. I'll make it easy for you.
What was the first report of ISIS in any news media? And how long was that date from the date President Bush left office?
Simple questions.
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Well-Known Member
I don't think so. Try answering my question, the one you responded to. In case you forgot, go back and read my original post. I'll make it easy for you.
What was the first report of ISIS in any news media? And how long was that date from the date President Bush left office?
Simple questions.

I see, you want an answer that is framed in such way as to justify your conclusion. OK, I'll play you way.

Your original post with your question.

The fact that you even post such a question proves that you and brownarmy are know-nothing trolls.
Go back and find the very first news story of ISIS, then figure out how much time passed from Jan. 2009. Then maybe you and brownarmy will realize just what a bunch of dumbies you really are.

superballs followup along the same lines.


So ISIS has been around since '06, but we just heard about them in '14? Man, these guys are pretty good at flying under the radar

Now Super actually nailed the date specific as it was mostly in the Summer of 2014' when Americans in general heard the term ISIS for the first time. Now that would be about 5 years and some change from your Jan. 09' date. I might also add that 2014' was an election year so I'll just drop that out there and walk away from it.

And now to my response in post 13997.

Actually, you can trace the beginnings of ISIS back to 1999' and last time I looked, that was before your Beloved, Saintly Bush. The "Blame Bush for everything" reaction is a fallacious argument. IMO it's on the same order of "you criticized Obama so you must be a racist" BS.

2014' was when Al Qaeda and ISIS split from one another. Al Qaeda told ISIS to stop the civilian attacks, ISIS refused so AQ broke off the relationship. Then ISIS stood on it's own so to speak. Before that, the reference was always to Al Qaeda even though it could be an action of any number of region organizations under a regional name. Besides, the American public were conditioned to respond to the name Al Qaeda so there you go.

Al Qaeda has never been a single monolithic organization as most people take for granted that it is. It's a network of various regional non state entities with it's own regional control. I found it better said by Rohan Gunaratna in his 2002' work, "Inside Al Qaeda" pp 95-96.

If you watch the various talking heads on say TV (regardless the network) who mostly are either politically charged or have other self serving agendas, those 2 minute rants tell you almost next to nothing of what you may really need to know. In fact, it's easy to think ISIS popped up out of thin air in 2014'. To find the truth, one has to dig a bit deeper. Learn to question EVERYTHING and then verify for yourself.

If the fact that the media began reporting on ISIS and the talking heads talked about ISIS means ISIS began in 2014' under Obama's watch, then your conclusion of ISIS is correct. For that matter, for many people Al Qaeda didn't begin until Sept. 2001 so consider that.

But a deeper study of the subject reveals the media and talking heads as typical weren't giving us the full story either. Had your bias concerning Obama not overwhelmed your ability to think and question, you just might have realized this.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I see, you want an answer that is framed in such way as to justify your conclusion. OK, I'll play you way.

Your original post with your question.

superballs followup along the same lines.

Now Super actually nailed the date specific as it was mostly in the Summer of 2014' when Americans in general heard the term ISIS for the first time. Now that would be about 5 years and some change from your Jan. 09' date. I might also add that 2014' was an election year so I'll just drop that out there and walk away from it.

And now to my response in post 13997.

If the fact that the media began reporting on ISIS and the talking heads talked about ISIS means ISIS began in 2014' under Obama's watch, then your conclusion of ISIS is correct. For that matter, for many people Al Qaeda didn't begin until Sept. 2001 so consider that.

But a deeper study of the subject reveals the media and talking heads as typical weren't giving us the full story either. Had your bias concerning Obama not overwhelmed your ability to think and question, you just might have realized this.
But Al Queda was repeatedly reported on by the news media for at least 10 years before 9/11.
So who are these "PEOPLE" who never heard of them? Democrats?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
But Al Queda was repeatedly reported on by the news media for at least 10 years before 9/11.
So who are these "PEOPLE" who never heard of them? Democrats?

This goes to show how LITTLE you understand about terrorism, terror groups and the players that lead them...

let me see if I can help you out?

During the BUSH administration, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was captured and held in a prison in Iraq. Baghdadi was RELEASED by the BUSH administration as HARMLESS, even though, at the time, he was a member of the Mujahideen council, an off shoot of the taliban in Iraq.

"He is said to have founded (circa 2003) his own small insurgent group, the Jaysh Ahl al-Sunna, active in Samara, Diyala and Baghdad. He was held captive by U.S. Forces-Iraq at Camp Bucca near Basra from February until December 2004 as a "civilian detainee" but eventually was recommended for an "unconditional release" by a Combined Review and Release Board."

From there:

"In 2006 his group became associated with the umbrella organization collectively known in Western media as al-Qaeda in Iraq, the precursor of the Islamic State, led by Hamid Al-Zawi ,Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was appointed General Supervisor of its Sharia Committee and member of the internal self governing Majlis. In 2010 Hamid Al-Zawi was killed, and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi became his successor in leadership. Baghdadi boasts of extensive "security and military experience", and is said to be a former member of Saddam Hussein's notorious, elite gestapo organization, the Fedayeen Saddam."

and there:

"On April 8, 2013, Baghdadi tried to subsume control over the Al Nusrah Front, the Syrian arm of al-Qaeda, run by a former Baghdadi lieutenant, Abu Muhammad al Julani. Julani rejected the efforts and upheld his oath to al Qaeda and bin Laden's successor, Ayman al-Zawahiri. On May 23rd Zawahiri publicly dissolved Baghdadi's new entity, ISIS, and said Baghdadi's operations as the Islamic State of Iraq should be confined to Iraq. Baghdadi openly defied Zawahiri's order. Efforts to mend the rift between DAESH and the al Nusrah Front failed when al Qaeda's mediator was murdered by suicide bombers."

ISIL is nothing NEW bro. The USA (under BUSH) let the main player GO without holding him despite his clear connections to terror groups in three countries.

YOU on the other hand, want to blame President OBAMA for the ISIL creation, despite the clear and overwhelming evidence, that the BUSH administration released Al Baghdadi and he just moved on to form a larger terror group.

Now, those likeminded people like me, will know, that despite this information, you will continue to attempt to blame president Obama for the ISIS problem. This is what you are programmed to do. This is what you HEAR and if you took the time to dig deeper into terror issues, you would find that the USA creates its own monsters, then convinces people like you that we have to go fight them at the cost of billions.

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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
This goes to show how LITTLE you understand about terrorism, terror groups and the players that lead them...

let me see if I can help you out?

During the BUSH administration, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was captured and held in a prison in Iraq. Baghdadi was RELEASED by the BUSH administration as HARMLESS, even though, at the time, he was a member of the Mujahideen council, an off shoot of the taliban in Iraq.

"He is said to have founded (circa 2003) his own small insurgent group, the Jaysh Ahl al-Sunna, active in Samara, Diyala and Baghdad. He was held captive by U.S. Forces-Iraq at Camp Bucca near Basra from February until December 2004 as a "civilian detainee" but eventually was recommended for an "unconditional release" by a Combined Review and Release Board."

From there:

"In 2006 his group became associated with the umbrella organization collectively known in Western media as al-Qaeda in Iraq, the precursor of the Islamic State, led by Hamid Al-Zawi ,Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was appointed General Supervisor of its Sharia Committee and member of the internal self governing Majlis. In 2010 Hamid Al-Zawi was killed, and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi became his successor in leadership. Baghdadi boasts of extensive "security and military experience", and is said to be a former member of Saddam Hussein's notorious, elite gestapo organization, the Fedayeen Saddam."

and there:

"On April 8, 2013, Baghdadi tried to subsume control over the Al Nusrah Front, the Syrian arm of al-Qaeda, run by a former Baghdadi lieutenant, Abu Muhammad al Julani. Julani rejected the efforts and upheld his oath to al Qaeda and bin Laden's successor, Ayman al-Zawahiri. On May 23rd Zawahiri publicly dissolved Baghdadi's new entity, ISIS, and said Baghdadi's operations as the Islamic State of Iraq should be confined to Iraq. Baghdadi openly defied Zawahiri's order. Efforts to mend the rift between DAESH and the al Nusrah Front failed when al Qaeda's mediator was murdered by suicide bombers."

ISIL is nothing NEW bro. The USA (under BUSH) let the main player GO without holding him despite his clear connections to terror groups in three countries.

YOU on the other hand, want to blame President OBAMA for the ISIL creation, despite the clear and overwhelming evidence, that the BUSH administration released Al Baghdadi and he just moved on to form a larger terror group.

Now, those likeminded people like me, will know, that despite this information, you will continue to attempt to blame president Obama for the ISIS problem. This is what you are programmed to do. This is what you HEAR and if you took the time to dig deeper into terror issues, you would find that the USA creates its own monsters, then convinces people like you that we have to go fight them at the cost of billions.

You misunderstand how I feel about the muslim terrorists. There is no difference. Just different animals in different places.

They are all the same and should be treated the same. I feel eventually most other Americans will feel like I have for the last decade.

It's them or us. And them is all of them, just not the ones with weapons and bombs. It's the ones that feed the terrorists. The ones that produce children with the terrorists.

And it will be to the end. Either ours or theirs. I am hoping it will the their end, because if not, we are finished.

But you go into your little drivel about islamic terrorists group histories if it makes you feel better. I am sure this same drivel gets spewed at the beginnings of every war. Like it matters.


Staff member
You misunderstand how I feel about the muslim terrorists. There is no difference. Just different animals in different places.

They are all the same and should be treated the same. I feel eventually most other Americans will feel like I have for the last decade.

It's them or us. And them is all of them, just not the ones with weapons and bombs. It's the ones that feed the terrorists. The ones that produce children with the terrorists.

And it will be to the end. Either ours or theirs. I am hoping it will the their end, because if not, we are finished.

But you go into your little drivel about islamic terrorists group histories if it makes you feel better. I am sure this same drivel gets spewed at the beginnings of every war. Like it matters.
Hilarious. You sound like some crazy homeless person ranting on the street corner about the end of the world.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Hilarious. You sound like some crazy homeless person ranting on the street corner about the end of the world.
They have declared Jihad on the US. The other day ISIS vowed that they would behead Obama in the White House. Once they start a Jihad, they will keep going for hundreds of years.

This is not going to stop on it's own. They will not change their minds. They will never stop until they have won or are dead. It is in their history. This is what they do.

If they can get Americans who have converted to Islam to go over seas and fight Americans, they are a real threat.
And I do believe that Winston Churchill was called crazy for pointing out the serious threat to England, Europe and the rest of the world in 1935 that Hitler and the Nazis were. Hardly anyone in England took him serious as he lost the election for Prime Minister. But he was right.
It will happen. We are in a fight to the finish, and you don't even know it.
Maybe it's you that sounds like a crazy homeless person.
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Well-Known Member
They have declared Jihad on the US. The other day ISIS vowed that they would behead Obama in the White House. Once they start a Jihad, they will keep going for hundreds of years.

This is not going to stop on it's own. They will not change their minds. They will never stop until they have won or are dead. It is in their history. This is what they do.

If they can get Americans who have converted to Islam to go over seas and fight Americans, they are a real threat.
And I do believe that Winston Churchill was called crazy for pointing out the serious threat to England, Europe and the rest of the world in 1935 that Hitler and the Nazis were. Hardly anyone in England took him serious as he lost the election for Prime Minister. But he was right.
It will happen. We are in a fight to the finish, and you don't even know it.
Maybe it's you that sounds like a crazy homeless person.

I think I've already understood you on this point but I just want to clarify, you are advocating we should totally exterminate every muslim on the planet? Again, just to clarify.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I think I've already understood you on this point but I just want to clarify, you are advocating we should totally exterminate every muslim on the planet? Again, just to clarify.
Just how do you defeat an enemy that has declared war on us, that will never stop until we are all dead? Let me put that on you. You tell us how we stop an enemy that will never stop.


Staff member
Just how do you defeat an enemy that has declared war on us, that will never stop until we are all dead? Let me put that on you. You tell us how we stop an enemy that will never stop.
So you are suggesting that they will never quit but we will? That we will roll and hand power of the strongest nation ever over to a group of violent extremists?

That's what they really are. Violent extremists who defile Islam for their own evil intent. The US is not going to declare war on nor wage war on Islam...nor should we.