President Obama!


Bad Moon Risen'
If we bring our troops home, that won't change anything. They are still at war with us.
Every war we've ever been in there have been people like you just want to bring our troops home like that will solve the war.
Since you are so gung-ho about going to war, why not put your money where your mouth is and enlist.


Active Member
It's a type of roadrunner.

Islam, the religion of submission. Submit or die or be enslaved. Isn't that what the Quran says?

The Bible says the same thing silly, so what? It doesn't mean that every single christian is coming to kill me. Intolerance towards other cultures exist in generally every culture. It's your inability to see your own that gives credit to the assumption that you might be just a tad bit prejudice. Don't be prejudiced. It's bad for your health bro.

But i guess the bible is different because that's the real word of god right?

Still no idea what your talking about but...

beep beep!


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
The Bible says the same thing silly, so what? It doesn't mean that every single christian is coming to kill me. Intolerance towards other cultures exist in generally every culture. It's your inability to see your own gives credit to the assumption that you might be just a tad bit prejudice. Don't be prejudiced. It's bad for your health bro.

But i guess the bible is different because that's the real word of god right?

Still no idea what your talking about but...

beep beep!
Nobody is killing anybody TODAY over Christianity or anything written in the bible.

But let's talk about you and the Quran. You are a self admitted Muslim. Do you believe in the Quran? Do you believe that non-believers of Islam should be killed or enslaved? Because this is actually happening TODAY.


Active Member
Nobody is killing anybody TODAY over Christianity or anything written in the bible.

But let's talk about you and the Quran. You are a self admitted Muslim. Do you believe in the Quran? Do you believe that non-believers of Islam should be killed or enslaved? Because this is actually happening TODAY.

First off i only said that i come from a Muslim background, i never admitted to being a "believer" as such, lets just say i think the Quran has many relevant and insightful metaphors that may or may not help you in life. Ill leave it at that for now.

Did you know that there are billions of Christians that exist outside of the western world? Take for example India where there is a Christian fundamentalist group waging a war against the Indian state using terrorism as a way to gain independence for the Tripuri ethnic minority.

Or the lords resistance army in Uganda another christian terrorist group which has created its own twisted brand of christianity revolving around the cult of Joseph Kony.

But don't think that somehow this makes the "first world" exempt from christian violence. Remember that guy that bombed Oslo Norway that killed 77 people 3 years ago? That was a Christian terrorist. Here in the U.S Anti abortion violence continues to be a rampant problem and although we haven't seen a major christian terrorist attack in quite a while, there are a plethora of right wing christian extremist groups out there who would love to break that trend, the KKK Hutaree and Aryan nations only to name a few.

Point is religious violence happens everywhere and is prevalent in every major religion across the world. But just because some nut in Oslo or Arizona decided to take someones life for not being christian doesn't mean that they are representative of Christianity itself. Your inability to see this from the opposite POV is disturbing but not surprising considering that mass media is constantly portraying muslim culture as backward, inhumane and destructive based on the actions of a few extremists. Meanwhile Jewish and Christian fundamentalist violence go completely under the table. Why do you think this is? If you really believe its because they are enemies of god and deserve the violence that’s coming to them than may god have mercy on your soul because its exactly that kind of ignorant and reactionary thinking that creates even more enemies who were never your enemies to begin with.

I dont understand what the big deal is anyway don't yall believe in the same god anyway? Jesus :censored2:ing Christ.


Well-Known Member
You are such a putz on world events. You think you know what you are talking about, but in reality, you really dont.

You repeat what you hear, you mis label muslims as "all inclusive", and you made a statement to "kill all the muslims"...

Maybe if you really understood that "WE", the USA with its war hawk republicans, are creating all these "terrorists" in the first place, you would take your anger in a different direction.

Of course, you are a simpleton and would rather sit on the sidelines shouting "merricah, merricah" instead of truly understanding how we could solve world problems.

You have it wrong with ISIS, and you have it wrong with muslims in general.

IF you condemn all muslims because of the actions of a few, then we must also condemn all christians for the actions of the "army of god".

Making all christians, you know, Terrorists.

I'm going to the David lee Roth thread, a lot more accuracy to world events there. "At night I walk these stinking streets, past the crazies on my block..."


Well-Known Member
US intelligence asked that very question of captured 911 terrorist, Moussaoui. His response was because we allow our women to get an education. We also fail to force them to dress according to Sharia Law. And we are too accepting of homosexuality, thinking known gays should be imprisoned and exterminated as it is over there. There were other things said as well, all of which are an afront to western thinking. This is where the term for us, Great Satan, came from.
Do I believe that all Muslems feel this way? No. Iran is a good example as it is well known there is a growing movement amongst younger Iranians who want to westernize. Unfortunately, for the time being they are kept in check by the ruling old guard hardcore leaders--whom want a nuclear bomb so they can eliminate Israel and start global nuclear war.
And Obama can't seem to oblige them enough.
In the end, no country can control information the way it used to. The result is that current ruling regimes have a lot to fear as younger generations under their control become evermore sick of the dreary oppression and squalor they live in while the rest of the world flourishes. The result is a radical element that must be confronted with force, not lame 60s idealism.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
First off i only said that i come from a Muslim background, i never admitted to being a "believer" as such, lets just say i think the Quran has many relevant and insightful metaphors that may or may not help you in life. Ill leave it at that for now.

Did you know that there are billions of Christians that exist outside of the western world? Take for example India where there is a Christian fundamentalist group waging a war against the Indian state using terrorism as a way to gain independence for the Tripuri ethnic minority.

Or the lords resistance army in Uganda another christian terrorist group which has created its own twisted brand of christianity revolving around the cult of Joseph Kony.

But don't think that somehow this makes the "first world" exempt from christian violence. Remember that guy that bombed Oslo Norway that killed 77 people 3 years ago? That was a Christian terrorist. Here in the U.S Anti abortion violence continues to be a rampant problem and although we haven't seen a major christian terrorist attack in quite a while, there are a plethora of right wing christian extremist groups out there who would love to break that trend, the KKK Hutaree and Aryan nations only to name a few.

Point is religious violence happens everywhere and is prevalent in every major religion across the world. But just because some nut in Oslo or Arizona decided to take someones life for not being christian doesn't mean that they are representative of Christianity itself. Your inability to see this from the opposite POV is disturbing but not surprising considering that mass media is constantly portraying muslim culture as backward, inhumane and destructive based on the actions of a few extremists. Meanwhile Jewish and Christian fundamentalist violence go completely under the table. Why do you think this is? If you really believe its because they are enemies of god and deserve the violence that’s coming to them than may god have mercy on your soul because its exactly that kind of ignorant and reactionary thinking that creates even more enemies who were never your enemies to begin with.

I dont understand what the big deal is anyway don't yall believe in the same god anyway? Jesus :censored2:ing Christ.
If your whole point was that you are not a muslim and christian terrorists are just as bad a islamic terrorists, you wasted a minute of my life that I can never get back.
You could fill up a small book with the list of terrorist acts committed by Muslims. You can't do the same with christian terrorists unless you go back 1500 years.
And so you say you are not a muslim, why are you NOT on here denouncing the Muslim terrorists. No you are on here denouncing christian terrorists. Ironic, wouldn't you say?


Active Member
If your whole point was that you are not a muslim and christian terrorists are just as bad a islamic terrorists, you wasted a minute of my life that I can never get back.
You could fill up a small book with the list of terrorist acts committed by Muslims. You can't do the same with christian terrorists unless you go back 1500 years.
And so you say you are not a muslim, why are you NOT on here denouncing the Muslim terrorists. No you are on here denouncing christian terrorists. Ironic, wouldn't you say?

The only reason i send an essay like response is because you claimed and i quote

"Nobody is killing anybody TODAY over Christianity or anything written in the "bible."

Quite simply, you are wrong sir. All religions contain elements of fundamentalist crazy people. This is a fact which you yourself just admitted. Im done here yall have a great time now!
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