President Obama!


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

None of the kids need food stamps for michelle's program....they just need to put down the x-box and move their butts.........jump rope, play football, B-ball, baseball etc
FLOTUS idea is to increase the food in the schools, more organic stuff.
Most families can cope with their $59/ month ( for a family of 4 ) decrease, according to the new world order , the school will provide for the children , not the parents.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics
Someone apparently decided that Obama's $30,000-a-plate dinner at the house of "West Wing" producer John Wells necessitated shutting down most of the major east-west through streets in Los Angeles.

Tristram 8 hours ago
I just spoke to producer at KTLA TV. She informed me of two interesting things; First, this fundraiser generated just a million dollars. So our local governemnts of Los Angeles (City, County and BH and Hollywood) Police, Sheriffs, Fire, Traffic, etc., likely spent several times this sum while all the businesses on the West Side surely lost more than this not to mention how many millions of dollars in tax revenues were lost while our businesses were effectively shut down for Obama's million dollar steak dinner. Second, she informed me that they were unable to fly their news helicopters because there was a 30 mile no fly zone!!!!!! Great! We are now one step away from a dictator who controls our media!!!!!!! We need our media to document what happens including what transpired today. However, the Obama administration precluded this media coverage.
(CQ Politics) — President Barack Obama raised $1 million for House Democrats at a Monday night fundraiser backed by the Hollywood elite.
According to pool reports, Obama spoke to the crowd for about half an hour. He said that keeping Congress in Democratic hands will be “my focus over the next several months” and hailed Democratic lawmakers for helping to “deliver the most progressive legislative agenda.”
“I hope you understand why we’re here tonight. It’s not to take a picture with the president,” he said. “We’re here to make sure those who took the tough votes are rewarded.”


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

“We’re here to make sure those who took the tough votes are rewarded.”

Oh, they'll be rewarded all right !!!! (sarcasm)


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

I predict Obama will retreat further and further into deep-blue playgrounds of trust-funds and tenure-tracks, campaigning harder and harder among his real base, those without real jobs, except for their make-pretend fauxcupations in pretendustry and nagriculture.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanomics


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 142,221,000 employed Americans in January of 2009 and as of July 31st, 2010, there are 138,960,000 Americans employed. That is a net loss of 3,261,000 employed Americans—an amazing fall in employment over the course of a year and a half!

But if you look to Biden's report on "Recovery Summer", he claims that the Obama administration plans to create 3.5 million jobs by December 31st, 2010. Compare Biden's estimate to the trend on the above graph, and what you'll see is quite different. In fact, it appears that the "recovery" stalled and even began to fall backwards by May of 2010—hardly a good sign of a "Recovery Summer".


Re: Obamanomics

I wonder if Obama will ever realize that his war on big business is hurting his efforts to restore the economy.

I wonder.