President Obama!


golden ticket member
Isn't that the waste that Obama is suppose to eliminate. Fraud & waste continue still 18 mos. into his term and beyond .... until the medical crap happens. If he would've started eliminating fraud immediately, we could've paid down some debt.


Strength through joy
Isn't that the waste that Obama is suppose to eliminate. Fraud & waste continue still 18 mos. into his term and beyond .... until the medical crap happens. If he would've started eliminating fraud immediately, we could've paid down some debt.

Part of the problem is how Medicare payments are made ( by law ). Something like 30 days after receiving an invoice the money is sent out. Hardly anytime to investigate if the bill is real. It's been that way for years.
The law needs to be bill paid until verified.


Well-Known Member
Medicare paid $2.4 million for penis pumps last year

Isn't that the waste that Obama is suppose to eliminate. Fraud & waste continue still 18 mos. into his term and beyond .... until the medical crap happens. If he would've started eliminating fraud immediately, we could've paid down some debt.

Moreluck, don't knock it, perhaps that equipment might benefit your negative disposition towards


Für Meno :)
Isn't that the waste that Obama is suppose to eliminate. Fraud & waste continue still 18 mos. into his term and beyond .... until the medical crap happens. If he would've started eliminating fraud immediately, we could've paid down some debt.

I seen that scooter commercial yesterday. A few times during the commercial they mention they do all the paperwork and filing, and if Medicare doesn't pay for it, they will give it to you for free !

I must admit, in that area, your healthcare sure is better then ours.
Here, that would be considered a luxery medical item. The only reimbursement here that I could imagine, is the price for a basic wheelchair.
If you want something better (upgrade it), the cost is soley on the patient.

But, I can see those costly give-away policies in US medicare changing in the future.


golden ticket member
And the "fraud" happens when you find out that Medicare paid for a couple to get those scooters and they are both ambulatory and just use them to drag race down the halls of the nursing home !!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Inspiring Video (you don't see that ********* that's in the White House doing anything worthwhile like this !! )

I invite you to watch this video - and then if you'd like, please sign the "thank you" letter to former President George W. Bush. JTT



Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Inspiring Video (you don't see that ******* that's in the White House doing anything worthwhile like this !! )

I invite you to watch this video - and then if you'd like, please sign the "thank you" letter to former President George W. Bush. JTT

UH I believe the ":censored2:" in the White House is starting to send our Troops home, oh and that guy greeting them....he sent them there
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golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

DUH !!

This is sheer genius
In a bid to stem taxpayer losses for bad loans guaranteed by federal housing agencies Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac, Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn) proposed that borrowers be required to make a 5% down payment in order to qualify. His proposal was rejected 57-42 on a party-line vote because,as Senator Chris Dodd (D-Conn) explained,

"passage of such a requirement would restrict home
ownership to only those who can afford it."

I can't add anything to this.



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today




golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

oops, apparently my vision was outside the tunnel when I posted this in the wrong thread. Oh well, it's incompetance and Obama all the time !


Strength through joy
Uninsured Slow To Sign Up For Coverage

Updated: Monday, 23 Aug 2010, 6:35 AM EDT
Published : Monday, 23 Aug 2010, 6:33 AM EDT
HACKENSACK, N.J. - Just two people in New Jersey will begin receiving coverage Monday under new plans created by federal health care reforms.
NJ Protect plans are available to those who have been without insurance for at least six months and submit evidence of pre-existing health conditions.
The state will receive $141 million in federal subsidies to cover claims that exceed the premiums paid by the beneficiaries.
Horizon Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Jersey spokesman Tom Vincz expects more people will enroll in the coming weeks.
Vincz says more than 600 applications were downloaded and 268 information kits were sent out following the program's announcement on Aug. 1.
Two policies are available, with premiums ranging from $212 to $768 monthly, depending on age.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

As a candidate he had the answer for everything. As the president he has answers for nothing!!
I get it More, it's no secret you don't like our current POTUS. Bush and Congress put us in these two USELESS wars and our sons and daughters are being killed fighting for the rights and freedoms of two Muslim countries. Which ironicly most of our country is against the building of a Mosque in lower Manhattan.
Just to be clear, who do you want the GOP to run in 2012?
Because honestly I don't see anyone worthwhile, the current GOP is too devisive.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Because honestly I don't see anyone worthwhile, the current GOP is too devisive.

Why do you not think the current president is "too devisive"?

It seems from the outside looking in that the republican party is to inclusive which is in part what got them into trouble with the voters. Anyhow you just offered proof for what she posted by trying to blame someone else for the faults of this president. Eventually this guy has to become president. I can only wonder at what point that will be.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

I'm sure GOP will come up with a candidate.......right now even Bush rates higher than Obama in polls!!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Av8 & More, let me be clear, I am not looking for an arguement here I am simply trying to engage in a discussion where opposite views can have respectful and intelligent dialogue and hopefully come to a place of full understanding. Yes more the Dems took back the House in 2006. We declared war in 2003 where both Dems and Reps voted to go to war. I remember exactly where I was when Bush made the announcement that our Country would be engaging war in Iraq. I was still out delivering it was after 5:00pm on the west coast and I pulled my truck over to listen to the radio and I cried like a little girl and I thought HOLY :censored2: this is total BS.It is a useless war and I am pissed OUR kids are making that sacrifice.