President Obama!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanomics



golden ticket member
It seems that today is the 6 month anniversary of the passage of the health care bill. So, like, are we gonna have an anniversary each month for the next 4 years? Otrauma is still trying to sell this bill and it's already been passed. That tells me a whole lot! :knockedout:


Strength through joy
I confused about the part where a child has to remain on the parent's policy until age 26.
Does that mean that everyone is legally still a child until the age of 26 ?
Would that make the Miss America Pageant child exploitation ?
Would criminal adult charges also begin at age 26 ?
Could no one enter into any legally binding contracts until they are 26 ?
Should an underage child produce offspring, would the parents be legally obligated to support said offspring also ?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

I heard part of Obama's speech at the United Nations. He was saying his focus will be on 2 states, Israel and Palestine.

I think he should focus on a few of his United States......he has '57' to choose from. I think Arizona deserves his attention and focus first!! How about jobs for Ohio or Michigan?

But, the rock star isn't taking care of his own country, but wants all the other countries to think he's Mr. Wonderful. What do we care what "Imanutjob" thinks about us?? Part of the sanctions should be ignoring Imanutjob and quit giving him the microphone and a platform for his vile speech.


golden ticket member
Paradoxical Thought for Today

"Fathom the odd hypocrisy that Obama wants every citizen to prove they are

insured, but people don't have to prove they are citizens".

Ben Stein



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

More waste of our $$$. Congress is having Colbert testify under oath as his character that he plays on TV. That doesn't show much respect for taking an oath!! He's gonna swear to tell the truth and then play a character.....lie!

It also costs $125,000 an hour for those people to sit in that committee. Congress is crazy! Colbert is funny, but he belongs on his comedy show not in congress.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

(Byron York)- Are you a financial adviser? You may not know it, but you’ve got a green job. Are you a wholesale buyer? You’ve got a green job, too. Or maybe you’re a newspaper reporter. You, too, have a green job — at least according to the Obama administration.
For months, Republican Sen. Charles Grassley has been pushing the administration to substantiate its claims of having created nearly 200,000 green jobs. More fundamentally, Grassley has asked Labor Secretary Hilda Solis to state clearly what a green job is. So far, he hasn’t gotten an answer.
Now, Grassley has learned that, in lieu of a settling on a straightforward definition of a green job, the administration has adopted an extraordinarily broad description of such jobs that could include not only financial advisers, wholesale buyers, and reporters, but also public relations specialists, marketing managers, and many more occupations that have nothing to do with protecting the environment.
If federal money has created any of those jobs, then the administration can claim to have created a green job.
Last June, Grassley sent Solis a letter questioning an administration request for public input on the definition of a green job. Grassley dryly noted that the request came after the government had already spent hundreds of millions of stimulus dollars on green jobs. Given that the administration couldn’t nail down just what a green job is, Grassley asked Solis how she determined where those hundreds of millions of dollars went.
So Grassley’s staff checked out O*NET and found extensive listings of jobs that could be classified, for government purposes, as “green.” The list includes: “arbitrators, mediators, and conciliators,” “financial analysts,” “financial quantitative analysts,” “investment underwriters,” “marketing managers,” “personal financial advisers,” “public relations specialists,” “wholesale and retail buyers,” and “reporters and correspondents.”


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

More, I didn't have a chance to read about this until this morning but I agree that his appearance was a sham and a complete waste of time and money.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

There was an interview this morning with a jr. congressman from Utah. He said that the committee about immigration has met 8-10 times in his 21 months of service and they have yet to address immigration.

The Colbert appearance was no exception. Wasted $$$ !!


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

not only does the President have the right to sentence Americans to death with no due process or charges of any kind, but his decisions as to who will be killed and why he wants them dead are "state secrets," and thus no court may adjudicate its legality.



Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

not only does the President have the right to sentence Americans to death with no due process or charges of any kind, but his decisions as to who will be killed and why he wants them dead are "state secrets," and thus no court may adjudicate its legality.


In light of Greenwald's comments, just saw this and found it very interesting. Thought I'd pass on in case the interest was broader.


Strength through joy
Hidden Real Estate Sales tax in Health care bill – Surprise!

By Dr. Laurie Roth Tuesday, September 14, 2010 Hidden Real Estate Sales tax in Health care bill – Surprise!There are already at least 20 hidden taxes in the Obama Health care plan coming down upon us the next few years.
Starting in 2013, not only will you pay the closing costs and real estate fee when you sell your house but now you will pay a 3.8% Sales Tax.
Other special taxes and fees:
Investment income: Anyone making $200,000 or over gets to pay 3.8% of their annual investment income. Start adding up them apples, folks.
If you have a fancy health care plan and pay as an individual, $10,200 or $27,800 for a family, you get to pay a 40% annual tax on those health care plans.
Medical aid devices have gotten hit hard as well. They will see a 2.9% tax hike. Sorry if you have an artificial limb….you are screwed.
Medicare gets more money because if you earn $200,000 or more you pay a special Medicare tax of 3.9.%
Then there is the 10% tax on tanning….on and on. Perhaps you should consider an ‘Albino’ beauty treatment.


Well-Known Member
Obama Adminstration want Internet Wiretaps made easier

WASHINGTON – Broad new regulations being drafted by the Obama administration would make it easier for law enforcement and national security officials to eavesdrop on Internet and e-mail communications like social networking Web sites and BlackBerries, The New York Times reported Monday.

And don't ignore The Washington Gossip Machine