Putting in My Letter of Intent

Orion inc.

I like turtles
Passing the MRE has nothing to do with what your education level is. It's all about managing situations and people and that is all. There is no over type of questions on it. It's all what you would do questions and not multiple choice answers..
The company that administers the MRE doesn't care about spelling or grammar they even said that wouldn't be held against you. As that is what spell check is for and currently their program doesn't have that function...

The way you present yourself in writing will reflect poorly on you if you think presentation isn't important. It is. If you write company emails like posts on here, well you're going to look unprofessional.

As far as managing situations, I've studied conflict resolution way more than you have. I will tell you from my expert experience, that management at ups do not handle conflict resolution the way it should be. Using fear and intimidation only result in aggressive responses in a typical ups environment with an ORS involved.

The more you post, the more I'm thinking you've become naive to what ups management and operations is all about. You have this fairy tale sense of what you think you'll be dealing with.

You're probably making a huge mistake and throwing away the years and career you've built. But hey it'll look good in your resume at the next job you have.


Well-Known Member
The way you present yourself in writing will reflect poorly on you if you think presentation isn't important. It is. If you write company emails like posts on here, well you're going to look unprofessional.

As far as managing situations, I've studied conflict resolution way more than you have. I will tell you from my expert experience, that management at ups do not handle conflict resolution the way it should be. Using fear and intimidation only result in aggressive responses in a typical ups environment with an ORS involved.

The more you post, the more I'm thinking you've become naive to what ups management and operations is all about. You have this fairy tale sense of what you think you'll be dealing with.

You're probably making a huge mistake and throwing away the years and career you've built. But hey it'll look good in your resume at the next job you have.

You mean he can't come back if he changes his mind? ;)
You mean he can't come back if he changes his mind? ;)


Well-Known Member
The way you present yourself in writing will reflect poorly on you if you think presentation isn't important. It is. If you write company emails like posts on here, well you're going to look unprofessional.

As far as managing situations, I've studied conflict resolution way more than you have. I will tell you from my expert experience, that management at ups do not handle conflict resolution the way it should be. Using fear and intimidation only result in aggressive responses in a typical ups environment with an ORS involved.

The more you post, the more I'm thinking you've become naive to what ups management and operations is all about. You have this fairy tale sense of what you think you'll be dealing with.

You're probably making a huge mistake and throwing away the years and career you've built. But hey it'll look good in your resume at the next job you have.

Your a tool the company that administers the MRE only give UPS a report on whether the test takers passed the MRE not whether he spelled something correct or wrong. UPS only wants to know if your have the ability to make good decisions for the benefit of the company when problem arise.

I have never seen a ORS in my area use fear or intimidation on a driver that could go on in your area but it doesn't in mine the most of the union employees and management have a good working relationship. I have seen numerous driver that can't follow proper methods getting talked to in the office and I know a lot of drivers that have filed grievances... But no fear or intimidation by management as it doesn't work. There ways to get drivers to change there performance if it slacking off with out them even realizing your doing it and without talking to them. If you send the same driver to help out a driver that slacking off that drivers is going to say something the driver to get his crap together because he sick of helping him. Also you can tell if drivers need OT or not and those that need OT and are not performing up to standards you can cut the hours so they only get 8. There are other ways aslo like telling drivers good job or thanks also works to keep moral up and performance up... Being had :censored2: doesn't work and those SUP that are like that get what they deserve...

I don't have a fairy tale sense of anything. You assume that I do your wrong. It not going to be easy I know that there is going to be a big learning curve I know that. I'm up for the challenge.

As far as throwing away years and a career I built so far again that is your opinion and a assumption on your part. I'm not going to have to look for another job as you say UPS doesn't fire management people easily you basically have to be stealing or falsify records and trying. Everything else can be fixed. I know ORS thjat have done some pretty stupid crap on and off the job and still keep there job things that if a union employee did they would be gone.