Putting in My Letter of Intent


Well-Known Member
Your a tool the company that administers the MRE only give UPS a report on whether the test takers passed the MRE not whether he spelled something correct or wrong. UPS only wants to know if your have the ability to make good decisions for the benefit of the company when problem arise.

I have never seen a ORS in my area use fear or intimidation on a driver that could go on in your area but it doesn't in mine the most of the union employees and management have a good working relationship. I have seen numerous driver that can't follow proper methods getting talked to in the office and I know a lot of drivers that have filed grievances... But no fear or intimidation by management as it doesn't work. There ways to get drivers to change there performance if it slacking off with out them even realizing your doing it and without talking to them. If you send the same driver to help out a driver that slacking off that drivers is going to say something the driver to get his crap together because he sick of helping him. Also you can tell if drivers need OT or not and those that need OT and are not performing up to standards you can cut the hours so they only get 8. There are other ways aslo like telling drivers good job or thanks also works to keep moral up and performance up... Being had :censored2: doesn't work and those SUP that are like that get what they deserve...

I don't have a fairy tale sense of anything. You assume that I do your wrong. It not going to be easy I know that there is going to be a big learning curve I know that. I'm up for the challenge.

As far as throwing away years and a career I built so far again that is your opinion and a assumption on your part. I'm not going to have to look for another job as you say UPS doesn't fire management people easily you basically have to be stealing or falsify records and trying. Everything else can be fixed. I know ORS thjat have done some pretty stupid crap on and off the job and still keep there job things that if a union employee did they would be gone.

Lol you are so delusional.


nowhere special
Everyone is delusional even you !!! welcome to reality...


Well-Known Member
How much do ors make annually and how much do they pay for health ins?

The pay varies by location. Management doesn't talk about how much they get paid ( that is a basic unwritten rule for salary employees) as everyone is getting paid something different. As far as how much they pay for health insurance that too varies by location however it it isn't very much. I know a ORS that just left and he was making $120,000 plus MIP. You negotiate your salary and new ORS off the street get offered less the package car drivers moving to ORS. I was told by both the center manager I currently work for and the center manager I will work that when and if I become a ORS that I will not take a Pay cut. However neither would give me a pay range as they are not suppose to as it would give me an advantage in negotiating my salary. However from what they told I should be making between $7,000 and $7,500 a month to start plus MIP. I have also heard some different numbers but that was from someone that got basically got hired off the street as a ORS.


Well-Known Member
The pay varies by location. Management doesn't talk about how much they get paid ( that is a basic unwritten rule for salary employees) as everyone is getting paid something different. As far as how much they pay for health insurance that too varies by location however it it isn't very much. I know a ORS that just left and he was making $120,000 plus MIP. You negotiate your salary and new ORS off the street get offered less the package car drivers moving to ORS. I was told by both the center manager I currently work for and the center manager I will work that when and if I become a ORS that I will not take a Pay cut. However neither would give me a pay range as they are not suppose to as it would give me an advantage in negotiating my salary. However from what they told I should be making between $7,000 and $7,500 a month to start plus MIP. I have also heard some different numbers but that was from someone that got basically got hired off the street as a ORS.
If you make 7500 a month wouldn't that be a pay cut? I made 90k plus ben and I don't work much overtime...how much did you make as a driver

Orion inc.

I like turtles
Your a tool the company that administers the MRE only give UPS a report on whether the test takers passed the MRE not whether he spelled something correct or wrong. UPS only wants to know if your have the ability to make good decisions for the benefit of the company when problem arise.

I have never seen a ORS in my area use fear or intimidation on a driver that could go on in your area but it doesn't in mine the most of the union employees and management have a good working relationship. I have seen numerous driver that can't follow proper methods getting talked to in the office and I know a lot of drivers that have filed grievances... But no fear or intimidation by management as it doesn't work. There ways to get drivers to change there performance if it slacking off with out them even realizing your doing it and without talking to them. If you send the same driver to help out a driver that slacking off that drivers is going to say something the driver to get his crap together because he sick of helping him. Also you can tell if drivers need OT or not and those that need OT and are not performing up to standards you can cut the hours so they only get 8. There are other ways aslo like telling drivers good job or thanks also works to keep moral up and performance up... Being had :censored2: doesn't work and those SUP that are like that get what they deserve...

I don't have a fairy tale sense of anything. You assume that I do your wrong. It not going to be easy I know that there is going to be a big learning curve I know that. I'm up for the challenge.

As far as throwing away years and a career I built so far again that is your opinion and a assumption on your part. I'm not going to have to look for another job as you say UPS doesn't fire management people easily you basically have to be stealing or falsify records and trying. Everything else can be fixed. I know ORS thjat have done some pretty stupid crap on and off the job and still keep there job things that if a union employee did they would be gone.

First off, the only "tool" I'm seeing here in regards to this is you. I can't even read this coherently because your ways of communicating lack so much skill. You're going into management and this is how you convey your thoughts on a subject?

I highly doubt you carry yourself differently outside of the posts you put here. Habits are hard to break. If you can't actually write and communicate clearly here then I doubt you'll do any different in your work communications.

And you live in a fairy tale world if you don't think ups management doesn't use fear and intimidation to manage. They do. Seen it many times. Does it mean every supervisor is like that? No. But the culture of management is created and thrives on it.

Oh and your expectations of what they do to management, well you better make sure you're a "yes" man. Better make sure you make your numbers because if you don't, they will get rid of you. Or they'll dead end your career at ups which will force you to look elsewhere.

You're very naive and very quick to defend how you know it all and you're always right. You're going to be "that" ORS.


Well-Known Member
If you make 7500 a month wouldn't that be a pay cut? I made 90k plus ben and I don't work much overtime...how much did you make as a driver

Your base pay based on $34.36 x 40 x 52 = $71,468.8 If you say you made $90,000 that means you made $18,531.20 / $51.54 = 359.55 Hr of OT for the year or and average of 7 a week.

I made $85,000 but that is with taken 16 dead days and working 312 hrs of OT..


Resident Suit
Oh and your expectations of what they do to management, well you better make sure you're a "yes" man. Better make sure you make your numbers because if you don't, they will get rid of you. Or they'll dead end your career at ups which will force you to look elsewhere.

You're very naive and very quick to defend how you know it all and you're always right. You're going to be "that" ORS.
Was this the experience you had when you were in management?

Oh wait.

Everybody on here likes to say we don't know what we're doing. But apparently knows every aspect of our jobs.


Well-Known Member
Your base pay based on $34.36 x 40 x 52 = $71,468.8 If you say you made $90,000 that means you made $18,531.20 / $51.54 = 359.55 Hr of OT for the year or and average of 7 a week.

I made $85,000 but that is with taken 16 dead days and working 312 hrs of OT..
I just looked a my year to date.....I worked btwn 3 and 4 hours ot per week....a couple od double time days and 3 saturdays


Well-Known Member
Your base pay based on $34.36 x 40 x 52 = $71,468.8 If you say you made $90,000 that means you made $18,531.20 / $51.54 = 359.55 Hr of OT for the year or and average of 7 a week.

I made $85,000 but that is with taken 16 dead days and working 312 hrs of OT..
If you made 85k plus ben last year and make 90k less ben this year how is that not a pay cut


Well-Known Member
First off, the only "tool" I'm seeing here in regards to this is you. I can't even read this coherently because your ways of communicating lack so much skill. You're going into management and this is how you convey your thoughts on a subject?

I highly doubt you carry yourself differently outside of the posts you put here. Habits are hard to break. If you can't actually write and communicate clearly here then I doubt you'll do any different in your work communications.

And you live in a fairy tale world if you don't think ups management doesn't use fear and intimidation to manage. They do. Seen it many times. Does it mean every supervisor is like that? No. But the culture of management is created and thrives on it.

Oh and your expectations of what they do to management, well you better make sure you're a "yes" man. Better make sure you make your numbers because if you don't, they will get rid of you. Or they'll dead end your career at ups which will force you to look elsewhere.

You're very naive and very quick to defend how you know it all and you're always right. You're going to be "that" ORS.

I know what you say isn't what really happens also. That all that matters. I also never said it was going to be easy.

Get a Life. You have no clue what real stress is if you think a ORS job is stressful or full of BS it doesn't compare to what I have been through in life. Try being woken up at 3 in the morning in flight school do PT for 4 hours and then go back to your barracks and find it ransacked. Then being give 15 minutes to make everything inspection ready including you which isn't possible. Then being told that your a POS because your socks aren't rolled tight enough or the soap you just use to take a shower isn't polished and that your going to be kicked out of flight school because the square corners on your bed were off by a 1/8 of an inch trying doing that for a couple weeks at a time every day.

I survived flight school while I watch may people quit or get kicked out because they couldn't roll or fold a piece of clothing the correct way and couldn't handle being being told over and over your a POS a let it go in one ear and out the other. I was flying attack Helicopter in the army at 19 you where probably still living with mommy trying to figure out how to do laundry by yourself.

You know nothing about me. I'm not going to go sit on the porch because something I want to do might be stressful and difficult at times. You may I'm not...
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Orion inc.

I like turtles
Was this the experience you had when you were in management?

Oh wait.

Everybody on here likes to say we don't know what we're doing. But apparently knows every aspect of our jobs.

Don't need to be in management to see exactly what happens. When you've been here 20 plus years and see the quality of management before and the culture now, well if you're smart and observant, you can piece it together.

I've dealt with more ORS and CMs I'm sure than you have. It's not hard to break down the personality of what type they are. It also isn't hard to figure out the role of management when you've been there a long time. It's not some super secret club.

I've also studied conflict resolution and managing stressful and critical situations for longer than I've been at ups. The average ORS doesn't know conflict resolution. They go to management school and adapt the fear culture that ups seems to think works but doesn't. It used to be subtle but these new breeds like the OP, seem to embrace it with a glossed over naive perfection.

I'm sure there are good CMs and ORS supervisors out there who do it fairly. But they are the exception and not the rule anymore at ups. That's a proven fact.


Well-Known Member
If you made 85k plus ben last year and make 90k less ben this year how is that not a pay cut

It's not a pay cut don't count money that you don't get. How much to you put into you 401K take that away from your total and how much do you make know. If I make $90,000 with MIP I'll make over $95,000 total. Next year I'll get between a 3-5 % raised. Which mean over all I'll be making over $100,000 next year with MIP. I'll worry about my benefits you worry about yours.

Like I said most union people that talk about what management makes haven't a clue they assume a lot based on number someone gave to them that were probably were wrong to start with because those numbers aren't talked about or given out by salary employees for a reason.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
I know what you say isn't what really happens also. That all that matters. I also never said it was going to be easy.

Get a Life. You have no clue what real stress is if you think a ORS job is stressful or full of BS it doesn't compare to what I have been through in life. Try being woken up at 3 in the morning in flight school do PT for 4 hours and then go back to your barracks and find it ransacked. Then being give 15 minutes to make everything inspection ready including you which isn't possible. Then being told that your a POS because your socks aren't rolled tight enough or the soap you just use to take a shower isn't polished and that your going to be kicked out of flight school because the square corners on your bed were off by a 1/8 of an inch trying doing that for a couple weeks at a time every day.

I survived flight school while I watch may people quit or get kicked out because they couldn't roll or fold a piece of clothing the correct way and couldn't handle being being told your a POS go in one ear and out the other. I was fling attack Helicopter in the army at 19 you where probably still living with mommy trying to figure out how to do laundry by yourself.

You know nothing about me. I'm not going to go sit on the porch because something I want to do might be stressful and difficult at times. You may I'm not...

Did you enlist? Did anyone force you to enlist? No? Then you went into that knowing exactly what it should involve. And yet this whole paragraph you wrote sounds like you were forced. You weren't and good for you. I don't really care what you e been through in life. This holier than thou approach you have because you've been in the military? Oh ok. Many people have been in the military and don't have this approach. They're called "quiet professionals ". I've trained with many. I have a lot of respect for them. Not someone who stands there flaunting it like you seem to be.

Go be an ORS. I'm sure it's not as stressful as your military career. But when you don't make their impossible expectations or you question what they want of you, please tell us how that works out for you. The culture of management is different today here. You've embraced it with blinders on. Nobody is asking you to sit on a porch. If you need this to validate yourself or prove yourself because of your failures you think you have in life, knock yourself out.

But when it's not all roses and butterflies like you've painted it in your head then you can look in the mirror and blame yourself. I know nothing of you but what you've presented here. And it looks like you're doing this to prove to yourself that you're worth something. Maybe your divorce made you feel like a failure and you see this as your way of showing that you're something. I don't know nor do I care. But I think you're going into it with blinders on for all the wrong reasons.

Like I said, good luck. You definitely will need it.


Well-Known Member
It's not a pay cut don't count money that you don't get. How much to you put into you 401K take that away from your total and how much do you make know. If I make $90,000 with MIP I'll make over $95,000 total. Next year I'll get between a 3-5 % raised. Which mean over all I'll be making over $100,000 next year with MIP. I'll worry about my benefits you worry about yours.

Like I said most union people that talk about what management makes haven't a clue they assume a lot based on number someone gave to them that were probably were wrong to start with because those numbers aren't talked about or given out by salary employees for a reason.
That's why I asked you what ors make annually.......you told me.....and its a pay cut.....I don't know why your mad about that......I thought I was missing something....90k+healthcare+pension for me.....90k-healthcare-401k for you......how is management more am I missing something?

Orion inc.

I like turtles
Your base pay based on $34.36 x 40 x 52 = $71,468.8 If you say you made $90,000 that means you made $18,531.20 / $51.54 = 359.55 Hr of OT for the year or and average of 7 a week.

I made $85,000 but that is with taken 16 dead days and working 312 hrs of OT..
The pay varies by location. Management doesn't talk about how much they get paid ( that is a basic unwritten rule for salary employees) as everyone is getting paid something different. As far as how much they pay for health insurance that too varies by location however it it isn't very much. I know a ORS that just left and he was making $120,000 plus MIP. You negotiate your salary and new ORS off the street get offered less the package car drivers moving to ORS. I was told by both the center manager I currently work for and the center manager I will work that when and if I become a ORS that I will not take a Pay cut. However neither would give me a pay range as they are not suppose to as it would give me an advantage in negotiating my salary. However from what they told I should be making between $7,000 and $7,500 a month to start plus MIP. I have also heard some different numbers but that was from someone that got basically got hired off the street as a ORS.
You're not going to make $120,000 plus MIP as an ORS. You're talking center manager salaries to start. 7000 to 7500 is between 84000 and 90k a year. Plus paying for your benefits and extra retirement savings you'll need to cover no pension.

You're expectations are going to be shattered when you see what you'll get.

But please come back and tell us how they offered you 150k plus as an ORS because I'm betting you'll say that to justify in your head this move.

Hoped you saved money as a driver, you'll need it

Orion inc.

I like turtles
That's why I asked you what ors make annually.......you told me.....and its a pay cut.....I don't know why your mad about that......I thought I was missing something....90k+healthcare+pension for me.....90k-healthcare-401k for you......how is management more am I missing something?
You're weren't missing anything. Your conclusions are correct. He doesn't care. He has this made up in his head like ideology. Nobody can change that type of reasoning.


Well-Known Member
Did you enlist? Did anyone force you to enlist? No? Then you went into that knowing exactly what it should involve. And yet this whole paragraph you wrote sounds like you were forced. You weren't and good for you. I don't really care what you e been through in life. This holier than thou approach you have because you've been in the military? Oh ok. Many people have been in the military and don't have this approach. They're called "quiet professionals ". I've trained with many. I have a lot of respect for them. Not someone who stands there flaunting it like you seem to be.

Go be an ORS. I'm sure it's not as stressful as your military career. But when you don't make their impossible expectations or you question what they want of you, please tell us how that works out for you. The culture of management is different today here. You've embraced it with blinders on. Nobody is asking you to sit on a porch. If you need this to validate yourself or prove yourself because of your failures you think you have in life, knock yourself out.

But when it's not all roses and butterflies like you've painted it in your head then you can look in the mirror and blame yourself. I know nothing of you but what you've presented here. And it looks like you're doing this to prove to yourself that you're worth something. Maybe your divorce made you feel like a failure and you see this as your way of showing that you're something. I don't know nor do I care. But I think you're going into it with blinders on for all the wrong reasons.

Like I said, good luck. You definitely will need it.

I wasn't forced to do anything. I wanted to fly helicopters and I knew it wasn't going to be easy however that didn't stop me. Look I don't go around telling everyone I was in the military and w hat I did. MY old center manager did have a clue until he read my resume last week. However you haven't a clue about me and assume a lot. I have greatly different experiences in life then most people.

Also my divorce didn't make me feel like a failure. I didn't fail she did she quit not me. Her lose not mine there plenty of fish in the sea I got the better end of the deal in the end. She still a miserable B---- she thought the day divorce happen would be magical it didn't turn out that way for her she still has the same issues she had when we where married however know more people now what they are.

Thanks, However luck has nothing to do with it....