Putting in My Letter of Intent


Well-Known Member
I wasn't forced to do anything. I wanted to fly helicopters and I knew it wasn't going to be easy however that didn't stop me. Look I don't go around telling everyone I was in the military and w hat I did. MY old center manager did have a clue until he read my resume last week. However you haven't a clue about me and assume a lot. I have greatly different experiences in life then most people.

Also my divorce didn't make me feel like a failure. I didn't fail she did she quit not me. Her lose not mine there plenty of fish in the sea I got the better end of the deal in the end. She still a miserable B---- she thought the day divorce happen would be magical it didn't turn out that way for her she still has the same issues she had when we where married however know more people now what they are.

Thanks, However luck has nothing to do with it....
But you did tell everyone about the military...how else would I know about it


Well-Known Member
You're not going to make $120,000 plus MIP as an ORS. You're talking center manager salaries to start. 7000 to 7500 is between 84000 and 90k a year. Plus paying for your benefits and extra retirement savings you'll need to cover no pension.

You're expectations are going to be shattered when you see what you'll get.

But please come back and tell us how they offered you 150k plus as an ORS because I'm betting you'll say that to justify in your head this move.

Hoped you saved money as a driver, you'll need it

I didn't say I was going to make $120,000 to start I said a ORS that just left was making that. You and upstate should get together because you both like to miss quote people. I'll get between $7,000 - $7,500 a month to start plus MIP which is about another months pay. then I'll get yearly raises. I'll worry about my retirement you worry about yours. All my MIP I will ever get will be in stock and I'll set it up as a DRIP and never touch it.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
I didn't say I was going to make $120,000 to start I said a ORS that just left was making that. You and upstate should get together because you both like to miss quote people. I'll get between $7,000 - $7,500 a month to start plus MIP which is about another months pay. then I'll get yearly raises. I'll worry about my retirement you worry about yours. All my MIP I will ever get will be in stock and I'll set it up as a DRIP and never touch it.

I used that number because I think that's what you think it'll be like.

I made 100k plus for this year plus benefits. That's more than the numbers you quoted as an ORS. Next year I'll make more. It's in the contract. I also have 401k and I buy ups stock as well as other investments. I've put away 20% plus a week away ever since I started working at ups. I have other retirement investments. I plan to not worry at all about it. I'll be set well.

Your future bonuses and raises aren't guaranteed. You could end up getting demoted for all you know. Anything is possible in management. Your salary and MIP aren't guaranteed. You're taking a pay cut in the long run if you add it all up.


swollen member
so as a new ORS, what are your payments for your insurance, insurance for your children and possibly insurance of your ex spouse? DEDUCT all of that from the promise they gave you... I'm thinking 350$ a week


Man of Great Wisdom
Your a tool the company that administers the MRE only give UPS a report on whether the test takers passed the MRE not whether he spelled something correct or wrong. UPS only wants to know if your have the ability to make good decisions for the benefit of the company when problem arise.

I have never seen a ORS in my area use fear or intimidation on a driver that could go on in your area but it doesn't in mine the most of the union employees and management have a good working relationship. I have seen numerous driver that can't follow proper methods getting talked to in the office and I know a lot of drivers that have filed grievances... But no fear or intimidation by management as it doesn't work. There ways to get drivers to change there performance if it slacking off with out them even realizing your doing it and without talking to them. If you send the same driver to help out a driver that slacking off that drivers is going to say something the driver to get his crap together because he sick of helping him. Also you can tell if drivers need OT or not and those that need OT and are not performing up to standards you can cut the hours so they only get 8. There are other ways aslo like telling drivers good job or thanks also works to keep moral up and performance up... Being had :censored2: doesn't work and those SUP that are like that get what they deserve...

I don't have a fairy tale sense of anything. You assume that I do your wrong. It not going to be easy I know that there is going to be a big learning curve I know that. I'm up for the challenge.

As far as throwing away years and a career I built so far again that is your opinion and a assumption on your part. I'm not going to have to look for another job as you say UPS doesn't fire management people easily you basically have to be stealing or falsify records and trying. Everything else can be fixed. I know ORS thjat have done some pretty stupid crap on and off the job and still keep there job things that if a union employee did they would be gone.
First word in post. You're.


Well-Known Member
"Not much OT" would be less than 2 hours per week.

I an a FT seniority driver and did not break $70K this year.
In my area 3-5 hrs a week is not much.....I am the first driver back to the bldg most days.......in my area ups tries to make everyone work 9.5 hours a day to cut as many routes as they can......I have a commercial route no residential with a pu at 605


Active Member
Do you have a Bachelors degree? If so you will be making a smart decision if you live in a city with other companies you can move to after a couple years. I was a driver for tens years had a degree and moved into management. I hated it. Expect to work 60-70+ hours per week. I loved driving but couldn't do it anymore either. If you live in a small town and have no other opportunities outside of UPS then stay a driver, you only have to worry about YOU! But I able and only able to break free into another Bigger Better organization that actually cares about people after a year and a half of management for better(normal) hours, better pay, and work life balance as a manager level. I used them as a stepping stone and am glad I did go into management for this moment now. But while I was in UPS management I hated it most days. Think hard about it and what your goals are for the long term. I didn't take a pay cut annually going into management however if you do the math on hours worked based on salary it was a pay cut working out to about $20/hour!!! After being a FT driver at $31/HR. If you don't have a degree you will likely be stuck in management and have a hard time getting a position outside ups with equivalent salary. Good luck to you I had same struggles you did a couple years ago. The best thing you can do is get on your knees and pray to the Lord what you should do, go to church and listen for an answer before you make any decisions.


Active Member
Thanks I have been thinking about it for a couple of years and I feel this is the time to make the jump. Everyone has there opinion and are entitled to them. I take no offense to anything thing people say. Yes there are really good management personal that have people skills and other that are just well you know. I'm looking to be one with people skills....
I felt the same way. Unfortunately the others are right. You can't change this company as I thought I could too.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a Bachelors degree? If so you will be making a smart decision if you live in a city with other companies you can move to after a couple years. I was a driver for tens years had a degree and moved into management. I hated it. Expect to work 60-70+ hours per week. I loved driving but couldn't do it anymore either. If you live in a small town and have no other opportunities outside of UPS then stay a driver, you only have to worry about YOU! But I able and only able to break free into another Bigger Better organization that actually cares about people after a year and a half of management for better(normal) hours, better pay, and work life balance as a manager level. I used them as a stepping stone and am glad I did go into management for this moment now. But while I was in UPS management I hated it most days. Think hard about it and what your goals are for the long term. I didn't take a pay cut annually going into management however if you do the math on hours worked based on salary it was a pay cut working out to about $20/hour!!! After being a FT driver at $31/HR. If you don't have a degree you will likely be stuck in management and have a hard time getting a position outside ups with equivalent salary. Good luck to you I had same struggles you did a couple years ago. The best thing you can do is get on your knees and pray to the Lord what you should do, go to church and listen for an answer before you make any decisions.

This is not the case with the OP.


Active Member
I didn't say I was going to make $120,000 to start I said a ORS that just left was making that. You and upstate should get together because you both like to miss quote people. I'll get between $7,000 - $7,500 a month to start plus MIP which is about another months pay. then I'll get yearly raises. I'll worry about my retirement you worry about yours. All my MIP I will ever get will be in stock and I'll set it up as a DRIP and never touch it.
This is about right. To calculate exactly the base salary not including MIP you take top driver rate times 45 hour week times 52 weeks time 10% increase. Let's say $32/hour. X 45=$1440 X 52=$74880/y X 1.10=$82,383/year. I know top driver rate is a little more now but that's how they calculate it and it's not negotiable.


Well-Known Member
How much can he expect to pay per week for health insurance for him and his two boys?

The one point that I have yet to see mentioned is the fact that management is paid once per month. When my former on-car made the move from driver to mgt he told me that this was one of the hardest things to get used to. Thank goodness his wife took care of the bills.


Active Member
How much can he expect to pay per week for health insurance for him and his two boys?

The one point that I have yet to see mentioned is the fact that management is paid once per month. When my former on-car made the move from driver to mgt he told me that this was one of the hardest things to get used to. Thank goodness his wife took care of the bills.
A family plan with the best plan you can get is $350/m. Let me tell you the Insurrance sucks compared to the Insurrance we got a drivers. You will not just be paying a premium per month but more out of pocket. I didn't look closely at this and the Therapy for my autistic daughter that was covered in the teamsters plan was now not covered in the crappy management plan. We fought and fought only to realize it was a dad end and they were not going to cover a dime.