Putting in My Letter of Intent


Well-Known Member
Did you even get an offer or ask questions. I already told you and everyone else what it is and it's the same across the board. A center manager does NOT get 6 times his monthly salary, it's up to 34% of his annual salary and an ORS is up to 17%. If a center manager makes 100k base he will be lucky if he gets a 25k bonus(MIP)

Are you and living in Colorado? Maybe you should quit hitting up the dispensary and do you homework.
According to upsguy72 he's getting over 100k to start and he said he could have got more from ups and he's only becoming an ors....how can a center manager get 100k base if upsguy72 is getting 100k as ors


Active Member
According to upsguy72 he's getting over 100k to start and he said he could have got more from ups and he's only becoming an ors....how can a center manager get 100k base if upsguy72 is getting 100k as ors
Center managers don't make much more than ORS. You have to remember not all management candidates come in from a driver making 85k/y. Most start at 20k/y PT SUP get promoted to FT ORS at 65k and lucky to make 100k as A center manager. All management employees make different salaries. The highest paid ORS are the ones come from a FT driver position. My center manager made less than me on base salary but more after he got his MIP. they try and talk you into a package deal as if your actually making 102k/year but you never get your full MIP so then you make less, then subtract your health insurance and your making $5k/ year less, then divide that net 85k/y you end up with by your 65 hour avg. work week and your making about $20/hour.


Well-Known Member
You have trouble walking up and down steps. Maybe your one of the grown men that get paid $34 + hr but can't seem to follow simple instruction that are there so you have a better chance of going home in one piece and uninjured each night to see your family...

Lol just like a typical management weasel already whining about drivers pay.


Well-Known Member
Center managers don't make much more than ORS. You have to remember not all management candidates come in from a driver making 85k/y. Most start at 20k/y PT SUP get promoted to FT ORS at 65k and lucky to make 100k as A center manager. All management employees make different salaries. The highest paid ORS are the ones come from a FT driver position. My center manager made less than me on base salary but more after he got his MIP. they try and talk you into a package deal as if your actually making 102k/year but you never get your full MIP so then you make less, then subtract your health insurance and your making $5k/ year less, then divide that net 85k/y you end up with by your 65 hour avg. work week and your making about $20/hour.
Im a driver and really had no idea how much ORS and center manager make a year

Orion inc.

I like turtles
LOL coming form some that said I take a pay cut. Unless your a total idiot your getting pretty much full MIP.
I'm pretty good at math I got a engineering degree. I can do more math in my head and faster then you can with a calculator...
You have trouble walking up and down steps. Maybe your one of the grown men that get paid $34 + hr but can't seem to follow simple instruction that are there so you have a better chance of going home in one piece and uninjured each night to see your family...

Coming from someone who can't seem to communicate effectively , spell or even structure a complete thought coherently, you must be one of those future supervisors. You're going to have no future in management if this is how present yourself.

You have an engineering degree and yet you settled for an ORS position that you think seems to pay more than it actually does?

Yes the grown men who you say can't follow simple instructions have the problem.

I'm thinking you've over inflated your sense of importance as a supervisor at ups. You sure think everyone thinks so highly of you.

I'm calling bs on this. Nothing at ups is this rosy or perfect as you seem to paint it. You seriously are going to be very disappointed in 2016.

Please come back and update us in a year how you aren't making the salary you thought. That you're working 12-15 hours a day and holidays and some weekends and that your work life balance doesn't exist.

Remember when you're as awesome an ORS as you say you'll be, do you think ups will move you from that? Nope. Why change what benefits the company by having their rockstar ORS move up?


Well-Known Member
Coming from someone who can't seem to communicate effectively , spell or even structure a complete thought coherently, you must be one of those future supervisors. You're going to have no future in management if this is how present yourself.

You have an engineering degree and yet you settled for an ORS position that you think seems to pay more than it actually does?

Yes the grown men who you say can't follow simple instructions have the problem.

I'm thinking you've over inflated your sense of importance as a supervisor at ups. You sure think everyone thinks so highly of you.

I'm calling bs on this. Nothing at ups is this rosy or perfect as you seem to paint it. You seriously are going to be very disappointed in 2016.

Please come back and update us in a year how you aren't making the salary you thought. That you're working 12-15 hours a day and holidays and some weekends and that your work life balance doesn't exist.

Remember when you're as awesome an ORS as you say you'll be, do you think ups will move you from that? Nope. Why change what benefits the company by having their rockstar ORS move up?

Call BS on what ever you want. I talked to the my areas HR Supervisor on Dec 22 to start the process of applying for a position that wasn't even created yet. He created the position online that day and I applied for it that night and got hired on the morning of Dec 30 (4 business days in between). I had a interview with my DM set up before I even took the MRE which I took on Dec 26. The interview with my DM last less then 15 minutes. So call BS all you want...

I got my foot in the door. Once your in management you can apply for other open internal posted position throughout the company. I never said I was going to be a awesome ORS you said that and yes UPS can move me I can also apply for other internal posted positions. People don't just move position in UPS because UPS moves them some move because they applied for another position.


Active Member
center manager's make around what a feeder driver that run close to 60 hours a week makes plus MIP which is about 6 times there monthly salary.
Like I said you obviously didn't ask questions because you still don't know what your talking about. Let's just use a hypothetical salary a center manager makes of 100k then six times his monthly salary would be 50k in MIP. That's over 50% of his salary if the company even gives you full MIP which they don't. DMs MIP Is not even 50%.

For the third time. ORS is up to 17% and it's up to 34% for center manager. its double when you go from FT Sup to Manager.

Again you still ignore my questions and comments from this thread which is the closest to the truth you will get.

I'm still waiting for you to answer my questions from a couple days ago on how accurate I was on the Base Salary+MIP. I MUST BE RIGHT IF YOU HAVE YET TO COMMENT.


Well-Known Member
You do not want to there/their/they're.

I'll figure it out if I'm I sending someone an email or report I'll definitely double and triple check. This is only BC and it's always nice to see how people have nothing better to do than complain about grammar kind keeps things more interesting... :-)


Well-Known Member
Like I said you obviously didn't ask questions because you still don't know what your talking about. Let's just use a hypothetical salary a center manager makes of 100k then six times his monthly salary would be 50k in MIP. That's over 50% of his salary if the company even gives you full MIP which they don't. DMs MIP Is not even 50%.

For the third time. ORS is up to 17% and it's up to 34% for center manager. its double when you go from FT Sup to Manager.

Again you still ignore my questions and comments from this thread which is the closest to the truth you will get.

I'm still waiting for you to answer my questions from a couple days ago on how accurate I was on the Base Salary+MIP. I MUST BE RIGHT IF YOU HAVE YET TO COMMENT.

That number about 6 times their monthly salary came from my center manager's mouth when we were walking back from the other side of the building after I had my interview and got hired but was waiting for a better offer than they gave me to start.

Not ignoring you. I said your numbers were close. I'm not getting into my specific numbers as management people don't talk about specific numbers on what they make for a reason as nobody gets paid the same. If you want to find out what you'd make apply for a position you can always turn it down if you pass the MRE. You be surprised.

My last ORS that just left UPS made over $120,000 plus got $25,000 in MIP last year and that was seen on paper.
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Active Member
That number about 6 times their monthly salary came from my center manager mouth when we were walking back from the other side of the building after I had my interview and got hired but was waiting for a better offer than they gave me the first time.

Not ignoring you. I said your number were close. I'm not getting in my specific numbers as management people don't talk about specific numbers on what they make for a reason as nobody gets paid the same. If you want to find out what you'd make apply for a position you can always turn it down if you pass the MRE. You be surprised...

I was an ORS. everything you have said doesn't line up if you actually did your homework and asked the questions. Your story seems to change a lot too. You said you got an offer and didn't want to push the envelope, but now it's you were waiting for a better offer as if you turned the first down. Your center manager sound like he really needed an ORS as he was lying to you. Sounds like your off on the right foot. I have never heard of such a small center of only 25 drivers making a decision of hiring a FT sup. You should have met and interviewed with your District manager as they make the calls. Not on a division level.