Putting in My Letter of Intent


You smell that?
I haven't seen a female ORS, center manager, or DM in my area. I have seen plenty of people advance in there career in management and they were white males. I have on the other hand seen someone get demoted from center manager to FT Preload SUP and from ORS to FT Preload SUP and they both weren't white. So your theory isn't true. Race and or sex has nothing to due with advancing in UPS if you can't due the job your not advancing.

You really are in for a rude awakening... I almost feel sorry for you.


Well-Known Member
Staring base pay for new ORS varies from around $6300 to over $7000 a month. What your get offered and can negotiate depends on how long you have been working for UPS and what job you held before. A package driver is going make more starting as an ORS than a casual or PT Sup that gets hired as a ORS.

The second offer which I accepted was over $7100 a month. I Made $86,000 last year and I can say that I didn't take a pay cut in base pay by any means.
7100 a month is 85000 less healthcare......unless my math is off


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What is WUUT ? Did you means what ?
I haven't bashed your grammar, articulation, and sentence structure...my misspelling is intentional, of which I was actually defending YOUR use of the shortened hours to hrs. But to answer your question, no, I did not MEANS to say what, I did MEAN to say WUUUUUUUUUUT!


Oh Yeah
This is all im saying, if youve been driving long enough youve seen it all. You see their shady bs games, lies, corruption, their fake unattainable numbers they make up to what they want them to be, and then a driver is going to turn around and participate in the same idiotic games that they hated the company and supes for, thats the funny part dude. Im not going to take a shot at the man or degrade or disrespect him cause i just dont do that type of thing. What it all boils down to really is how a person is built and what kind of core values and beliefs they have and what they truly believe in. In my opinion i dont see how a driver could turn his back and participate in those games. Ill stand to my guns and not sellout to it cause im not built that way. Couldnt pay me enough to sellout like that but i stand strong to who i am and how im built and what is right and what is wrong. Rather get the hell beat out of me physically everyday but stay true to who i am than get the hell beat out of me mentally n not be true to who i am. It would truly eat at my conscious and just eat me alive mentally and spiritually. Not a bad thing to have a conscious and be built around loyalty, honesty and the realness that makes you, the person you are.


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This is all im saying, if youve been driving long enough youve seen it all. You see their shady bs games, lies, corruption, their fake unattainable numbers they make up to what they want them to be, and then a driver is going to turn around and participate in the same idiotic games that they hated the company and supes for, thats the funny part dude. Im not going to take a shot at the man or degrade or disrespect him cause i just dont do that type of thing. What it all boils down to really is how a person is built and what kind of core values and beliefs they have and what they truly believe in. In my opinion i dont see how a driver could turn his back and participate in those games. Ill stand to my guns and not sellout to it cause im not built that way. Couldnt pay me enough to sellout like that but i stand strong to who i am and how im built and what is right and what is wrong. Rather get the hell beat out of me physically everyday but stay true to who i am than get the hell beat out of me mentally n not be true to who i am. It would truly eat at my conscious and just eat me alive mentally and spiritually. Not a bad thing to have a conscious and be built around loyalty, honesty and the realness that makes you, the person you are.

Ok, motherfo what have you done to jump and who do you think you are posting under his name. This will be reported and there will be teams with special skillsets hunting you down.


Oh Yeah
Ok, motherfo what have you done to jump and who do you think you are posting under his name. This will be reported and there will be teams with special skillsets hunting you down.


Resident Suit
No problem with that. A fair days work for a fair days pay. I agree there.

But when I go clock out and go home, my day is done and I can leave ups at the gate on the way to my car.

How many members of management can do that? Not many
I'll admit going home and punching out must be nice. But it's just how it is. There are some guys who are so beat from the job they go home hurting. If all I have to do is tell the local sort sup to put in an OJS or hop on time cards I consider myself lucky.

It is a different world, that's for sure.


Resident Suit
You to can say anything you want about my salary claims. I have no reason to lie. I wasn't taking a pay cut and I didn't in base pay. You don't know what you talking about. I didn't say I was working less hrs I said there is flexibility in an ORS schedule and I won't be working late everyday. Also if I had something to due in the morning I could come in late at times... Again you haven't a clue. You assume....

I have no reason to make anything up. On the other hand you seem to have your own underlying agenda about ORS.
No offense, and I say this as an ORS. Your views on schedules is way off.

I would love to be able to tell you the other ORS and I trade off who gets to go home early and how we don't end up working long hours everyday. But it's just not true. I'm in at 6 every morning and if I leave before 630 it was a great day. Your days will be a lot longer. They tell you "Oh you have to follow DOT hours!!" But it's bull. You're going to work Saturdays. A full lunch? LOL. Only time I get a full break is when I'm on road. Even then I'm on the phone.

In a perfect world and a perfect day you're absolutely correct. But there are a lot of variables in this job that screw it up.


Resident Suit
This is hilarious. Yes I'm jealous that I'm not an ORS but I'm actually compensated well if I put in 60 hours in a week. I'm also so jealous of the fact that every ORS I've ever known had to take his job home with him or had to work the holidays ups ran all day long. I'm also jealous that even with your MIP and salary(which you've overblown and been proven wrong about in this thread by a former ORS ) , I still make more in both money and benefits. Both pension and health care.

Yes just super super jealous. Oh here's a few things I'm also sure you're jealous of. That drivers and hourlies have Union protection and that I'm not obligated to give a certain percentage of my salary to the United way. Oh you do know that it's frowned upon for advancement if you don't give a huge donation of your monthly salary? Don't you??

Maybe you forgot to calculate that into your salary costs as well.

You already have the brainwashing down. Go get 'em champ! Starting Monday, they own you in a much different way then they own us.

I just hope you don't have to spell your way out of any difficulty. Then you really are screwed.
Contrary to popular belief United Way donations mean nothing for advancement. And not once have I ever thought "Boy I wish I had a steward."

You pay for your protection. I pay for my healthcare like an overwhelming majority of this country. Whoop-Dee-do


Resident Suit
I haven't seen a female ORS, center manager, or DM in my area. I have seen plenty of people advance in there career in management and they were white males. I have on the other hand seen someone get demoted from center manager to FT Preload SUP and from ORS to FT Preload SUP and they both weren't white. So your theory isn't true. Race and or sex has nothing to due with advancing in UPS if you can't due the job your not advancing.

Just a FYI I don't care what color or sex you are if you can do the job that's all that counts. You should advance on your ability not race or sex...
Race and sex does make a difference. I have a female OMS who I'd LOVE to fire. It's comical how bad she is. But there would only be one other woman in the building, so we can't do that. You'll see.