REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!


Well-Known Member
Again, I'll just point out that these polls are meaningless at about two months before the election.

Think about all the 'earth-shattering' things that have happened in the last four months of this campaign.

They all dropped off the radar.

In two weeks, there will be no talks about the conventions, Bill Clinton, Clint Eastwood, etc.

And we'll move on to whatever will light up the news cycle in the future...gaffes in the debates, whatever.

The whole thing is kind of a scam.


Well-Known Member
Again, I'll just point out that these polls are meaningless at about two months before the election.

Think about all the 'earth-shattering' things that have happened in the last four months of this campaign.

They all dropped off the radar.

In two weeks, there will be no talks about the conventions, Bill Clinton, Clint Eastwood, etc.

And we'll move on to whatever will light up the news cycle in the future...gaffes in the debates, whatever.

The whole thing is kind of a scam.

Very true. I just find it amazing that a sitting President that is supposed to win in a landslide, and who people have seen his supposedly amazing accomplishments, can only garner 47% in the polls.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Again, I'll just point out that these polls are meaningless at about two months before the election.

Think about all the 'earth-shattering' things that have happened in the last four months of this campaign.

They all dropped off the radar.

In two weeks, there will be no talks about the conventions, Bill Clinton, Clint Eastwood, etc.

And we'll move on to whatever will light up the news cycle in the future...gaffes in the debates, whatever.

The whole thing is kind of a scam.

NO, the polls tell the whole story. The direction of the election can be tracked to trends. So far, ALL the trends are in OBAMAS favor. Remember, in 2008 Romney lost to McCain and McCain lost to Obama. How can a guy who cant get 100% of his own partys vote win the general election?

In each state, Romney was lucky to get about 28% of the vote in the primaries which means that 62% of the GOP was voting against him. Now, Romney has NO specifics on how he is going to save the country other than to say "i know business"....

Really? thats it?

Not a winning strategy.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Actually I think the only eight percent will be the unemployment rate under Obama.

Even at 8%, thats only 4 10ths (tenths) of 1% higher than where BUSH had the unemployment rate. Americans that understand math know that 4 10ths is near nothing and OBAMA stabilized that rate from where BUSH took it. BUSH raised unemployment by 3.8% in 8 years.

NOBODY wants to go back to the policies that saw unemployment rise 3.8% or 11 million jobs lost.

Keep dreaming.




Well-Known Member
Neither one of these guys is 'qualified' to be President.

The American people were oversold on Obama's qualifications, and obviously he under-delivered.

The American people are being oversold on Romney's 'business' experience...Romney was an average Governor at best...raided the US treasury to fund the Olympics...his Bain Capital experience boils down restructuring companies to extract millions for Bain and Bain's investors: if any jobs were created, it was an afterthought.

Obama can connect with the majority of Americans...didn't make him a good President.

Romney can't connect with the majority of Americans...won't make him a bad President, but he's so out of touch with the reality most people deal with, and it's embarrassing to watch him try to be the 'common man'.

We have two choices, and they both suck.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Very true. I just find it amazing that a sitting President that is supposed to win in a landslide, and who people have seen his supposedly amazing accomplishments, can only garner 47% in the polls.

Who predicted a landslide? Other than Clinton beating the crap out of DOLE (who had a higher favorability rating than Romney) who was suppose to blow out Romney?

Its always been said, this election will be close ( among party lines) and the gap will be around 4%. Could be 3% or could be 6% depends on the circumstances.

Despite all the baloney thrown at OBAMA, birthers, fast/furious, fund raising, healthcare, gay rights and such, OBAMA still leads Romney in swing states, in popularity, in likeability, in foriegn policy and in the polls.

Nothing the right wing is tossing out is sticking, and that must just Pizz you off.

Less than 60 days to go, we will see how tracking and trending goes. So far, its identical to the 2008 race.

Ryan has been NO HELP to the ticket, he has NOT raised the likeability of the ticket 1 point. Same as Sarah Palin. now if Ryan continues to lie, he will turn into Sarah Palin and put the final nails into Romneys coffin.




golden ticket member
One of the first steps in being an olympic head is asking congress for $$. He was following what they all do. You make it sound like he went in with a gun and stole the $$$...raided?
Get over it!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
One of the first steps in being an olympic head is asking congress for $$. He was following what they all do. You make it sound like he went in with a gun and stole the $$$...raided?
Get over it!

You missed his point. What he is saying is that his claims that he saved the Olympics was overstated, because if not for the goverment, he would have failed. In addition, he outsourced all the jobs for olympic goods to foriegn countries and how does that qualify him as "believing in america"?

If taking money from the goverment was what everyone does, why did Romney have to take over and get goverment money? Couldnt the original group have done that?

Oh wait, it was the outsourcing that turned a profit.

Yeah, "believe in america".... after we get everything from China.




golden ticket member
You missed his point. What he is saying is that his claims that he saved the Olympics was overstated, because if not for the goverment, he would have failed. In addition, he outsourced all the jobs for olympic goods to foriegn countries and how does that qualify him as "believing in america"?

If taking money from the goverment was what everyone does, why did Romney have to take over and get goverment money? Couldnt the original group have done that?

Oh wait, it was the outsourcing that turned a profit.

Yeah, "believe in america".... after we get everything from China.


The original group as you call it couldn't run a whore house in a town full of horny men!

"Many who worked closely with Romney in Salt Lake praise his Olympic work. One of them, Mike Leavitt, the former Utah governor who tabbed Romney to lead SLOC, now campaigns for Romney.

Mark Lewis worked for the International Olympic Committee when Romney hired him to help recruit additional corporations to help fund the games. SLOC’s effort to attract sponsors had come to a virtual standstill, Lewis said, with the bribery scandal and subsequent federal investigation casting a shadow over the organization.

"Things were in pretty bad shape," Lewis said. "There was a significant budget deficit. There was also a crisis in confidence."

Lewis, who now lives in Montana and is president of Jet Set Sports, which provides hospitality services at the Olympics for corporations, said he traveled with Romney to boardrooms and watched him make the pitch as to why the Salt Lake games were still a good bet.

"It’s a pretty tough sell to go out to a company and say you should pay money to be associated with us," Lewis said. He said Romney’s sales job persuaded them to contribute.

"I came into this not knowing Mitt," said Lewis, who is a state finance chairman for Romney in Montana. "I can tell you without hesitation he is one of the most amazing people I’ve ever worked with."

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The original group as you call it couldn't run a whore house in a town full of horny men!

"Many who worked closely with Romney in Salt Lake praise his Olympic work. One of them, Mike Leavitt, the former Utah governor who tabbed Romney to lead SLOC, now campaigns for Romney.

Mark Lewis worked for the International Olympic Committee when Romney hired him to help recruit additional corporations to help fund the games. SLOC’s effort to attract sponsors had come to a virtual standstill, Lewis said, with the bribery scandal and subsequent federal investigation casting a shadow over the organization.

"Things were in pretty bad shape," Lewis said. "There was a significant budget deficit. There was also a crisis in confidence."

Lewis, who now lives in Montana and is president of Jet Set Sports, which provides hospitality services at the Olympics for corporations, said he traveled with Romney to boardrooms and watched him make the pitch as to why the Salt Lake games were still a good bet.

"It’s a pretty tough sell to go out to a company and say you should pay money to be associated with us," Lewis said. He said Romney’s sales job persuaded them to contribute.

"I came into this not knowing Mitt," said Lewis, who is a state finance chairman for Romney in Montana. "I can tell you without hesitation he is one of the most amazing people I’ve ever worked with."

How does any of all that explain why Romney OUTSOURCED all the jobs for Olympic merchandise and the uniforms when he loves AMERICA so much??




Well-Known Member
Its always been said, this election will be close ( among party lines) and the gap will be around 4%. Could be 3% or could be 6% depends on the circumstances.


A few posts ago you predicted a possible 8% win so it wasn't always said this would be a close election. We could look at more of your predictions for this election if you really wanted to but it's become a trend of you arguing with yourself.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
A few posts ago you predicted a possible 8% win so it wasn't always said this would be a close election. We could look at more of your predictions for this election if you really wanted to but it's become a trend of you arguing with yourself.

I am tireing of listening to your posts which are all aimed into outer space... I started this thread and I stand by my predictions. Nobody is argueing with themselves, you just reject the obvious outcome.

You have nothing to offer the conversation other than taunts..

Keep an eye on the polls, they aint getting any better for Romney.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
A few posts ago you predicted a possible 8% win so it wasn't always said this would be a close election. We could look at more of your predictions for this election if you really wanted to but it's become a trend of you arguing with yourself.

While your wasting your time on this thread, why not read todays polling numbers....

Romney is a minus 8 points on the Rassmussen after the DNC convention.... I know I know, Rush and Hannity will tell you the white house put chicago style pressure on the polling agencies..and thats why the bounce. You would fall for that one.

Again.... like I said...




The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
A few posts ago you predicted a possible 8% win so it wasn't always said this would be a close election. We could look at more of your predictions for this election if you really wanted to but it's become a trend of you arguing with yourself.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
It must really be killing you after all your grand predictions for Sunday that Obama didn't even gain back the ground he lost to Romney?

What are you talking about?? Romney was a +4 on monday on rassmussen and you called that a bounce, today 6 days later Romney is a -4 or an EIGHT (8) ocho point swing and you say thats nothing??

Please.... if your just trying to bother me, it aint working. You know and see the trends, all I ask is that you go "all in" and pump up the rhetoric as your man gets destroyed in the election.

Today, OBAMA is at 52% approval... pretty good for a guy who has taken all the crap YOU and your buddies can toss his way.

If anything you repeat on this board from your favorite programmers was having any effect, Romney would be leading by double digits, but the majority of americans just aint that dumb.

Sure, there is a portion of americans willing to buy into that club, but it aint enough to win an election.

Wait till tomorrow, reuters new poll shows Obama with a +4 and that will move the dial again. Of course, YOU wil listen to Rush and Hannity and then post how those numbers are phoney because Obama used some Chicago style intimidation to get good numbers... but what they heck, it pins your ears back and brings you back here for more, so im all for it!

Keep up the loyalty.




Well-Known Member
I would be totally embarrassed trying to explain/excuse Obama's actions.

It's kind of embarrassing that obama hasn't been able to get much done with a whining republican congress. What a travesty of government. Republicans pushing everything off until after the election. Romney giving his speech of obama's unkept promises. Republicans are at fault. He will lose the election himself with comments like this.