REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!


Well-Known Member
It's kind of embarrassing that obama hasn't been able to get much done with a whining republican congress. What a travesty of government. Republicans pushing everything off until after the election. Romney giving his speech of obama's unkept promises. Republicans are at fault. He will lose the election himself with comments like this.

Obama's party had complete and unchallenged control for longer than the Republicans have had partial control. He could have gotten any law passed that he wanted. What's embarrassing is Obama claiming to be for the middle class but when he had the chance to do something positive all he did was enrich big business interests.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
It's kind of embarrassing that obama hasn't been able to get much done with a whining republican congress. What a travesty of government. Republicans pushing everything off until after the election. Romney giving his speech of obama's unkept promises. Republicans are at fault. He will lose the election himself with comments like this.

Seems you have been drinking the kool-aid.




Well-Known Member
Seems you have been drinking the kool-aid.

View attachment 7403

That 's just...creepy.

But, Obama is not a Socialist...unless you think Bush was a Socialist, or unless you think Romney is a Socialist.

It's just not the case.

Obama is as big-business as Bush was, and as big-business as Romney is.

The cartoons are cute (or weird and creepy in this case), but come on now...

How, by yours (or any) definition, is Obama a Socialist?


Nine Lives
How, by yours (or any) definition, is Obama a Socialist?

I believe Obama is a Western European style Socialist ... at least their party calls themselves Socialist and the people call themselves Socialists.
Perhaps it would be more accurate to describe Obama as a Democratic Socialist but that's splitting hairs.

Vermont's Socialist Congressman Bernie Sanders beliefs are similar to Obama's vision of what he wants to change the US to.

PS - Bush instituted the largest Socialist program in the US since LBJ so he could be considered to have Socialist leanings.
- Romney definitely has Socialist leanings and this concerns many of the Fiscal Conservatives in the Republican Party and the Libertarian Party.

brown bomber

brown bomber
heroes of this past DNC...Teddy Kennedy and Bill Clinton.......if these guys are heroes, I'd hate to see DNC zeros

this is not Democratic party that my parents told me this upcoming presidential I would choose to vote for the 3rd candidate...NONE OF THE ABOVE

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Obama's party had complete and unchallenged control for longer than the Republicans have had partial control. He could have gotten any law passed that he wanted. What's embarrassing is Obama claiming to be for the middle class but when he had the chance to do something positive all he did was enrich big business interests.

Gee, that sounds like a logical argument that makes Obama sound bad, except for a little thing called a FILIBUSTER which the republicans have used in record numbers to kill all BILLS that would have helped this country.

I wonder why you would not mention this fact???

Oh yeah, it defeats your argument.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I believe Obama is a Western European style Socialist ... at least their party calls themselves Socialist and the people call themselves Socialists.
Perhaps it would be more accurate to describe Obama as a Democratic Socialist but that's splitting hairs.

Vermont's Socialist Congressman Bernie Sanders beliefs are similar to Obama's vision of what he wants to change the US to.

PS - Bush instituted the largest Socialist program in the US since LBJ so he could be considered to have Socialist leanings.
- Romney definitely has Socialist leanings and this concerns many of the Fiscal Conservatives in the Republican Party and the Libertarian Party.

Today, what kind of Socialist would Ronald Reagan be?? Its clear he wouldnt be a tea partier or a conservative by todays measures....

So, what kind of socialist was he??




Well-Known Member
"I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and are utilized in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to every man, woman, and child. The education of the individual, in addition to promoting his own innate abilities, would attempt to develop in him a sense of responsibility for his fellow men in place of the glorification of power and success in our present society."

This was written by Albert Einstein.

Talking about 'Socialism' is like talking about 'Religion'...both concepts are so broad and diverse, merely evoking their name is meaningless without context.

I'm pretty sure Einstein wouldn't call Obama a Socialist.


golden ticket member
In the Orange County Register on Sunday, there was a map for electoral votes and red & blue colors and many shades of each and gray (I belive) represented undecided. Nothing was clear cut. Some were different shades of blue & red. Leaning towards this candiate or leaning towards the other one.

If the map were as cut & dried as your chart, there wouldn't be any undecided voters.


Staff member
In the Orange County Register on Sunday, there was a map for electoral votes and red & blue colors and many shades of each and gray (I belive) represented undecided. Nothing was clear cut. Some were different shades of blue & red. Leaning towards this candiate or leaning towards the other one.

If the map were as cut & dried as your chart, there wouldn't be any undecided voters.
That chart is a "no toss up" chart, ie, unless there is a literal tie in the polling (which is pretty rare) it awards the state electoral votes to whoever has the edge, even if that edge is just 1% and within the statistical margin for error. At this point the country is pretty polarized, and you could make a pretty good case that folks who are still undecided might not even vote. The point is that while the popular vote may be close, the electoral vote is a big hurdle for Romney. He basically has to win all the tossups that are leaning for him and quite a few of the ones that are currently leaning for Obama. Florida is a big one, if he loses there it's pretty much over.


Well-Known Member
"I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and are utilized in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to every man, woman, and child. The education of the individual, in addition to promoting his own innate abilities, would attempt to develop in him a sense of responsibility for his fellow men in place of the glorification of power and success in our present society."

This was written by Albert Einstein.

Talking about 'Socialism' is like talking about 'Religion'...both concepts are so broad and diverse, merely evoking their name is meaningless without context.

I'm pretty sure Einstein wouldn't call Obama a Socialist.

The grammar of political terms is so twisted up it's always best before proceeding to discuss any issue driven by terms to first define those terms to specifics. I find when you take these terms back into their etymology and begin a discussion on that basis, the whole discussion shifts dramatically. With most honest, sincere people, the common ground of agreement in a single moment explodes multi-fold and the discussion often turns towards all the areas of agreement rather than disagreement.

IMO, this is the last thing the powers that be want at all!


Well-Known Member
That chart is a "no toss up" chart, ie, unless there is a literal tie in the polling (which is pretty rare) it awards the state electoral votes to whoever has the edge, even if that edge is just 1% and within the statistical margin for error. At this point the country is pretty polarized, and you could make a pretty good case that folks who are still undecided might not even vote. The point is that while the popular vote may be close, the electoral vote is a big hurdle for Romney. He basically has to win all the tossups that are leaning for him and quite a few of the ones that are currently leaning for Obama. Florida is a big one, if he loses there it's pretty much over.

Funny you point out the electoral map, just before reading your comment I was looking at the Electoral Map Dashboard at HuffPost. As it stands now your observation is backed up from their outlook.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
New monday polling averages are out.... OBAMA extends lead over Romney..... The candidate leading in mid september RARELY LOSES the election....FYI...

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

On rassmussen, romney has lost -9 points in 7 days. You have to start wondering what is happening to the romney campaign when even FOX's own polling company shows Obama winning by +5 points.

For ChittsNgiggles, +5 is where I told you Obama would be at this time. FYI.....

Now you know what a bounce looks like.




Well-Known Member
Gee, that sounds like a logical argument that makes Obama sound bad, except for a little thing called a FILIBUSTER which the republicans have used in record numbers to kill all BILLS that would have helped this country.

I wonder why you would not mention this fact???

Oh yeah, it defeats your argument.



Interesting you would post that. Your guy had a filibuster proof senate, strong majority in the House and all he did was increase the costs of health care for the middle class.


golden ticket member
New monday polling averages are out.... OBAMA extends lead over Romney..... The candidate leading in mid september RARELY LOSES the election....FYI...

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

On rassmussen, romney has lost -9 points in 7 days. You have to start wondering what is happening to the romney campaign when even FOX's own polling company shows Obama winning by +5 points.

For ChittsNgiggles, +5 is where I told you Obama would be at this time. FYI.....

Now you know what a bounce looks like.


At this point in the campaign, Carter led Reagan by 10 and we know how that turned out.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Interesting you would post that. Your guy had a filibuster proof senate, strong majority in the House and all he did was increase the costs of health care for the middle class.

How long did he have this filibuster proof majority? I know the real answer*, do you? Also to count Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Evan Bayh of Indiana and Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas as staunch Obama allies stretches reality. I also know what he was dealing with at the time.

My health costs will go down considerably when Obamacare is fully instituted. I am squarely middle class.

*Four months and one week, of which the Senate was in session for 72 of those days.