REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!


Well-Known Member
How long did he have this filibuster proof majority? I know the real answer*, do you? Also to count Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Evan Bayh of Indiana and Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas as staunch Obama allies stretches reality. I also know what he was dealing with at the time.

My health costs will go down considerably when Obamacare is fully instituted. I am squarely middle class.

*Four months and one week, of which the Senate was in session for 72 of those days.

That's an interesting point. So if we cannot count dimocrats as staunch dimocrats then we must not count Snowe, Collins, and McCain as staunch Republicans correct? The bottom line is I am correct and Obama had his filibuster proof Senate when he chose to do what he chose to do which was crush the middle class and he had a filibuster Senate when he got every dimocrat to vote for him. The record is clear and I understand why his supporters want to run from it but it is not 2008 and Obama is not some do nothing Senator any longer. He is the do nothing for the middle class President now. That's his record.

I'm square to upper middle class and I work for UPS(my wife does not) and my health care costs have gone up significantly since this bill has passed.

From July 7 2009 to September 25 2009 the republicans could not stop anything. In the House they were even shut out of the amendment process on a regular basis.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Interesting you would post that. Your guy had a filibuster proof senate, strong majority in the House and all he did was increase the costs of health care for the middle class.

Obviously, you dont understand the filibuster process. Of course you think you do.. but what else is new.

""In understanding the filibuster process, you need to know
that it takes 60 votes to kill a filibuster. Said another way, a minority party
must have 41 votes to sustain a filibuster and avoid cloture. When a party
has 41 members, all they have to do is threaten filibuster in order to bring the
Senate to a halt.
In the modern era, filibusters are, in reality, simply
threats to filibuster and not Mr-Smith-Goes-to-Washington-type-speeches.
Since the filibuster can only be sustained with 41 votes, my methodology is to
credit the minority party holding the 41st vote with the filibusters

The democrats do not have a 60 vote majority in the senate and it only takes 41 votes to sustain a filibuster. This is how you screw america. 41 republicans stopping progress and keeping american unemployed.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Interesting you would post that. Your guy had a filibuster proof senate, strong majority in the House and all he did was increase the costs of health care for the middle class.

Today, your beloved FOX SPEWS and the entire right wing radio network attempted to "play down" the new polling data as nothing to worry about. Brett Baer tried to talk down the polls asking his audience to disregard polls and pay attention to message.

Pretty funny stuff.

I find it hilarious how those same media outlets worship polls when they are in the lead, and then when they are not, they ask people to look the other way. That "relic" brit hume tried to calm the faithful down about polling in his best attempt at damage control, but even they know what they are doing on the air 24/7 isnt having any political effect.

For ChittsNgiggles, more new polls were released today and it aint good for the fox crowd.

Up to 2.9% average, more coming out tonight and tomorrow morning. The dial is now going into the right direction!




Well-Known Member
I find it hilarious how those same media outlets worship polls when they are in the lead, and then when they are not, they ask people to look the other way. That "relic" brit hume tried to calm the faithful down about polling in his best attempt at damage control, but even they know what they are doing on the air 24/7 isnt having any political effect.

You do realize you just described yourself?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You do realize you just described yourself?

Ok chittsNgiggles, here are new polling averages for today....

OBAMA goes to +3.1 and Romney begins to fade. You better "pray"that Romney doesnt screw up in the debates like he did during the GOP debates before he had to cancel all appearances in debates because he was doing so badly. The more he opened his mouth in the GOP debates, the worst his polling went, and with these upcoming debates, you will probably need to cross your fingers and toes and pray that Romney doesnt get chewed up and spit out on national tv.

Peace, out.



Well-Known Member
Romney campaign has a three prong strategy to boost their standings: the Ryan pick, the Convention and the debates. Ryan got him nothing and their convention was flat. The fact that he is not a good debater leaves them with no other option but to rely on voter suppression.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Romney campaign has a three prong strategy to boost their standings: the Ryan pick, the Convention and the debates. Ryan got him nothing and their convention was flat. The fact that he is not a good debater leaves them with no other option but to rely on voter suppression.

Awesome post.!




Well-Known Member
More bounce, more bounce, more bounce....

RCP Average9/4 - 9/10----49.045.4Obama +3.6
ABC News/Wash Post9/7 - 9/9710 LV4.54948Obama +1
CNN/Opinion Research9/7 - 9/9709 LV3.55246Obama +6
IBD/CSM/TIPP9/4 - 9/9808 RV3.54644Obama +2
Rasmussen (Tuesday)3-Day Tracking1500 LV3.04845Obama +3
Gallup (Tuesday)7-Day Tracking3050 RV2.05044Obama +6

Looks like he is about to regain the losses to Romney but how is that a bounce now and it wasn't for Romney? Also can we use your super math skills and exclude the ABC poll and have Romney at plus 8? You never really explained how that worked.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Looks like he is about to regain the losses to Romney but how is that a bounce now and it wasn't for Romney? Also can we use your super math skills and exclude the ABC poll and have Romney at plus 8? You never really explained how that worked.

Are you like the only guy in american who thinks Romney got a bounce after his convention?? Everyone so far has concluded... NO, but not you. What ground did he lose to Romney?

It was tied for about 30 secs....only because of the Rassmussen polls which shows a plus +4.. if not, Romney would have still been a negative coming out of the GOP convention.

tell me where you saw Romney get a bounce outside of the Rassmussen poll?




golden ticket member
I heard an explanation that one of the polls is heavily weighted with calls to an inordinate number of Democrats.
Some polls are only a samping of 600 or less people....hardly makes an election!!

Of course, you'd have to go to each separate poll website and read the small print.
I'm hoping with the polls like they are, Dems. just say, well he doesn't need any help from me and they stay home on Nov 6th.


Well-Known Member
I heard an explanation that one of the polls is heavily weighted with calls to an inordinate number of Democrats.
Some polls are only a samping of 600 or less people....hardly makes an election!!

Of course, you'd have to go to each separate poll website and read the small print.
I'm hoping with the polls like they are, Dems. just say, well he doesn't need any help from me and they stay home on Nov 6th.

Well the thing about polling is that they try to predict voter turnout. These guys spend lots of effort trying to figure it out so you normally give more credit to polls that are of likely voters versus registered voters. Rasmussen was one of the more accurate polls last Presidential cycle but they all give weight to one group or another. I'd be suspicious of any poll that had a very small amount of "independent" voters this early in the process. One of the big problems will be that in this cycle the independents appear to be swinging heavily toward Romney so this will cause an early oversampling of democrats. In the end the national polls do not really mean much. You have to pay attention to the swing state polls and honestly not much effort will be put into those this early in the process outside of the campaigns themselves and we won't see those.


Well-Known Member
What about the statistical history that any President in an economic situation like this one doesn't get reelected?

If Obama wins (again), he'll be making history twice.


Well-Known Member
What about the statistical history that any President in an economic situation like this one doesn't get reelected?

If Obama wins (again), he'll be making history twice.

I think you possibly answered your own question but what about a President at war? How do they do?