REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
RCP Average—9/25—10/2---Obama +3.4-----RCP Average 9/13---9/28----Obama +4.3-------Obama is sinking faster than we thought he would. Oh, the poll that says he is tied had him up-- +7 ---- on the prior poll…. Can anyone say imploding!!!!!!

Buddy, an implosion would be the month of september for ROMNEY. Only the fox poll (RASSMUSSEN) had him a +2 for 2 days for the entire month.

Right now, Romney is lucky to still be in this race considering top republicans are leaking out they would like him to quit the race and let Paul Ryan take over.

Dont get too excited busterbrown... on friday, the newest polls will come out. We will see if your implosion theory is legitimate.




Well-Known Member
RCP Average—9/25—10/2---Obama +3.4-----RCP Average 9/13---9/28----Obama +4.3-------Obama is sinking faster than we thought he would. Oh, the poll that says he is tied had him up-- +7 ---- on the prior poll…. Can anyone say imploding!!!!!!

Wishful thinking. have you noticed that gallup which had romney up not too long ago has obama now up 6 and the repub favored rasmussen has obama up 2%. Once again it is all about the 8-9 swing states and obama still leads in every one of them!!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Dont drag me into your comments. Im not the one who lives in a trailer on a dirt lot.


TOS just live under a Loony Liberal rock.



golden ticket member
Wishful thinking. have you noticed that gallup which had romney up not too long ago has obama now up 6 and the repub favored rasmussen has obama up 2%. Once again it is all about the 8-9 swing states and obama still leads in every one of them!!
You know, it takes a few days to show bumps??

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
New polling averages are in nationally, Only Rassmussen shows Romney a +2 after the debates bringing Obamas lead down to +1.8 More polls to be released on Sunday and Monday morning. Obamas debate performance should reflect on these polls.


Well-Known Member
What happened to TOS keeping us up to date???---The last RCP Average posted was---- Obama +3.4---- Today's Poll shows----Obama +1.4----Again Obama is going down in flames as Romney is rising..----Like that new term----ROMNEY RISING!!!


The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 49% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns the vote from 47%

Romney 49%
Obama 47%

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Notice how these threads have changed? That's what's hppening in the country too....thank goodness.

Well, the PEW poll shows bad news for the president, but the sampling is highly favorite for Romney.



sample size Plus or minus…

Total 1,511 2.9 percentage points

Registered voters 1,201 3.3 percentage points

Likely voters 1,112 3.4 percentage points

Among registered voters

Republican voters 403 5.7 percentage points

Democratic voters 396 5.7 percentage points

Independent voters 364 6.0 percentage points

Obama supporters 552 4.8 percentage points

Romney supporters 567 4.8 percentage points

Sample sizes and sampling errors for other subgroups are available upon request.

In addition to sampling error, one should bear in mind that question wording and practical

difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of opinion polls.

Obama has to step up and take control. I agree, his debate performance has hurt him, but Romney is still Romney and at the next debate, you bet Wolf Blitzer wont allow Romney to bark all over the stage like that old man allowed him to do.




Staff member

Obama has to step up and take control. I agree, his debate performance has hurt him, but Romney is still Romney and at the next debate, you bet Wolf Blitzer wont allow Romney to bark all over the stage like that old man allowed him to do.


Hopefully, Blitzer won't give Obama another extra 4 1/2 minutes.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Obama has to step up and take control. I agree, his debate performance has hurt him, but Romney is still Romney and at the next debate, you bet Wolf Blitzer wont allow Romney to bark all over the stage like that old man allowed him to do.



And remember that you Messiah got an extra 4 mins more than Romney and he still SUCKED!!!!! Sounds like the Liberal media stooge Jim Leher still helped Obama but the thin air is what messed him up....BHAWHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Hopefully, Blitzer won't give Obama another extra 4 1/2 minutes.

The Liberal Lapdogs will give their Messiah 7 mins this time and blame his poor performance on...Solar flares, a full moon, or his preocupation with Beyonces booty. Or maybe they will figure out he has been over his head from day one and should have never been elected in the first place if the Media had done their jobs.