REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Well AV8, its saturday morning, and you know what that means!!! its time for the week ending polling averages!!! I know that as you sit at home listening to the happy talk on FOX that you have hope for a victory in november, and it must be a real downer to hear what you already know from me, but here is the latest polling averages!

OBAMA has increased his national lead to +4.3% , Both FOX and Rassmussen have OBAMA in the lead, so dont give me the "skewed" polls by liberal media claims... save that for your call to the rush limbaugh show.

OBAMA has reached that important marker of 49%, just 1% short of 50% where this race will be all but over.

50% is the magic number. Once there, OBAMA will not have to look back.

As I said from the begining, ROMNEY was never intended to win, the GOP just needed him out of the way for 2016. You better "pray" that Romney doesnt FLUB at the first debate this wednesday, or you may see a blowout equal to Reagans blowout of Carter. Either way, you are also witnessing the death of the GOP as YOU know it.

From this day forward, the GOP will have to shed its "white minority" control and expand itself to include blacks, mexicans, asians, women and GAYS if they are ever to win the white house again.

AS 1 prominent republican said the other day of the GOP's "white minority control"... "WE HAD A GOOD 40 YEAR RUN".



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Oh. I thought it may be time for you to explain to me how polling worked using your vast mathematical knowledge.

Explaning anything to you would be useless, you have been programmed to reject anything you hear unless you hear on RUSH, HANNITY or FOX NEWS.

They have done a great job in turning the listeners into isolated recepticals. In the meantime, enjoy the defeat.




Well-Known Member
Explaning anything to you would be useless, you have been programmed to reject anything you hear unless you hear on RUSH, HANNITY or FOX NEWS.

They have done a great job in turning the listeners into isolated recepticals. In the meantime, enjoy the defeat.



It's OK if you're not smart enough. We're all friends here.


Well-Known Member
A little change since I last posted these numbers. Still it seems to point to more trouble for the Obama regime than some would like to admit.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
A little change since I last posted these numbers. Still it seems to point to more trouble for the Obama regime than some would like to admit.

You got nothing to worry about then... This guys polling hasnt been accurate for years, but if it works for you, then ok, who are we to argue with you.

Maybe you should get AV8 to sign onto the program and you both can celebrate these numbers...

The rest of us will continue to reside on earth.




Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be counting either one out, at this point.

I'm not foolish enough to say Romney will definitely win, but looking at Presidential elections from a historical prospective as well as looking at who is betting on who for November 6th does give some hope that we will not have listen to Obama as president for another 4 years.


bella amicizia
I'm not foolish enough to say Romney will definitely win, but looking at Presidential elections from a historical prospective as well as looking at who is betting on who for November 6th does give some hope that we will not have listen to Obama as president for another 4 years.
I like this, but I freely admit Mitt is not my 'choice'.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What happened to our daily poll count??? Could it be the numbers are not looking so good for OBAMA?? RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama ---Oh, lookie there---

What are you talking about?? New polls came out today. Here is the latest national averages... still the same, OBAMA +4...only rassmussen does a three day rolling poll and even they have OBAMA in the lead.

Where do you see an improvement for MITT??

Only Rassmussen in the entire month of september had Romney in the lead for about 2 days. Hope this keeps you on the edge of your seat and cheerleading for ROMNEY!!




Strength through joy
I took my own poll today , I asked ever panhandler I came across today two questions; Are you better off than 4 yrs ago ? Who do you want as our next president ?

100 % answered NO .
100% answered not bhos .


Well-Known Member
I took my own poll today , I asked ever panhandler I came across today two questions; Are you better off than 4 yrs ago ? Who do you want as our next president ?

100 % answered NO .
100% answered not bhos .

hanging out with bums all day?

Sounds like you need to move to a better neighborhood.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I took my own poll today , I asked ever panhandler I came across today two questions; Are you better off than 4 yrs ago ? Who do you want as our next president ?

100 % answered NO .
100% answered not bhos .

Why not ask Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, Bill Orielly, Rush Limbaugh or any other talking head on fox if they are better off today financially than they were 4 years ago?

What do you think the answer would be?




Strength through joy
Why not ask Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, Bill Orielly, Rush Limbaugh or any other talking head on fox if they are better off today financially than they were 4 years ago?

What do you think the answer would be?



A better group would be all of the media lapdogs that support bhos .
They are about to lose their jobs and professions .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
New polls are out today and OBAMA still leads... One new poll shows the race as a tie bringing down the average to OBAMA +3.4

RCP Average9/25 - 10/2----49.345.9Obama +3.4
National Journal9/27 - 9/30LV4.54747Tie
Rasmussen Tracking9/30 - 10/21500 LV3.04947Obama +2
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl9/26 - 9/30832 LV3.44946Obama +3
NPR9/26 - 9/30800 LV4.05144Obama +7
CNN/Opinion Research9/28 - 9/30783 LV3.55047Obama +3
Gallup Tracking9/25 - 10/13050 RV2.05044Obama +6
ABC News/Wash Post9/26 - 9/29813 LV4.04947Obama +2
Quinnipiac9/25 - 9/301912 LV2.24945Obama +4

DEBATE TONIGHT and new polls on friday will determine how well each candidate did.




Well-Known Member
RCP Average—9/25—10/2---Obama +3.4-----RCP Average 9/13---9/28----Obama +4.3-------Obama is sinking faster than we thought he would. Oh, the poll that says he is tied had him up-- +7 ---- on the prior poll…. Can anyone say imploding!!!!!!