REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!


Staff member
The problem with the Examiner piece is that taking historical math into consideration completely ignores the completely inept campaign Romney has won. Hiding behind numbers only numbs conservatives to how dire their situation is.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The problem with the Examiner piece is that taking historical math into consideration completely ignores the completely inept campaign Romney has won. Hiding behind numbers only numbs conservatives to how dire their situation is.

Exactly. The polling furor is the new HOT BUTTON to help save Romneys campaign. Why believe the polls when you can believe Rush, Fox spews, hannity, Laura Ingraham, mark levin and such.. these are all people of character.

They would never mislead you....

Its just the slanted media trying to help OBAMA...., yeah, thats it.




Well-Known Member
Exactly. The polling furor is the new HOT BUTTON to help save Romneys campaign. Why believe the polls when you can believe Rush, Fox spews, hannity, Laura Ingraham, mark levin and such.. these are all people of character.

They would never mislead you....

Its just the slanted media trying to help OBAMA...., yeah, thats it.



It seems that one outlier poll, Rasmussen, does not call cellphones. That skews his polls especially with the elderly who generally still use land lines only. Obama's Lead Looks Stronger in Polls That Include Cellphones -

Also, some have complained about the sampling of dems and repubs and indies. Well, the last poll I read by Pew for party affiliation had 35% D, 24% R, and 36% I. So it seems they ask more dems BECAUSE THERE ARE MORE DEMS!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Going into FRIDAY and it looks like OBAMA is holding at +4% ! HECK, even FOX SPEWS has OBAMA with a +5 lead, and you cant get more slanted than FOX SPEWS.....

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
you can see a trend going uphill for ROMNEY growing. How he climbs that hill will require more than a RE-BOOT..!

It must be sad to watch your candidate IMPLODE on the national stage, eh?




Well-Known Member
You repubs are in some deep denial. That 47% video comes out?? "Yes, this is what we have been waiting for!! Mitt is just telling the truth!! Mitt unchained!! Just wait for the NEXT polls!!" LOL, well those polls have arrived and it is showing total disaster for your guy!! It seems americans are NOT social darwinists after all!! But is this a problem?? Hell no: THE POLLS ARE WRONG!! That's right even those liberals over at fox "news", their polls are WRONG too!! Why?? Because DICK MORRIS SAID SO!! lol!! Denial.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You repubs are in some deep denial. That 47% video comes out?? "Yes, this is what we have been waiting for!! Mitt is just telling the truth!! Mitt unchained!! Just wait for the NEXT polls!!" LOL, well those polls have arrived and it is showing total disaster for your guy!! It seems americans are NOT social darwinists after all!! But is this a problem?? Hell no: THE POLLS ARE WRONG!! That's right even those liberals over at fox "news", their polls are WRONG too!! Why?? Because DICK MORRIS SAID SO!! lol!! Denial.

Dick Morris, Karl Rove have one thing in common. They both need SUCKERS to give them money. Dick Morris continues with his happy talk on FOX SPEWS so he can sell the dummies his books. He's becoming a millionaire on the backs of the gulible, so he tells them what they want to hear ""ROMNEY is winning, the polls are skewed, Romney is leading, dont believe the polls"..... blah blah blah.... its all a part of the plan to take good money from the drones who only focus on FOX.

Karl Rove has other intentions. As a Romney campaign advisor and a SUPERPAC, Rove has collected over a BILLION dollars from FOX SPEWS watchers. His superpac is running ads all across the country for races from the presidency to local assemblymen. By coming on FOX SPEWS and telling the faithful that this is still a close race and how ROMNEY can win the white house "if only", is only intended on getting MORE DONATIONS for his superpac.

Two ash clowns who are probably the most deceitful people on television who come on and deliberately mislead people and the people EAT IT UP and open their checkbooks.

Its clear OBAMA is trending to RE-ELECTION. Just as in 2008, OBAMA has hit the magic number of 49%... by the end of september. In October, if he hits 50% nationally, then its over.

In my opinion, the only thing left for the GOP is the crying.

Oh, by the way, OBAMA has pushed the lead up to +4.1%




golden ticket member
Can you imagine being the pollster who calls TOS or moreluck?
They'd never get me because I have a displayed caller identity and I don't answer any call I don't recognize the caller. That's the trouble with polls, they don'thave people like me participating at all........just people who are lonely with nothing better to QVC people and cat-people ( the ones who hoard them)!!


bella amicizia
That's right. Romney shouldn't change a thing. Helluva campaign, Mitty!
I find it interesting that most people voting for Mitt are doing it, not to vote Mitt in, but rather to vote Obama out. I watched some clips of him this weekend talking about Ryan being pissed over that horrible Green Bay game. The laughs were so forced. It was not a pretty sight.

Life would be so much more fun if she would win. Roseanne Barr for President! | Roseanne for President 2012


Well-Known Member
I find it interesting that most people voting for Mitt are doing it, not to vote Mitt in, but rather to vote Obama out. I watched some clips of him this weekend talking about Ryan being pissed over that horrible Green Bay game. The laughs were so forced. It was not a pretty sight.

Life would be so much more fun if she would win. Roseanne Barr for President! | Roseanne for President 2012

Neither political party has any ideas or principles so now it's all about demonizing the other side. Romney supporters only talk about Obama this, or Obama that and yet Obama supporters only talk about Romney's dog, Wife's Horse, Bain Capital (albeit there's some mileage there but the dems. will never go down that road) or some other meaningless aspect of Romney.

Politics now are purely fear driven and it's not going to change until people are willing to step back, disconnect from the emotion of it and really look hard and be willing to ask the really hard questions. Once one does this, it's game over for this type of manipulative political construct. And it's game over for the 2 party dominated state.

Your observation get's a tip of the hat because most people completely miss this point. When you see a Roseanne Barr as better than the official sock puppets, you've realized the rule by technocracy ie scientific central planning and the fallacy of rule by expertise is flawed and you are the one who is really, to borrow from another thread, "WAKING THE :censored2: UP!"

That A Girl! :peaceful:

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll