REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Friday polling averages are in!... Still, an early reflection of polling after the second debate and more to come on saturday and sunday, but nonetheless, OBAMA retakes the lead (fractionally)

MORELUCK, you said you "believe the polls are accurate now" so please dont whine.

Clearly, the second debate helped to correct the damage done to OBAMA after the first debate and the polls show a change in direction.

Saturday, Sunday and Mondays polls will give us the true average for post second debate going into the last debate between the two candidates.

This is great news for the OBAMA team and bad news for the Romney team!!

Look for a big push this week with a campaign featuring a coined term ""ROMNISEA"" where MITTS flips will be the primary focus of attack.

Love the term, its appropriate!




Well-Known Member
Romney has paid MILLIONS of dollars in Taxes---stop the crying. What he has contributed to taxes you can only dream of making.

The left cries about the lower investment rate of tax --although this is a second tax on that money ---and bottom line OBAMA HAD A FULL TWO YEARS WITH TOTAL CONTROL --and did NOTHING to change the tax laws.

Also Obama will get a Pension of 190,000 thousand dollars a year --Romney at this point has no pension--What was Obama talking about ???:happy-very:


golden ticket member
Romney has paid MILLIONS of dollars in Taxes---stop the crying. What he has contributed to taxes you can only dream of making.

The left cries about the lower investment rate of tax --although this is a second tax on that money ---and bottom line OBAMA HAD A FULL TWO YEARS WITH TOTAL CONTROL --and did NOTHING to change the tax laws.

Also Obama will get a Pension of 190,000 thousand dollars a year --Romney at this point has no pension--What was Obama talking about ???:happy-very:
As usual, he was talking out of his presidential arse !!


Well-Known Member
Did he take a salary when he a Governor??? Or when he was in charge of the Olympics?
That's about 8 years of no paycheck. Jealous ??

Even more reason to release all tax returns. Showing that level of civic charity and devotion to the civic good would completely blow away the idea he's a modern day Scrooge. An 8 year hit in the wallet by choice would leave no doubt.

Wonder why the campaign doesn't consider that? Odd!


golden ticket member
Even more reason to release all tax returns. Showing that level of civic charity and devotion to the civic good would completely blow away the idea he's a modern day Scrooge. An 8 year hit in the wallet by choice would leave no doubt.

Wonder why the campaign doesn't consider that? Odd!
All you need to do is check with his stake, ward or whatever the term.


Even more reason to release all tax returns. Showing that level of civic charity and devotion to the civic good would completely blow away the idea he's a modern day Scrooge. An 8 year hit in the wallet by choice would leave no doubt.

Wonder why the campaign doesn't consider that? Odd!

Im completely blown away that Romney gave $4 million to charity last year...Thats almost 20% of his income.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Im completely blown away that Romney gave $4 million to charity last year...Thats almost 20% of his income.

Umm, i dont know how updated you are on Romney, but he changed his return to only deduct 2.1 million in an attempt to get his taxable rate up to 14% where he claimed he paid, instead of around 10%.

He also said, that if he paid more than he was legally suppose to pay, then he was unqualified to be president. I AGREE.

But we know he will end up with a case of ROMNESIA on taxes!!



Lue C Fur

Evil member
Even more reason to release all tax returns. Showing that level of civic charity and devotion to the civic good would completely blow away the idea he's a modern day Scrooge. An 8 year hit in the wallet by choice would leave no doubt.

Wonder why the campaign doesn't consider that? Odd!

I wonder why Obama keeps his school records hidden...what is he hiding or afraid of???

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Of the two, which do you find most disconcerting? School records or tax records? I would be more concerned with how someone managed their finances over their SAT scores.

If they guy has not been charged by the IRS then he must be doing everything legit. Maybe the reason the Messiah has kept his school records hidden is it will expose his crappy grades in Economics, his radical ties with who helped pay for his school and the radical classes he took. Are you not curious?


If they guy has not been charged by the IRS then he must be doing everything legit. Maybe the reason the Messiah has kept his school records hidden is it will expose his crappy grades in Economics, his radical ties with who helped pay for his school and the radical classes he took. Are you not curious?

His college transcipts are sealed because it shows the only way he got in was as an exchange student.


Well-Known Member
Of the two, which do you find most disconcerting? School records or tax records? I would be more concerned with how someone managed their finances over their SAT scores.[/QUOTE

Romney has proven he can handle and grow investments and money.He managed his money well --he can handle mine !!

Obama has proved he can read off a teleprompter. I would love to know his sat scores --How did he get into Ivy league schools??--when in his own words --he was in a "drunken stuper" while in high school.

Affirmative action is a wonderful thing !!