Friday polling averages are in!... Still, an early reflection of polling after the second debate and more to come on saturday and sunday, but nonetheless, OBAMA retakes the lead (fractionally)
MORELUCK, you said you "believe the polls are accurate now" so please dont whine.
Clearly, the second debate helped to correct the damage done to OBAMA after the first debate and the polls show a change in direction.
Saturday, Sunday and Mondays polls will give us the true average for post second debate going into the last debate between the two candidates.
This is great news for the OBAMA team and bad news for the Romney team!!
Look for a big push this week with a campaign featuring a coined term ""ROMNISEA"" where MITTS flips will be the primary focus of attack.
Love the term, its appropriate!
MORELUCK, you said you "believe the polls are accurate now" so please dont whine.
Clearly, the second debate helped to correct the damage done to OBAMA after the first debate and the polls show a change in direction.
Saturday, Sunday and Mondays polls will give us the true average for post second debate going into the last debate between the two candidates.
This is great news for the OBAMA team and bad news for the Romney team!!
Look for a big push this week with a campaign featuring a coined term ""ROMNISEA"" where MITTS flips will be the primary focus of attack.
Love the term, its appropriate!