REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!


golden ticket member
You really don't pay attention....the leader who wants the position , is 65 and never had an alcoholic beverage in his life of 65 years.

Otis is nowhere close to the correct character!!


Well-Known Member
For me the only poll worth paying attention to is the Gallup.

Yeah, the Gallup poll...which somehow got 'stuck' on Romney+5 for days, when most other polls were fluctuating (Gallup didn't get an update???).

So, you just like the 'polls' that support your position, even if they're not reality-based?


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I wonder how accurate polling can be in the 21st Century?

I only have a cell phone, and I don't answer an unknown number, they can leave a message if they know me.

The polls are based on people who answer their phone for unknown phone numbers and agree to participate. Those folks may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer. The list of numbers that participate most likely mirrors the Jamaican 'Grandparents scam' numbers.

The troublesome thing is Tagg 'I want to punch the President' Romney is an owner of the company providing electronic voting machines to states like OH.

I wonder what the outrage would be from the opposition if say, Chelsea Clinton, had a stake in electronic voting machines in swing states?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the Gallup poll...which somehow got 'stuck' on Romney+5 for days, when most other polls were fluctuating (Gallup didn't get an update???).

So, you just like the 'polls' that support your position, even if they're not reality-based?

Interesting little fact. No winner of a Presidential election has gone on to win who was down in the Gallup poll by more than 6 points in mid-October.

Election 2012 Likely Voters Trial Heat: Obama vs. Romney


golden ticket member
I only trust the "Likely Voters" polls. People who are actually planning to vote are the only ones who count......not some kid who registered for the first time in 2008 and voted 8 times for Obama.


Staff member
I'd be more impressed if someone put like Adelson put his entire fortune on one or the other. He's a betting kind of guy.


Well-Known Member
America will know who the next President is very early on election day. Florida, Ohio and Virginia will tell the tale. Who cares how Calif, Wash or Ore vote---by the time their results come in --the election will be over.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
America will know who the next President is very early on election day. Florida, Ohio and Virginia will tell the tale. Who cares how Calif, Wash or Ore vote---by the time their results come in --the election will be over.

The election ends with PENNS, OHIO, IOWA, FLORIDA, WISC.

Game over after that.

