REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!


golden ticket member
You ask from where? Does it even matter?? You don't question the foreign part?

He's from Algeria and a litte city called Setif, population in 2005, the last census, 264,598 and mostly Muslim


Well-Known Member
You ask from where? Does it even matter?? You don't question the foreign part?

He's from Algeria and a litte city called Setif, population in 2005, the last census, 264,598 and mostly Muslim

Wait! You have all this detail and the GOP is yet to bring up charges in the Congress to have Obama removed from office? What are they waiting on?


I thought "another planet" was Romney's deal? Is that why Billy Graham took the Mormons off the list because they abandoned the ET story?
Are Jesus and Satan still brothers?

ET was better than "Dumb and Dumber"


Active Member

I wonder why Obama keeps his school records hidden...what is he hiding or afraid of???
We wonder why willard keeps his TAX records hidden.....What is he hiding or afraid of?????????by the way where are willards college records?Long form birth certificate????Where exactly did he do mission work while the Vietnam war was claiming 58,000 lives????how exactly does Bain work??


Well-Known Member

That's the normal election process. Are you saying you don't believe in law and order? You don't support following the Constitution? If you know he's an illegal President, it's your lawful duty, it's the GOP's lawful duty to end Obama's Presidency and restore lawful order to protect our precious bodily fluids!


That's the normal election process. Are you saying you don't believe in law and order? You don't support following the Constitution? If you know he's an illegal President, it's your lawful duty, it's the GOP's lawful duty to end Obama's Presidency and restore lawful order to protect our precious bodily fluids!

Thats what they are doing.