REAL CLEAR POLITICS..... polls and tracking!


Well-Known Member
Romney went from plus +7 to +3 a loss of 4 points... next cycle should be tied.



Are you serious? Your big news was that a daily tracking poll can change daily? You put yourself out there as some type of expert on polling(which,trust me, is funny in itself) and this is what you've got for big news?

Keep trying. You have to be the most entertaining character on here.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Are you serious? Your big news was that a daily tracking poll can change daily? You put yourself out there as some type of expert on polling(which,trust me, is funny in itself) and this is what you've got for big news?

Keep trying. You have to be the most entertaining character on here.

Once again you miss the boat on reality... The GALLOP poll is currently polling on a 7 day cycle, and no longer using its 3day model as it did in september. GALLOP does not track daily.

I wouldnt expect you to know that, as you demonstrate you dont know much on anything else.

Romney still maintains the fractional lead of .09%.

Less than two weeks to go and the swing states still look good for OBAMA!



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Romney at 330 electoral votes?! I wouldn't put alot off stock in this if I were advisin either campaign.

That number is ridiculous. Romney would have to win penn, wis, mich, iowa, ohio, floriday, virg, new ham, minn and THAT aint gonna happen.




Well-Known Member
Romney at 330 electoral votes?! I wouldn't put alot off stock in this if I were advisin either campaign.

The Bickers and Berry electoral model has been 100% accurate the last 30 years but both men admit there are factors they don't measure which could swing a vote counter to their modeling prediction. I'm watching gas prices drop like a rock where I live and where the price per gallon has dropped 20 cents or more in a matter of a couple of weeks. This trend appears it will continue for the next 10 days too.

If on election day the voter is paying 40 or 50 cents less per gallon than a month or 2 ago, how that economic reality effects the independent voter could be the deciding factor either way. Even on the local news I heard on the radio that Christmas hiring is up and many companies expect to keep a lot of seasonal hires on after the holiday season in full time employment. Voters can be funny and can turn on a dime.

Next 10 days are going to be fun to watch, no doubt about it.


Staff member
The Bickers and Berry electoral model has been 100% accurate the last 30 years but both men admit there are factors they don't measure which could swing a vote counter to their modeling prediction. I'm watching gas prices drop like a rock where I live and where the price per gallon has dropped 20 cents or more in a matter of a couple of weeks. This trend appears it will continue for the next 10 days too.

If on election day the voter is paying 40 or 50 cents less per gallon than a month or 2 ago, how that economic reality effects the independent voter could be the deciding factor either way. Even on the local news I heard on the radio that Christmas hiring is up and many companies expect to keep a lot of seasonal hires on after the holiday season in full time employment. Voters can be funny and can turn on a dime.

Next 10 days are going to be fun to watch, no doubt about it.
In the last thirty years? Most of those elections weren't even close. Some would say that the one factor they missed in the 2000 election was an activist Supreme Court. I wish I could say the next ten days will be fun to watch--I can't. I tired of all the crap from all sides, treating this more like the Super Bowl than a very, very important election.


Well-Known Member
Once again you miss the boat on reality... The GALLOP poll is currently polling on a 7 day cycle, and no longer using its 3day model as it did in september. GALLOP does not track daily.

I wouldnt expect you to know that, as you demonstrate you dont know much on anything else.


You didn't predict your big news from the Gallup daily tracking poll in September.

Now you're saying your big news was oops never mind. You truly are the gift that keeps on giving. Thanks for starting my day off with a good laugh.


Well-Known Member
In the last thirty years? Most of those elections weren't even close. Some would say that the one factor they missed in the 2000 election was an activist Supreme Court. I wish I could say the next ten days will be fun to watch--I can't. I tired of all the crap from all sides, treating this more like the Super Bowl than a very, very important election.

In reality what the Supreme Court did was halt the rogue Supreme Court in Florida from constantly changing the rules. If the U.S. Supreme court had never gotten involved Bush would have still won the Presidency. By that point the election was already over.


Staff member
In reality what the Supreme Court did was halt the rogue Supreme Court in Florida from constantly changing the rules. If the U.S. Supreme court had never gotten involved Bush would have still won the Presidency. By that point the election was already over.

Tell the story any way you want. It was the only election in the last 30 years that was factually that close.


Once again you miss the boat on reality... The GALLOP poll is currently polling on a 7 day cycle, and no longer using its 3day model as it did in september. GALLOP does not track daily.

I wouldnt expect you to know that, as you demonstrate you dont know much on anything else.

Romney still maintains the fractional lead of .09%.

Less than two weeks to go and the swing states still look good for OBAMA!



wow...but leads in 80% of polls


Well-Known Member
Soooo....if Romney wins the popular vote, but loses the Electoral College, are you Romney supporters okay with that?

Turns out it doesn't matter...if that's the case, Obama wins.

Our voting system is so screwed up.

It should be this: one person, one vote. True Democracy.

(the US of A isn't a democracy, it's a Republic...)

Instead, the 'swing' states are getting all the attention.

Look, I can go to an ATM, withdraw cash, and be 99.999% certain that my resulting balance will be correct.

Yet, as a country, we can't come up with accurate voting machines? We can't come up with a system that would ensure that the will of the PEOPLE was enforced?



golden ticket member
Our system may be messed up, but they only talk of changing it in the middle of an election. I'm for doing away with the electoral thing and just have the popular vote count.


golden ticket member
I remember how upset you were when Gore lost...
Gore was a goon. The electoral system was argued about back then......but it was during an election. Can't change the rules in the middle of the game. Nobody changed anything, so it's the same old way.
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Staff member
Gore was a goon. The electoral system was argued about back then......but it wa during an election. Can't change the rules in the middle of the game. Nobody changed anything, so it's the same old way.
My point was that you didn't have any complaints about the system back then because it was a democrat who lost. The only reason you're talking about it now is because there is a distinct possibility that the same thing might happen to a republican.


golden ticket member
I have always thought the poular vote is the people's vote. I never understood fully the electoral system. I just was bound by the rules. Let's change them after this election!! But, guess what? People will just forget about it and it'll stay the same.