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Well-Known Member
Civilizations have spent the past 8000 years destroying each other over the question of who's god is the true god and who loves him more.......And judging by the elevated religious strife we're seeing today the end of it is nowhere in sight.


Engorged Member
The way, The truth , and The life... no man can come to the Father except by me.-- John 14: 6
The claim He made for and about Himself.

Great. Proof? Don't other religions have similar claims of someone or something being a portal to the next level of existence?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Pascal’s Wager is a :censored2:ty argument for believing in god.

I knew you were a pascal Christian more concerned with the loopholes for your eternal salvation than Christianity itself.
A pascal Christian?
Never heard of it.
Is that close to being a rascal Christian? It rhymes I think.

El Correcto

god is dead
A pascal Christian?
Never heard of it.
Is that close to being a rascal Christian? It rhymes I think.
Pascal's Wager is an argument in philosophy presented by the seventeenth-century Frenchphilosopher, mathematician and physicist Blaise Pascal (1623–1662).[1] It posits that humans bet with their lives that God either exists or does not.

Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.), whereas he stands to receive infinite gains (as represented by eternity in Heaven) and avoid infinite losses (eternity in Hell).[2]
Pascal's Wager - Wikipedia

El Correcto

god is dead
The best argument for Christianity is it’s not hurting anyone else, it’s my personal beliefs that better my life, lets me put myself aside and serve my community with like minded people in my church.

Those are Christians. Not this whole ew I’m not baking a gay cake or letting them adopt children non sense.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The best argument for Christianity is it’s not hurting anyone else, it’s my personal beliefs that better my life, lets me put myself aside and serve my community with like minded people in my church.
Well that's sweet.
When you find that in the New Testament, let me know where.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Well that's sweet, when you find that in the New Testament, let me know where.
I don’t get why you live a Christian lifestyle so devoutly (you dont) by refusing cakes to gays or not allowing them to adopt children if god won’t punish you for not doing so...?
Show me in the Bible where Jesus keeps tracks of cakes and who raises children.
The personal attack of I don't live as a Christian , I'll take because you can't find your definition of a Christian lifestyle in the New Testament.

As for gay cakes.. it is the cake makers choice. Free will..choice..even if you don't like it................. In 1 Cor. 6: 9, Paul list homosexuals with others who will not inherit heaven. Romans 1: 25-28 he once again discusses that sin and the result of it.
Matthew 19 ..Jesus discusses God's eternal plan for the family structure .." from the beginning it was not so"There are other passages ( Ephesians discusses a lot about the family structure that meet God's approval)
but just based on these I would say the cake makers felt it was a violation of their beliefs to support a direct violation of scripture concerning what constitutes a marriage and the structure of a family.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Oh okay, so it doesn’t.
It doesn't what?
Spell everything out specifically ? SMH
Yeah,, that's it.
1 Wrong 2:11--" And Jesus shall sit on the throne and keep track of cakes and who raised children."
If the above passages aren't enough for what you want..believe what you will.. choice.. but while you have your definition and opinion, let the cake makers have theirs.
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