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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Jesus Christ did not hang out with tax collectors and prostitutes and tell them they had to change.
Yeah, he did.
Yes, we are all sinners. Yes, we all need forgiveness.
I think what you might be saying is how one teaches. For the different reactions people have to the gospel, the parable of the sower is really good. It deals with the hearts of men and their reaction.
When the gospel is preached, the reaction you pray for is that they respond to it. If they respond negatively, that's not the messages fault and it doesn't mean you need to change the message to suit them.
Jude touches on that a little. It helps to know something about the person you are teaching, where they are ..., "And have mercy on those who doubt; save others by snatching them out of the fire; to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garments stained by the flesh.
Some folks need more teaching, time, patience, etc. Some need "snatched out of the fire"(danger) immediately. Some need to respond today if not sooner.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Same God..I do contend what is written is that the law has changed according to scripture.
We are not under the Law of Moses and those "works" of that law. That law was given to Israel to bring them to Christ
We are under the Law of Christ. We have lived in the Gospel Dispensation since the death of Jesus. The law of Moses was nailed to the cross.( Col 2) The testament we live under is in effect because the testator died (Heb. 9)
The New Testament is clear about how God speaks to us.

The Lord doesn't change. But, His law did. Which was his plan before he made the world. (Eternal purpose )
"This was according to the eternal purpose that he has realized in Christ Jesus our Lord- Eph 3:11
We weren’t discussing God’s Law, we were discussing whether God of both Testaments whispers.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
We probably are in different ways. Jesus Christ did not hang out with tax collectors and prostitutes and tell them they had to change. He compelled them with a mix of love and correction. If you can’t first compel someone you cannot reach them. Following his Commandments are some or something we do because we want to not because we have to. He gives us free will because that’s the only way he can know for sure if we truly love him otherwise we will just be doing it only out of fear. Love comes first then correction. Because you’re open to it. I’ve seen many churches bash people with hell fire and brimstone only to turn them away because there was no love first. The book tells me all of us are sinners even people who go to church and have difficult knowledge.
Have you never considered that the Commandments were for OUR benefit, not God’s? That following their blueprint would lead to a virtuous and fulfilling life. Then we could eagerly await reuniting with Him in Heaven, not fearing death?


Well-Known Member
Have you never considered that the Commandments were for OUR benefit, not God’s? That following their blueprint would lead to a virtuous and fulfilling life. Then we could eagerly await reuniting with Him in Heaven, not fearing death?
They are for our benefit they make our life better. Unfortunately human nature dislikes being told what to do so compelling someone to follow something that’s good for them is a complicated issue sometimes.
Anyone who’s had kids can relate lol


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
We weren’t discussing God’s Law, we were discussing whether God of both Testaments whispers.
I asked you where you find that God speaks to a man today in a small still voice. You have inferred it starts one on the road to salvation. You have said that God doesn't change inferring he still operates this way.
Still waiting for the scripture that's backs your claim that God whispers to people now.
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Have you never considered that the Commandments were for OUR benefit, not God’s? That following their blueprint would lead to a virtuous and fulfilling life. Then we could eagerly await reuniting with Him in Heaven, not fearing death?
Those following that blueprint are found in the church.

El Correcto

god is dead
That is what makes the religious folk so dangerous to people In the material world. They value some non existent metaphysical world more than they do this one and people enjoyment of this one. They would gladly see your life destroyed in the material world if it meant “saving” you in the next one, without any real evidence it even exists.


Well-Known Member
This lady came up to me trying to give me a paper to join her church.

I said so ur rebelling against evil govt and evil corporations right?


So y should i join ur church?? all the best


Well-Known Member
That is what makes the religious folk so dangerous to people In the material world. They value some non existent metaphysical world more than they do this one and people enjoyment of this one. They would gladly see your life destroyed in the material world if it meant “saving” you in the next one, without any real evidence it even exists.
Some religious ppl

Not everyone is passive.

Karl marx called religion the opiate of the masses


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Have you never considered that the Commandments were for OUR benefit, not God’s? That following their blueprint would lead to a virtuous and fulfilling life. Then we could eagerly await reuniting with Him in Heaven, not fearing death?
Those outside His church, His body, are not among the saved according to the Bible.
It's interesting the number of people who claim to know Jesus. They make statements like these....
"I love Jesus. I don't need to hear about church, Jesus is all I need. Just give me the man and don't tell me about the plan. I believed and all is good."
So contrary to NT teaching.
Those outside His church, His body, are not among the saved according to the Bible.
It's interesting the number of people who claim to know Jesus. They make statements like these....
"I love Jesus. I don't need to hear about church, Jesus is all I need. Just give me the man and don't tell me about the plan. I believed and all is good."
So contrary to NT teaching.
You're literally saying that Jesus isn't enough


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Not at all.
I'm literally saying that the bible teaches that the saved are in his church.
The Bible plainly teaches that being a member of His Body, there is responsibility that comes with membership.
Yeah the responsibility is to make disciples out of Jesus not diminish what he did on the cross. I don't get to heaven patting myself on the back.
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