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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
It is sufficient.

2 Corinthians 12:9​

9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.( Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
How do the scriptures explain that grace was shown?
Why are you deflecting?
lol..There is no harassment. This is a religious forum where questions, answers ,and eternal matters are discussed.If it's too much for you, start one of your own..You can call it..
"Jesus Loves You No matter what you believe or do just as long as your sincere it doesn't matter if it is not found in the Bible you get a free pass on the judgement day anyway."
So, no. You won't stop harrasing me. You can't let it go.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I'd like to be able to browse browncafe without constantly being flooded by your notifications please.
I know the feeling. I had 7 or 8 from you when I turned the computer on today.
Look grasshopper, browse on.
But, if you make a comment, I will comment on that comment if I feel like it. If you consider it harassment because you disagree with my response to your comment, or don't like it, tough.
Suck it in and tough it out.
I know the feeling. I had 7 or 8 from you when I turned the computer on today.
Look grasshopper, browse on.
But, if you make a comment, I will comment on that comment if I feel like it. If you consider it harassment because you disagree with my response to your comment, or don't like it, tough.
Suck it in and tough it out.


Well-Known Member
In Romans 6: 1-2 the Apostle Paul asks if we should continue in sin so that grace may abound? Absolutely not. There are many who believe once they have been saved they're always saved no matter what. They are in a saved state once baptized but continuing in that state requires obedience and faithfulness to the Christian life. Some think they can have some fun sex on the side or get drunk on Saturday night. There would be no need for a Judgement Day if so. Believe in Jesus as the Son of God and you're automatically in. Don't believe and you're out. No need for a final judgement then. You can't just keep the part you like and ignore the rest. Faith without works is dead according to the Apostle James. Baptism for the remission of sins is a requirement for entry into the Lord's Church. Remaining a faithful Christian afterwards is necessary for your soul's salvation.


Well-Known Member
In Romans 6: 1-2 the Apostle Paul asks if we should continue in sin so that grace may abound? Absolutely not. There are many who believe once they have been saved they're always saved no matter what. They are in a saved state once baptized but continuing in that state requires obedience and faithfulness to the Christian life. Some think they can have some fun sex on the side or get drunk on Saturday night. There would be no need for a Judgement Day if so. Believe in Jesus as the Son of God and you're automatically in. Don't believe and you're out. No need for a final judgement then. You can't just keep the part you like and ignore the rest. Faith without works is dead according to the Apostle James. Baptism for the remission of sins is a requirement for entry into the Lord's Church. Remaining a faithful Christian afterwards is necessary for your soul's salvation.
They’ll be a lot of people on that day that he says “depart from me I never knew you”.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You’re the Bible scholar, you tell us LOL I’m just saying it’s sufficient. And thankfully it is. Or all of us would be screwed.
I'll be glad to give it a shot.Thanks...:rolleyes:
.. Wait..
Faith without works is dead according to the Apostle James. Baptism for the remission of sins is a requirement for entry into the Lord's Church.
You are in agreement with Van that baptism is for the remission of sins? You believe that bible teaches that one is not saved until their obedience in baptism?


Well-Known Member
Then why did you agree with his comment?
Because I believe it’s an important act of obedience. I did it as a child, when I got older I realized I probably did not understand what It really meant. So I did it again. If it was completely required there would be no deathbed repent necessary. It would be Pointless. That’s also why his grace is sufficient, my agreement with Van was mostly that I do not agree once saved always saved.
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