El Correcto
god is dead
We aren’t as bad as the Muslims!!Christianity permeates all strata of society in the U.S. and elsewhere. You don't have to be poor and stupid to believe. But much of the population these days doesn't believe and no one is forcing them to. Islam has grown a lot not only in the U.S. but all through the Americas. The thing you don't get is you can rip Christianity and Christians all day in the U.S. You just can't do that towards Islam in Muslim majority countries or even in many Western countries. As much as you hate Christianity the idea of the enemy of my enemy is my friend just doesn't apply to Muslims which many liberals who hate Christianity naively believe.
Wow what a wonderful achievement… if you were born in their country you’d be the worse of the worse of them. You’d be out there with rocket launcher aiming at US troops and living in caves because the west is “decadent” and evil.