That's a milquetoast response. I condemn the practice of abortion and find it abhorrent that someone would murder their child. I am willing to compromise to a point. I don't want to see a raped woman or girl forced to carry a child but I only want that terminated in very early stages before there's a heartbeat or felt pain. Same for the health of the mother. But terminating a child because of irresponsible behavior or because it's a burden and be willing to do so up to the point of birth is in my opinion murder.
The difference between you and me is you say you disagree with the practice, but you aren't willing to condemn someone for doing it. So if you're in charge the baby still gets aborted because you aren't willing to take a stand. That's essentially approving the practice. Saying you disagree isn't politicizing anything. If you believe it's wrong that's a moral stand and nothing more. But you aren't willing to take a stand.
Your view that God loves you no matter what, will save you no matter what, means essentially there's really no eternal punishment for anything. That's the point of Christianity, to make a better world by turning away from sin. But you refuse to accept that something is condemned by God. You just say that's the teachings of man, not Jesus. Moral relativism. If it feels good, do it. I've pointed this out before. Things aren't considered sin because God is mean and wants to control everything. Acts considered sinful in the Bible hurt you, hurt others, hurt society in general. We would have a much better world if everyone strove to the best of their ability to live the Christian life. We aren't perfect and will always sin. But striving not to means a lot less sin. A lot less murder, theft, abortion, greed, adultery, drug abuse, broken homes, broken lives. As long as we have a not my place to tell others we must live the Christian life, just love God, we'll never fulfill our responsibilities as Christians.