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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The Holy Spirit teaches. I question your understanding as you do mine,

I have to ask, have you received the Holy Spirit when you believed?”
As has been stated numerous times, the Holy Spirit teaches through the Word of God that you are ignorant of and reject anyway.

What do you mean, “ Did I receive the Holy Spirit?”” What is that reception and how does that happen?


Well-Known Member
By the way perusing your link I saw that they described how the money changers were taking advantage of the poor in the temple as racist. When you describe what one person of a race does to another of the same race as racist then your mind is infected with wokeness.
These groups are the same as the pharicees. They create their own religion of works that they can do(social justice is the big new thing), knowing that they are unwilling to submit themselves to God. They have a form of godliness but deny the power to save.
The pharicees could wash their hands, tithe mint, pray on the streets in front of crowds, disfigure themselves to appear to be fasting. But they couldn't submit their hearts to God


Binge Poster
That’s because you have no idea what the scriptures teach.
You said “scriptures teach”.
The Holy Spirit teaches. I question your understanding as you do mine,

I have to ask, have you received the Holy Spirit when you believed?”
I said the Holy Spirit teaches.
As has been stated numerous times, the Holy Spirit teaches through the Word of God that you are ignorant of and reject anyway.

What do you mean, “ Did I receive the Holy Spirit?”” What is that reception and how does that happen?
Now you say it is the Holy Spirit that teaches.

Your question about the Holy Spirit seems to resemble the disciples in Acts 19!’


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
These groups are the same as the pharicees. They create their own religion of works that they can do(social justice is the big new thing), knowing that they are unwilling to submit themselves to God. They have a form of godliness but deny the power to save.
The pharicees could wash their hands, tithe mint, pray on the streets in front of crowds, disfigure themselves to appear to be fasting. But they couldn't submit their hearts to God
" For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others." Matt. 23:23


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You said “scriptures teach”.

I said the Holy Spirit teaches.

Now you say it is the Holy Spirit that teaches.
Try this, Oh Obtuse One....
The Holy Spirit teaches through the scriptures which He wrote. When you read what is written, you are reading, learning , being taught by the Holy Spirit.
Your question about the Holy Spirit seems to resemble the disciples in Acts 19!’
I don't care what you think it looks like. You ought to be able to tell me since you claim it happened to you. Answer it....
What do you mean, “ Did I receive the Holy Spirit?”” What is that reception and how does that happen?


Binge Poster
You said:
So you think Jesus would support gay sex.
Okay, carry on.
I said:
I am of the mind that Jesus would bless same sex unions with His love as he blesses other sinners.
You said:
So you believe Jesus would bless gay anal sex.

I said:
I believe Jesus would bless a person engaged in the sin of gay anal sex with his love, just as he does with all sinners.
Please utilize the above quotes to show me how you view them as different. I will try to explain.
They are very obviously different.
You're being intentionally obtuse.
Please start acting with integrity.


Binge Poster
Try this, Oh Obtuse One....
The Holy Spirit teaches through the scriptures which He wrote. When you read what is written, you are reading, learning , being taught by the Holy Spirit.

I don't care what you think it looks like. You ought to be able to tell me since you claim it happened to you. Answer it....
I do not hold to the Bible dictation theory that you do,


Inordinately Right
You said:

I said:

You said:

I said:

Please utilize the above quotes to show me how you view them as different. I will try to explain.
No I'm not going to "utilize" irrelevant quotes. You are choosing to be very disingenuous.

You said you believe Jesus would bless a union of 2 gay people. Then you switched to talking about a blessing of 1 individual.

Those are different things.
Stop being intentionally obtuse .


Binge Poster
No I'm not going to "utilize" irrelevant quotes. You are choosing to be very disingenuous.

You said you believe Jesus would bless a union of 2 gay people. Then you switched to talking about a blessing of 1 individual.

Those are different things.
Stop being intentionally obtuse .
Sorry I can’t help you.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I know you can't defend your ridiculous statement that Jesus would bless a homosexual union, which is why you're deflecting.
It's in the thread if you go back far enough. I don't know why he's hesitant to tell you.
God literally told him that gay marriage and homosexuality is acceptable to Him now.
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