Could it be like DNA & a dimension that humans can't understand until they pass through the veil?
The father, son & holy spirit are 1 being yet 3 persons. Humans can understand ABC but can't comprehend external dimensions in the spirit world
You're on it.
Folks can see me in my son, and me in him. We are not literally "in" each other.
Deity is the same way. "If you seen me, you've seen the Father." - John 14:9 He's not talking literal.
All the persons of Deity are separate persons but are" in" each other.
The scriptures teach that God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit are not literally"in" anyone. The miraculous power of the Holy Spirit (the baptism ) not the HS himself, happened twice and only twice. Acts 2 and Acts 10. It was done for a specific purpose and was miraculous.
No where in the Scriptures is the Holy Spirit "literally " in anyone.
He is in the convert representatively. The more we grow in Christ, the more of the fruits of the Spirit we produce. The more scripture we know, the more we become like God. The more we "look" like Jesus is because the Holy Spirit has guided us into all truth by His written Word which is "in"us.