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Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I'm still trying to understand why you believe in miracles but won't answer my question of why those with that gift aren't curing everyone of their diseases or handicaps? There's no stipulation that I'm aware of that everything must be a certain way before a miracle can be performed.
You're confusing faith healers with miracles.



Well-Known Member
You're confusing faith healers with miracles.

And may very well have been miracles for all I know. But what we call miraculous in the Bible didn't require certain conditions in order to happen. They were just done. One didn't have to have faith to receive sight for example. Faith healers who perform today always say if the person wasn't healed then it was because they lacked faith. And a miracle doesn't have to be about healing an illness. Walking on water for example. Turning water into wine. My point being if one is going to equate themselves with Christ's chosen Apostles then they need to demonstrate more than just saying they talk directly to the Holy Spirit. Because the Apostles, and those they imparted gifts to, such as being able to speak to people in their ethnicity's native language, were able to do things that we can't. What's sad is @Integrity is likely to reject this because if he admits that the Apostles were more than just imperfect men he's equal to then he would have to admit their authority in spiritual matters and that he's wrong to reject their teachings he disagrees with.


Well-Known Member
Jesus sees a person's heart. You two are attacking this person's mind. Be careful.

Matthew 5:22
I've no doubt he's sincere. But God doesn't dismiss sin because of good intentions. He's argued in the past that who's to say what is indecent when it comes to removing graphic sexual material from school libraries. That homosexuality is fine. He openly rejects Scripture that doesn't jibe with what he wants to believe is right. He's not submitting to God's will but is bending Scripture to his own will.


Got the T-Shirt


Binge Poster
Again? This statement is such blow.
Why are you accusing me of malice and condemnation? Which comment hurt your feelings?
I fully believed, knew in my heart, that God’s Spirit had actually entered me when the person I once was no more, I was a new creation.

Externally, yes things looked the same and physical reality seemed the same but internally I was forever changed.

Deep down to the core of my being in my heart, my soul, and my mind; I finally experienced complete, unconditional, infinite love for all of creation without hint of malice or condemnation in my own person towards anything in all of creation. I truly experienced in my person the actual love of God and neighbor.

It was amazing to me that with this change came power. The power to live as I was never able to prior to that. Previous to this I was full of hatred, malice, and condemnation. The only explanation for this change and the resultant power to finally and truly live that can satisfy me is that this is God’s grace in coming to personally, intimately, spiritually, and actually indwell in my physical being to guide, lead, and care for my heart, my soul, and my mind in a way that was and is truly miraculous.

Have you ever experienced complete, unconditional, infinite love for all of creation without hint of malice or condemnation in your own person towards anything in all of creation?


Well-Known Member
I fully believed, knew in my heart, that God’s Spirit had actually entered me when the person I once was no more, I was a new creation.

Externally, yes things looked the same and physical reality seemed the same but internally I was forever changed.

Deep down to the core of my being in my heart, my soul, and my mind; I finally experienced complete, unconditional, infinite love for all of creation without hint of malice or condemnation in my own person towards anything in all of creation. I truly experienced in my person the actual love of God and neighbor.

It was amazing to me that with this change came power. The power to live as I was never able to prior to that. Previous to this I was full of hatred, malice, and condemnation. The only explanation for this change and the resultant power to finally and truly live that can satisfy me is that this is God’s grace in coming to personally, intimately, spiritually, and actually indwell in my physical being to guide, lead, and care for my heart, my soul, and my mind in a way that was and is truly miraculous.

Have you ever experienced complete, unconditional, infinite love for all of creation without hint of malice or condemnation in your own person towards anything in all of creation?
I hate onions and pickles


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Jesus sees a person's heart. You two are attacking this person's mind. Be careful.

Matthew 5:22
People react two ways when shown what the hold dear as the truth is shown to be false by the scripture. Jesus asked the question, "Is it from heaven or men?"-Luke 20:4
When shown by the scripture that what you believe is not authorized from God ( not from heaven) but authorized from men (without God's authority) some repent and turn to God and what he wants. Others stiff their necks, as the Pharisees did, and view it as an attack.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I fully believed, knew in my heart, that God’s Spirit had actually entered me when the person I once was no more, I was a new creation.

Externally, yes things looked the same and physical reality seemed the same but internally I was forever changed.

Deep down to the core of my being in my heart, my soul, and my mind; I finally experienced complete, unconditional, infinite love for all of creation without hint of malice or condemnation in my own person towards anything in all of creation. I truly experienced in my person the actual love of God and neighbor.

It was amazing to me that with this change came power. The power to live as I was never able to prior to that. Previous to this I was full of hatred, malice, and condemnation. The only explanation for this change and the resultant power to finally and truly live that can satisfy me is that this is God’s grace in coming to personally, intimately, spiritually, and actually indwell in my physical being to guide, lead, and care for my heart, my soul, and my mind in a way that was and is truly miraculous.
How sweet.
Have you ever experienced complete, unconditional, infinite love for all of creation without hint of malice or condemnation in your own person towards anything in all of creation?
I've never experienced anything even close to this.
I'm thankful to God I never experienced this miraculous event. Lol!


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
There are things in the world we can't explain and may never know.
Knowing what the scripture teaches, I know there are things we cannot explain and may never know. But, what we cannot explain and may never know is not miraculous.
I know this. There is a natural explanation, that is what you may never know. If you did , you could explain the mysterious, unexplainable, things we may never know.
I also know this, the age and purpose of miracles ceased 2000 years ago.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
People react two ways when shown what the hold dear as the truth is shown to be false by the scripture. Jesus asked the question, "Is it from heaven or men?"-Luke 20:4
When shown by the scripture that what you believe is not authorized from God ( not from heaven) but authorized from men (without God's authority) some repent and turn to God and what he wants. Others stiff their necks, as the Pharisees did, and view it as an attack.
Peter said to them, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you, for your children, and for all who are far away, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to him. Acts 2:38-39


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Peter said to them, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you, for your children, and for all who are far away, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to him. Acts 2:38-39
Is the gift the Holy Spirit? Or, is the gift a gift given by the Holy Spirit.
In verse 37 they asked for salvation,"What must we do to be saved?" Not, "What must we do to "get" the Holy Spirit." They wanted forgiveness for killing Jesus. Not the ability to speak a foreign language as they had just witnessed the Apostles doing.(hearing the gospel message in their own language)
I encourage you to read all of Acts 2. The context demands the gift of the Holy Spirit is the forgiveness of sins/salvation."This is that" that was prophesied by Joel.


Binge Poster
How sweet.

I've never experienced anything even close to this.
I'm thankful to God I never experienced this miraculous event. Lol!
I didn’t think so.

It would have to come from on high, not from a book.

You seem to truly believe, or know as you say, that God, the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit’s authority is bound and limited to and by the Bible. I respect that for you but I reject that for me.

I cannot in my belief bind the unbindable God, limit the Infinite God of the Universe nor can I accept any thought, belief, or religious tradition that does or attempts I do this as being God’s ideal for relating personally with Him. It seems the Bible even supports my view but I am sure you will disagree.

I know you believe the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are subordinate to the Bible and they are only as real as the Bible says they are. I do not believe that God will be personally, intimately, and fully known by limiting Him in this way.This just might explain your lack of having personal experience with God similar to mine.

From my observation and experience it seems apparent that God will not take up real, personal, indwelling residence in believers who do not see the need for the transfoming power, have the desire for the transformative power, and take God at His Word, that He truly will live in the heart, soul and mind of those who believe. Again if they need, desire and believe He will.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
From my observation and experience
As has been proven by scripture, your experience contradicts plain Bible teaching. You reject scripture.
Your blow does nothing to build one up in the kingdom. It does nothing to help one see the truth. It does nothing for one seeking to please God and do what he has instructed. It's vile.
You're a liar and the truth is not in you.
Faith comes by hearing the word of God- Rom. 10:17
Not from the lips of the lost.
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Psalm 139:16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them

Acts 13:48 And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord. And as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed.

John 17:9 "I pray for them. I do not pray for the world but for those whom You have given Me, for they are Yours.

Romans 9:15 For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion.” 16 So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy. 21 Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?

Virtually everyone In the Bible was sovereignly chosen by God. Plucked out from humanity to do his will. Noah, Abraham, Moses, Isaiah, David, Mary, the 12, Paul. Even Jonah who tried to go against his will was subdued.
Predestination is the root of Calvinism. Gotta roll.
Will try to address each verse later.:rolleyes:


Binge Poster
As has been proven by scripture, your experience contradicts plain Bible teaching. You reject scripture.
Your blow does nothing to build one up in the kingdom. It does nothing to help one see the truth. It does nothing for one seeking to please God and do what he has instructed. It's vile.
You're a liar and the truth is not in you.
Faith comes by hearing the word of God- Rom. 10:17
Not from the lips of the lost.
Although the Bible is not authoritative it can be very used for teaching.

The verse you referenced is speaking of the Word made Flesh, Christ, not the Bible.
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