I know this won't be popular, but I'm leaning towards a superior civilization visited Earth and set things in motion. There are too many interactive systems in a human body to believe imo that it isn't intelligent design. I think that the Bible has clues about this such as "chariots of fire" and talking about the sons of God mating with the daughters of men and producing the Nephilim. I see the story of Noah and the flood and it's very similar to the Epic of Gilgamesh, a Sumerian mythological hero. Abraham happened to live in the Sumerian city of Ur. There's strong evidence that the Mediterranean broke through a narrow land bridge near what is now Istanbul and flooded a huge area, leaving what is now the Black Sea. Everyone wants everything to make sense to them, presented in a nice package they can wrap their minds around. I think we've only scratched the surface of our past. I also believe that Jesus Christ is the best thing that ever happened to mankind but as
@Fred's Myth pointed out, there's much we don't know today because the early Catholic Church gathered together all the available writings and decided which would be allowed into what we call the Bible. I do know this though, every civilization where they started allowing open sexual behavior, especially homosexuality, they fell into an abyss of immoral decadence and decay. How the defenders of such behavior can push this as ok when we see what goes on at gay pride parades, at shows aimed at children, the placing of literature depicting graphic sex acts in school libraries, is beyond me. This is a free country but there used to be standards to abide by. Keep your sexual activity behind closed doors. Insisting that they be allowed to act out in public is a sure sign that our society is collapsing. Not talking about being prudish. Talking about our focus as a culture should be on aspiring to a better society as free of crime and decadence as possible. Where people feel safe to pursue their dreams. Anyone suggesting that God is ok with the moral rot around us, that God told them directly, is a false prophet. Yeah, I don't know what the true nature of God is. Primitive man may have seen a superior civilization visiting us as gods. But I do know the writings of the New Testament described a man sent to us from God to show us a better way. That man, God in the flesh, never promoted a society of lascivious behavior. OK, rip into me if you will, but I hope I gave someone something to think about.