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Well-Known Member
most democrat and republican politicans are not honest. ill give you that.

lots of people on here are not honest.
Again, anyone who doesn't agree with your point of view isn't honest. Because you're right so they must be wrong and are lying about it. You never, ever admit you're wrong no matter how much proof is presented to you. It's your way or the highway.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Again, anyone who doesn't agree with your point of view isn't honest. Because you're right so they must be wrong and are lying about it. You never, ever admit you're wrong no matter how much proof is presented to you. It's your way or the highway.
That’s mental illness


Well-Known Member

Just maybe your verse isn't teaching what you claim.

Here Calvin :"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all, and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand."
The key word in this passage is "pluck," and it means, "to seize" or "snatch" (Vine). No one can seize or snatch a disciple from the Lord any more than they can force him into becoming a disciple. Obedience and disobedience are voluntary actions (Rom. 6:16).
The grace of the Lord provides adequate protection to all who seek it, and no outside power can destroy this security. However, a person can voluntarily disobey just as he can voluntarily obey. This is why we are warned: "Take heed brethren, lest haply there shall be in any one of you an evil heart of unbelief, in falling away from the living God" (Heb. 3:t2).
This passage was addressed to "brethren" who could have fallen away, but Calvinist claim they cannot fall away. What a great difference there is between calvinist doctrine and the doctrine of Christ! You can take that up with God if you'd like.:rolleyes:

Maybe you better.

Sure you can. The Bible teaches plainly how you can know we are his children are. Romans 8:16

Sounds like you have something here to out work ,also. I need people to lose their salvation?

So the Bible teaches that individuals have no control or choice in their Salvation? Gotta verse Calvin?

Deity has done all their work. My salvation is conditional on me responding to what they have done. I do have it. I have faith God will do what he promised.

Humbling oneself is submitting to his will in simple obedience so to be found in Christ, where all spiritual blessings are, which includes the forgiveness of sins. Ephesians 1
Peter is expounding on the wolves in sheep's clothing. Matt 7:15-16

It's like the wheat & the tares (Matt 13:24-30). There are tares in the church & they never become wheat. And the wheat never become tares

It's like the parable of the soils (Matt 13:18-23). Short term mental ascent doesn't equal a heart changed by God.

Your beef isn't with John Calvin, it's with God's sovereignty.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I know this won't be popular, but I'm leaning towards a superior civilization visited Earth and set things in motion. There are too many interactive systems in a human body to believe imo that it isn't intelligent design. I think that the Bible has clues about this such as "chariots of fire" and talking about the sons of God mating with the daughters of men and producing the Nephilim. I see the story of Noah and the flood and it's very similar to the Epic of Gilgamesh, a Sumerian mythological hero. Abraham happened to live in the Sumerian city of Ur. There's strong evidence that the Mediterranean broke through a narrow land bridge near what is now Istanbul and flooded a huge area, leaving what is now the Black Sea. Everyone wants everything to make sense to them, presented in a nice package they can wrap their minds around. I think we've only scratched the surface of our past. I also believe that Jesus Christ is the best thing that ever happened to mankind but as @Fred's Myth pointed out, there's much we don't know today because the early Catholic Church gathered together all the available writings and decided which would be allowed into what we call the Bible. I do know this though, every civilization where they started allowing open sexual behavior, especially homosexuality, they fell into an abyss of immoral decadence and decay. How the defenders of such behavior can push this as ok when we see what goes on at gay pride parades, at shows aimed at children, the placing of literature depicting graphic sex acts in school libraries, is beyond me. This is a free country but there used to be standards to abide by. Keep your sexual activity behind closed doors. Insisting that they be allowed to act out in public is a sure sign that our society is collapsing. Not talking about being prudish. Talking about our focus as a culture should be on aspiring to a better society as free of crime and decadence as possible. Where people feel safe to pursue their dreams. Anyone suggesting that God is ok with the moral rot around us, that God told them directly, is a false prophet. Yeah, I don't know what the true nature of God is. Primitive man may have seen a superior civilization visiting us as gods. But I do know the writings of the New Testament described a man sent to us from God to show us a better way. That man, God in the flesh, never promoted a society of lascivious behavior. OK, rip into me if you will, but I hope I gave someone something to think about.
Your superior race would still need an origin/originator. Even simple matter needs a source.


Well-Known Member
No one can seize or snatch a disciple from the Lord any more than they can force him into becoming a disciple. Obedience and disobedience are voluntary actions (Rom. 6:16).
John 15:16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.
Looks like he forced them.


Well-Known Member
Again, anyone who doesn't agree with your point of view isn't honest. Because you're right so they must be wrong and are lying about it. You never, ever admit you're wrong no matter how much proof is presented to you. It's your way or the highway.
see you are lying just speaking to me and were on the religion thread talking about how people have no common sense with religion.

they can be wrong doesnt mean theyre lying.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Two dimensional?lol
Pages of a book? Sounds almost as heretical as integrity. The pages in that "a book" are the only ones I know of that reveal the mind of God by His Holy Spirit. I don't know. I'd be careful there.

Can you give me a passage in the "a book" where "unleashing" the Holy Spirit is done? Command, example, or inference? I'd be glad to "unleash" if you could show where the snap on his collar is.
I have nothing to fear if it's from God. I fear made up emotionalism though, that goes beyond what's written.

"Whole lotta shakin'goin' on"!!! Can you give me the text where the Holy Spirit causes one to "lose control"

I hope so.
I'm controlled by the Holy Spirit through his instruction.

My relationship with God is a joy that's inexpressible and beyond measure because God is in control.

After seeing your post, I'm anything but the status quo.
I don't think comfortable is the word. Confident is more like. I'm confident in what I believe is the truth. I'm also confident in what you believe is not found in the scripture.
You sound like A doubting Thomas - a skeptic who refuses to believe without direct personal experience


Well-Known Member
John 15:16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.
Looks like he forced them.
But Jesus was speaking to his chosen disciples, not to the Church in general which hadn't been established yet. Go back to the previous two chapters to see Chapter 15 was a continuation of that. We must be careful not to take things out of context. Jesus chose those disciples. Wasn't saying that Christians were pre chosen.


Well-Known Member
see you are lying just speaking to me and were on the religion thread talking about how people have no common sense with religion.

they can be wrong doesnt mean theyre lying.
No, I'm going on the experience of reading thousands of your posts over the years. To point out the obvious isn't being dishonest.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
see you are lying just speaking to me and were on the religion thread talking about how people have no common sense with religion.

they can be wrong doesnt mean theyre lying.
Get lost. You have no credibility, and no one cares what you think.


Well-Known Member
No, I'm going on the experience of reading thousands of your posts over the years. To point out the obvious isn't being dishonest.
you can be wrong and lie. and you can be wrong and be honest. im not talking about you, in your case you are quite often lying which is satanic.
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