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Well-Known Member
why doesnt trump like unions LOL?

i thought you said he was good for the economy. that would be a logical thing to do increase union rate would it not?

if i do it all the time you can quote me
Increasing union rate means higher wages that are then passed on to the consumer. I'm all for a union to protect workers from predatory companies but the union also has to be realistic too.


Binge Poster

Just maybe your verse isn't teaching what you claim.

Here Calvin :"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all, and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand."
The key word in this passage is "pluck," and it means, "to seize" or "snatch" (Vine). No one can seize or snatch a disciple from the Lord any more than they can force him into becoming a disciple. Obedience and disobedience are voluntary actions (Rom. 6:16).
The grace of the Lord provides adequate protection to all who seek it, and no outside power can destroy this security. However, a person can voluntarily disobey just as he can voluntarily obey. This is why we are warned: "Take heed brethren, lest haply there shall be in any one of you an evil heart of unbelief, in falling away from the living God" (Heb. 3:t2).
This passage was addressed to "brethren" who could have fallen away, but Calvinist claim they cannot fall away. What a great difference there is between calvinist doctrine and the doctrine of Christ! You can take that up with God if you'd like.:rolleyes:

Maybe you better.

Sure you can. The Bible teaches plainly how you can know we are his children are. Romans 8:16

Sounds like you have something here to out work ,also. I need people to lose their salvation?

So the Bible teaches that individuals have no control or choice in their Salvation? Gotta verse Calvin?

Deity has done all their work. My salvation is conditional on me responding to what they have done. I do have it. I have faith God will do what he promised.

Humbling oneself is submitting to his will in simple obedience so to be found in Christ, where all spiritual blessings are, which includes the forgiveness of sins. Ephesians 1

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Binge Poster

Does your heart, and soul tell you that you are evil or good?

Mine tells me I am good.

Does your mind tell you the same?

Mine tells me I am good.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I think your trying really hard to find sheep that no longer listen to the shepherds voice. Because it would validate your entire system. They are no different than judas
It's not my "system".
I believe the word of God teaches that a Christian can become unfaithful by falling back into the world and lose their soul. You don't.
Sheep can be eaten by wolves. Sheep can reject the voice of the shepherd and stray from the flock.

I think you're trying hard to hold to a false calvinistic doctrine. You're trying to make passage say something that is in direct conflict of other text. There are no contradictions in scripture.
I think you're avoiding to respond to the blunt force of these passage..accepting them would deny Calvin, Calvin.

But, Peter affirms they were "sheep" They weren't a Judas.
They "had escaped" (it was the real deal) and "turned back".
He wasn't talking to goats. He was talking to the church at Smyrna.
Can a child of God lie? Yes, the Bible warns him not to lie (Col. 3:9)
All liars will have their place in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone (Rev. 21:8).
Can a child of God get drunk? Yes, he is told not to get drunk (Eph. 5:18). 3. But no drunkard can enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Can a child of God commit fornication? Yes. Christians are told to flee from it.(1 Cor. 6:18) Fornicators cannot inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor.6:9)
It appears that real Christians can and did commit real sins that they needed to repent of and to ask God to forgive them (conditional) so they may continue to "walk in the light." (where God's grace and mercy is)
If the above are not "sheep"... then
Do Christians sin?


Well-Known Member
It's not my "system".
I believe the word of God teaches that a Christian can become unfaithful by falling back into the world and lose their soul. You don't.
Sheep can be eaten by wolves. Sheep can reject the voice of the shepherd and stray from the flock.

I think you're trying hard to hold to a false calvinistic doctrine. You're trying to make passage say something that is in direct conflict of other text. There are no contradictions in scripture.
I think you're avoiding to respond to the blunt force of these passage..accepting them would deny Calvin, Calvin.

If the above are not "sheep"... then
Do Christians sin?
I have a full-time job delivering pkgs all day. Your setting at home. It's hard to keep up with you.
There are people chosen in him before the foundation of the world (eph). There are those who come to him "who he will not cast out"(free will). whether it be election or free will, everyone is tested & refined by God. He knows those who will pass the test & calls them his sheep. He knows those who will not pass the test & they are called goats. There are goats/wolves who might appear as sheep for a time but he knows they are not.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
It's not my "system".
I believe the word of God teaches that a Christian can become unfaithful by falling back into the world and lose their soul. You don't.
Sheep can be eaten by wolves. Sheep can reject the voice of the shepherd and stray from the flock.

I think you're trying hard to hold to a false calvinistic doctrine. You're trying to make passage say something that is in direct conflict of other text. There are no contradictions in scripture.
I think you're avoiding to respond to the blunt force of these passage..accepting them would deny Calvin, Calvin.
@FromOffTheStreets ..Lunchtime response to the above?

If the above are not sheep..Do Christians sin?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Your god would need an origin/originator.
My God is where origin/existence begins for everything else.
We are receivers of existence. God does not receive existence, He IS existence.
Because He is the source of His own existence, He is also the source of everything in existence. He not only gives existence, He continues to consciously hold everything in existence, every hour, every minute, every second.
That is why we depend on God for OUR existence, because it is conferred on us, we own nothing of our own. He even gives this gift to those who deny Him, and calls them back to Him, sacrificing Himself so that might be accomplished.

And you belittle the very source of your being.

May God have mercy on your soul.


Well-Known Member
Increasing union rate means higher wages that are then passed on to the consumer. I'm all for a union to protect workers from predatory companies but the union also has to be realistic too.
higher wages are not necessarily passed on

dont you believe in a rising standard of living? cmon man
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