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Well-Known Member
I think you're avoiding to respond to the blunt force of these passage..accepting them would deny Calvin, Calvin.
This is why I'm not a calvinist
Luke 13:34 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, but you were not willing!

Joshua 24:15 And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of [a]the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Trying to make false prophets real Christians isn't the right path for you.

However these verses don't release you from the fact that God chooses some people. I've listed multiple scriptures detailing this that you have tried to twist for your own gain.

Accept the fact that God is sovereign and can do as he pleases. If he chooses some to do certain works for him, rejoice! If some come under their own will, rejoice! Because both avenues are found in scripture.

The only reason I went down this path with you is because far left free will Armenians can become puffed up with pride and neglect the power of God (everything is done by me & my works). On the other side, far right deterministic calvinist can become lazy & loose with sanctification (everything is done by God & I don't need to act). The truth is in the middle. It's God's power in you to overcome.


Well-Known Member
higher wages are not necessarily passed on

dont you believe in a rising standard of living? cmon man
Since when? Companies don't exist to give you a paycheck. They must maintain and increase profitability. If you want better pay then you have to move up into positions that pay better. Of course if inflation hits and everything goes up then they'll have to increase prices to pay for what they need including keeping employees. Otherwise it depends on each company how they handle pay raises.


Well-Known Member
Since when? Companies don't exist to give you a paycheck. They must maintain and increase profitability. If you want better pay then you have to move up into positions that pay better. Of course if inflation hits and everything goes up then they'll have to increase prices to pay for what they need including keeping employees. Otherwise it depends on each company how they handle pay raises.
since always. companies often take a loss.

if companies have increased costs they do NOT have to increase prices.

companies can wait for it.....CHOOSE to set prices as they wish.


Binge Poster
You'll have to be more specific.
I fully believed, knew in my heart, that God’s Spirit had actually entered me when the person I once was no more, I was a new creation.

Externally, yes things looked the same and physical reality seemed the same but internally I was forever changed.

Deep down to the core of my being in my heart, my soul, and my mind; I finally experienced complete, unconditional, infinite love for all of creation without hint of malice or condemnation in my own person towards anything in all of creation. I truly experienced in my person the actual love of God and neighbor.

It was amazing to me that with this change came power. The power to live as I was never able to prior to that. Previous to this I was full of hatred, malice, and condemnation. The only explanation for this change and the resultant power to finally and truly live that can satisfy me is that this is God’s grace in coming to personally, intimately, spiritually, and actually indwell in my physical being to guide, lead, and care for my heart, my soul, and my mind in a way that was and is truly miraculous.

Have you ever experienced complete, unconditional, infinite love for all of creation without hint of malice or condemnation in your own person towards anything in all of creation?


Well-Known Member
since always. companies often take a loss.

if companies have increased costs they do NOT have to increase prices.

companies can wait for it.....CHOOSE to set prices as they wish.
Obviously you never took an economics course. Guess what happens to companies who take repeated losses? They go out of business. They do not exist just to give you a paycheck.


Well-Known Member
Obviously you never took an economics course. Guess what happens to companies who take repeated losses? They go out of business. They do not exist just to give you a paycheck.
a loss does not automatically mean out of business

you know why you dont believe in rising standards of living. because its be written out of your vocabulary by the con artists you listen to. america had a rising standard of living for 150 years until 1973. its all over now.

even during hte great depression prices fell faster than wages.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever experienced anything similar to what I described?
The problem with your statement, which I'm answering here because it wouldn't let me reply to that post for some reason, is if I disagree with you about whether something is sin or not you'll believe in your heart that you're right and I'm full malice and condemnation for seeing it the way I do. That's why I base my beliefs on the written word given to us by God. Which you reject if they conflict with what you want to believe. You'll have to take up your disagreements with God.

The Apostle Paul listed a number of sins and said "and such were some of you." They left those sins behind when they became Christians. I was 12 when I got baptized. Later on I came to believe I didn't fully understand at 12 what I was doing so at 18 I was rebaptized with just a few family members present. I believe I came up out of that water cleansed of my past sins and for me it was a joyful moment. I believe everyone who believes Jesus is the Son of God, repents of his past sins, and is buried with Christ in baptism experiences that same joy. That they know going forward if they stay faithful to God they will spend eternity in heaven.

What I don't believe is that it's all about what I want. That I can continue to live in sin and be pleasing to God. I also believe that not everyone is called to be a minister of Christ in the fulltime sense of preaching for a living. Not everyone is able to be an elder. For every chief there has to be a lot of Indians. Standing nobly on a hill in tights, wind in your hair, making pronouncements doesn't put food on the table. Being a Christian means to treat others well, like you would want to be treated, as you go about your business to make a living or raise your family.

I've no doubt after reading your posts you believe you talk to God. It does seem to me you want to be pleasing to God but only if he accepts what you want. Just remember that Abel was pleasing to God because he did as God commanded. Cain didn't do what he was commanded. God wasn't pleased with his sacrifice and that made Cain so angry he slew his brother. Just something to consider.


Well-Known Member
a loss does not automatically mean out of business

you know why you dont believe in rising standards of living. because its be written out of your vocabulary by the con artists you listen to. america had a rising standard of living for 150 years until 1973. its all over now.

even during hte great depression prices fell faster than wages.
The Great Depression was a deflationary event. Of course prices fell. That also gave us the highest unemployment in our history.

Your standard of living increases when you get an education and are able to help a company make money. Even a frontline employee for FedEx sees his standard of living increase when he leaves a fast food job and becomes a FedEx employee. As long as he does the job he's financially better off than before. But you want that employee to make $100k with great benefits without making any more effort than before. And if the company has to lose money to make that possible for hundreds of thousands of employees you think that's possible to do. What you have is incredibly unrealistic expectations. You think that if a man runs a small business with two employees that the employees should make as much as the owner does. Share and share alike. The owner risks his savings to start a business, works long hours to make it grow, does everything necessary to keep it going such as bookkeeping. You think that not only should he pay you close to what he makes but that you should only have to work part time hours and get a couple of months of paid vacation to boot. Would be absolute paradise if that was possible but in the real world it isn't. You waste your time raging against things that are the way they are because that's what's necessary to make things work.


Well-Known Member
The Great Depression was a deflationary event. Of course prices fell. That also gave us the highest unemployment in our history.

Your standard of living increases when you get an education and are able to help a company make money. Even a frontline employee for FedEx sees his standard of living increase when he leaves a fast food job and becomes a FedEx employee. As long as he does the job he's financially better off than before. But you want that employee to make $100k with great benefits without making any more effort than before. And if the company has to lose money to make that possible for hundreds of thousands of employees you think that's possible to do. What you have is incredibly unrealistic expectations. You think that if a man runs a small business with two employees that the employees should make as much as the owner does. Share and share alike. The owner risks his savings to start a business, works long hours to make it grow, does everything necessary to keep it going such as bookkeeping. You think that not only should he pay you close to what he makes but that you should only have to work part time hours and get a couple of months of paid vacation to boot. Would be absolute paradise if that was possible but in the real world it isn't. You waste your time raging against things that are the way they are because that's what's necessary to make things work.
no standard of living increased for i suppose a majority of american workers - thats called the real wage. i dont think it was based on getting a better job, it was based on how fast your income is increasing vs the cost of goods

it was improving for 150 years. this generation in america is first gen to have a lower standard of living than previous gen.


Well-Known Member
no standard of living increased for i suppose a majority of american workers - thats called the real wage. i dont think it was based on getting a better job, it was based on how fast your income is increasing vs the cost of goods

it was improving for 150 years. this generation in america is first gen to have a lower standard of living than previous gen.
25% unemployment is in your estimation increasing the standard of living?


Well-Known Member
the cost of goods fell faster than the cost of wages so even during high unemployment at least those who were employed enjoyed a higher standard of living
So your hope is that everything crashes, millions get thrown out of work, but you hang onto your job and are sitting pretty? Good plan.

It's very possible that we are near a major deflationary event. Those of us with fixed incomes watching our purchasing power erode over the last couple of years will get some relief but it's going to be very tough times for a lot of people.


Binge Poster
The problem with your statement, which I'm answering here because it wouldn't let me reply to that post for some reason, is if I disagree with you about whether something is sin or not you'll believe in your heart that you're right and I'm full malice and condemnation for seeing it the way I do. That's why I base my beliefs on the written word given to us by God. Which you reject if they conflict with what you want to believe. You'll have to take up your disagreements with God.

The Apostle Paul listed a number of sins and said "and such were some of you." They left those sins behind when they became Christians. I was 12 when I got baptized. Later on I came to believe I didn't fully understand at 12 what I was doing so at 18 I was rebaptized with just a few family members present. I believe I came up out of that water cleansed of my past sins and for me it was a joyful moment. I believe everyone who believes Jesus is the Son of God, repents of his past sins, and is buried with Christ in baptism experiences that same joy. That they know going forward if they stay faithful to God they will spend eternity in heaven.

What I don't believe is that it's all about what I want. That I can continue to live in sin and be pleasing to God. I also believe that not everyone is called to be a minister of Christ in the fulltime sense of preaching for a living. Not everyone is able to be an elder. For every chief there has to be a lot of Indians. Standing nobly on a hill in tights, wind in your hair, making pronouncements doesn't put food on the table. Being a Christian means to treat others well, like you would want to be treated, as you go about your business to make a living or raise your family.

I've no doubt after reading your posts you believe you talk to God. It does seem to me you want to be pleasing to God but only if he accepts what you want. Just remember that Abel was pleasing to God because he did as God commanded. Cain didn't do what he was commanded. God wasn't pleased with his sacrifice and that made Cain so angry he slew his brother. Just something to consider.
Thanks for you openness and honesty. I appreciate it.

I’ll take that as a no, you have never experienced anything similar to as I described.


Binge Poster

I thought this an interesting theory, or point of view by the author.
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